The Running Record is different from the Anecdotal Record because the Running Record

Planning and Adapting Curriculum 

Anecdotal records can be used by educators when planning learning opportunities for children by using their abilities and individual interest. Portfolio provide support for the curriculum that is being used. Showing that the curriculum is working or not.  Events sampling can be used to assist in the planning of curriculum and make adjustments if it triggers behaviors. Running Record can be used as an guide to make alterations to the planning of the curriculum to meet the child's needs. It can be used to see the ongoing progress the child is making and create activities to support where needed.

Improving Teacher and Program Effectiveness 

Anecdotal records can used to assess a child’s developmental level and give the teacher a better understanding on what areas the child has strength in and what areas need support. This will support the chosen curriculum with examples of the progress the children are making. The continued record of growth that portfolios provide show the teacher if the approaches she is providing are working and what changes she must make. This supports also the teacher's growth and makes her a better educator. Which in return makes the program more effective when it provides qualified teachers. Events sampling can be used to help the teacher address triggers in her classroom so it can prevent triggers in specific children if needed. When using running records, it gives the teacher a better understanding of the child's progress and areas to help time in. The ability to understand a child and the progress of learning is what makes a teacher better equipped to meet their needs.

Tracking Children’s Progress for Teachers and Families 

The Anecdotal record assessment provides back to back examples of the progress the child has made and it is inputted into the appropriate domain if development for that child. It provides a graph of the child’s growth. Portfolios provide a record each child’s interest and abilities in terms to their development. This allows tracking of the child’s progress and is accessible to families and teachers. Portfolios provide a record each child’s interest and abilities in terms to their development. This allows tracking of the child’s progress and is accessible to families and teachers. Events sampling can be used to track behaviors that may be concerns for families and parents so they can better address the issue. The running records provide a framework of examples of what the child is doing regarding a certain single activity, it is normally used for reading but can be alter towards a different goal.

Screening for Special Needs.

Anecdotal records provide record of the things a child has done. This record provides support for a child with disabilities. It also can be used as a guide to see record of an area that the child is showing delay in. Portfolios are important because it helps to gather all the materials available to show the progress of a child and examples if there are possibility of delays. Event sampling is a tool that can be used to determine a behavior that can trigger events positive and/or negative in a child. This important because it can be used with a child that has special needs. When dealing with special needs or IEPs, running record can determine if a certain goal is working or not. It can help determine the improvements the child is making.


Anecdotal records                                             

üShows continued progress of child

üCan be added to specific domain

ü not much training is needed


üShows child’s interest

üHolds materials/artifacts of child’s progress

Event planning

üCan be done in a short time

üShows triggers for possible problem behaviors

üCan help understand and create triggers and support for behavior

üCan be very detailed

Running Records

üProvides examples of the things the child is doing

üTeacher can focus on one activity

üCan be used as a guide

Potential obstacles

Anecdotal Records

omay not be recorded into Anecdotal consistently

oMay not be properly added to Anecdotal records


oTime consuming

Event sampling

oTriggers may not be identified correctly

oMay focus more on negative behaviors instead of factors

oTime (Requires planning & preparation).  Sometimes difficult to capture all that has occurred, particularly prior to an event (Raise Learning,2011).

Running Record

oMay be very time-consuming

oInformation written done may be abbriviated

What is the difference between a running record and an anecdotal record quizlet?

An anecdotal record is brief and describes a single incident while a running record is a detailed description of everything a particular child does and says. An anecdotal record is a brief narrative describing behaviors and interactions written after the fact.

How does an anecdotal record differ from a running record?

Running Records - A running record is more detailed than an anecdotal record in that all behaviors are recorded as a sequence of events. The description is objective. An effort is made to record everything that was said or happened within the observational period.

What is anecdotal recording quizlet?

Anecdotal record definition. informal observation method that provides a running account of behavior that is either typical or unusual for a person. Key Aspects. more useful for recording typical behavior, brief narrative written after behavior event, combination of records should show developmental progress over time.

What kind of information is useful for documenting in an anecdotal record?

Anecdotal records are brief notes teachers take as they observe children. The notes document a range of behaviors in areas such as literacy, mathematics, social studies, science, the arts, social and emotional development, and physical development.