School girls caught by lesbian gym teacher

Schools, courts and other civil departments remain in limbo as the COVID-19 pandemic keeps everyone in the country six feet apart. When these gears of government get grinding once again, an interesting lawsuit in Knox County, Tenn., will be waiting.

A married lesbian couple is suing the county and physical education teacher Chuck Comer for allegedly using a school-sanctioned sports team to spread and promote anti-LGBTQ beliefs via religious teachings.

The suit, filed last month, alleges that the unnamed women’s son was forced to attend mandatory “Teens For Christ” meetings led by Comer, in order to participate in West Valley Middle School’s basketball program, which Comer also leads.

“Teens For Christ” is a non-profit organization that defines its mission as “turning teenagers into fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.” Unlike the Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ statement of faith, “Teens For Christ” doesn’t explicitly discriminate against gays or same-sex marriage in its “Core Values,” but it also says the Bible is to be believed to be “infallible” and “authoritative,” there’s not much chance they’re going to welcome the lesbian plaintiffs.

According to the complaint, Comer espounged anti-LGBTQ beliefs at the twice weekly 30-minute meetings, including labeling homosexuality a sin. The couple further claims that the county and West Valley Middle School principal David Claxton were aware of Comer’s actions for years based on information from West Valley Middle School assistant principal Matt Patillo.

“West Valley Middle School Principal David Claxton and Knox County have been aware of and have acquiesced to Comer, leading the school-sponsored basketball program at West Valley Middle School for not less than eight years, while using the same as pretext to recruit students to join ‘Teens for Christ’ program.”

The couple is seeking compensatory and punitive damages.

Speaking to WBIR, Knox County Schools spokesperson Carly Harrington stated “students are not required to attend Bible study as a prerequisite to playing basketball at West Valley Middle School or any other Knox County school.”

We’ve reached out to Comer and “Teens for Christ” for comment, and given the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, we do not expect any new developments any time soon. But when they occur, we’ll update you.

You can read the full lawsuit filed by the couple here.

School girls caught by lesbian gym teacher

Photo: Google Maps

So it seems that high school softball coach, Kendall Lucas was doing a tad more than teaching a bunch of girls how to hit a ball, that’s for sure.

Lucas, a 25-year-old softball coach at Taylor High School in Austin has been busted having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old student — a relationship that took place over two months. Police launched an investigation after the student of course told two friends, and those two friends turned right around and told the school officials, who then contacted police. And Lucas had no choice but to turn herself in and confess.

Between the two months of the relationship, Lucas and the student had ten sexual encounters, and police are not sure if Lucas had sexual encounters with any other student at the school.

School girls caught by lesbian gym teacher

“Like you, we are all obviously shocked and dismayed by this allegation and will be working to support all of our students in coping with this distributing news,” school principal Andrew Maddox said in a letter sent to parents. Maddox also said he was “shocked and dismayed” at the “disturbing” claims.

The school revealed that Lucas has been placed on administrative leave while this claim is investigated.

And as for Lucas? Well, Lucas has been charged with an improper relationship between an educator and a student and is facing up to 20 years behind bars. But in reality, she will get probation and will be working again in another state. Most likely in Florida.

h/t COED

And here’s another: California Teacher Arrested For Having ‘Inappropriate Relationship’ With Female Student