Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed


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  • Title

    The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed

  • Description

    The following error message is displayed when logging in to the ControlPoint application:

    System.SystemException: The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed.

  • Cause

    Issue occurs when logging in to the ControlPoint application using a non-farm administrator account.

  • Resolution

    1. Launch the ControlPoint application, then navigate to Manage > ControlPoint Configuration Settings.

      Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed

    2. On the ControlPoint Configuration Setting Manager, select the Special-Purpose category and click Create.
    3. On the pop-up window, select Bypass Windows Identity API Call, then click Insert.

      Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed

    4. Back on the ControlPoint Configuration Setting Manager, check the box for Show Only Hidden Settings.
    5. Select Bypass Windows Identity API Call, then click Edit.
    6. Set the value to true, then click Update.

      Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed

    7. Recycle the ControlPoint application pool.

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Product(s): Metalogix ControlPoint
7.6, 7.5 Topic(s):Best PracticesArticle History:Created on: 3/8/2018
Last Update on: 12/11/2018Author:Metalogix Legacy



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Symptoms or Error

Users cannot log on to a system using Active Directory credentials and the following error message appears:
"The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed.”


Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed

 This issue is seen when the session logon is attempted through Remote Desktop Protocol, ICA, or directly at the console. Only logons using local accounts are successful. The underlying problem when this error is seen is that the machine you are trying to access can no longer communicate securely with the Active Directory domain to which it is joined.



First, determine which component is having the issue. Then use the repair method that works best for your environment.

  Provisioning Services Server, XenDesktop or XenApp Delivery Controller or XD/XA VDA:

Option 1) Reset the Computer Account Password in AD Users and Computers


Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed

Option 2: Reset via PowerShell

Option 3: Change the domain value in the System properties of the machine from the FQDN to the NETBIOS name (or vice-versa).(NOTE: Not applicable to delivery controller as per )

i) Login as a local administrator.
ii) Open the Windows System properties
iii) Change: “” to just “domain”

Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed
Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed


Option 4) CMD line using NETDOM tool:

1. Logon to the machine with a local administrator account.

2. Obtain the tool netdom.exe from Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2 CD to enable the Active Directory Domain Services role.

3. Note: For Windows Vista and Windows 7, utilize the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) to enable the Active Directory Domain Services role.

4. Run netdom.exe to change the password.

5. Open command prompt with administrator rights.

6. Execute the command: netdom.exe resetpwd /s:<server> /ud:<user> /pd:*

7. Restart the machine
Provisioning Services Target Device

Make sure that you have configured the PVS environment properly.
Reference the following article:

Once that is confirmed. Shut the target device down and reset the machine account password for the affected target device in the PVS console.

Set gppermission The trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed

Problem Cause

This can happen for a number of reasons. This article address the situations where the machine account password needs to be reset. These are the non-destructive methods for fixing the most common causes for the trust relationship issue.

  For example:

  • Machine was disjoined and rejoined to the domain in PVS/MCS environment which discard all changes on reboot.
  • Machine was restored to a system restore point or to a snapshot that is old enough to have a different machine account password than the one currently in use by AD.
  • More than one machine on a network with the same hostname.
  • AD Machine account object corruption.
  • AD policy that would disable a computer after x number of days of not authenticating.
  • Computer object in AD is deleted. 

Additional Resources


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How do you fix the trust relationship between the primary domain and the trusted domain failed?

To resolve this issue, remove the computer from the domain, and then connect the computer to the domain..
Use a local administrator account to log on to the computer..
Select Start, press and hold (or right-click) Computer > Properties..
Select Change settings next to the computer name..

How do you fix a broken trust relationship within a domain?

Here is the classical way to repair trust relationship between the computer and domain:.
Reset the computer account in AD;.
Move the computer from the domain to a workgroup under the local administrator;.
Rejoin the computer to the domain;.
Restart the computer again..

How do you set trust relationship between domains?

Log onto domain y as Administrator..
Start User Manager for Domains (Start - Programs - Administrative Tools).
Select "Trust Relationships" from the Policies menu..
Click the Add button to the Trusting Domains box..
Enter the name of the domain you want to be able to trust you, i.e. domain x..

What causes the trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed?

“The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed” Error Message. When an AD domain no longer trusts a computer, chances are it's because the password the local computer has does not match the password stored in Active Directory. The two passwords must be in sync for AD to trust a computer.