To prevent lateral rotation, how should the foot be positioned for a lateral projection of the ankle


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To prevent lateral rotation, how should the foot be positioned for a lateral projection of the ankle

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lower limb positioning

The fibula articulates with the tibia at the? distal end of the proximal end
how many bones are in the foot? 26
The CR is directed where for an AP or axial projection of the foot? base of the 3rd metatarsal
What lateral projection of the foot is the most commonly performed? mediolateral (lateral recumbent position)
Where should the CT enter on an AP projection of the ankle? midway between the malleoli and ankle joint
What is the 2nd largest tarsal bone? talus
To prevent lateral rotation how should the foot be positioned for a lateral projection of the ankle? dorsiflexion
Which method best demonstrates the patella in tangential projection? settegast
Which projection will clearly demonstrate the joint spaces between the talus and both malleoli? AP oblique, 15-20 degrees, internal rotation
What is the most commonly performed projection of the foot? AP oblique in medial rotation
How much should the leg be flexed for a lateral projection of the knee? 20-30 degrees
What projections of the ankle are performed on a patient following an inversion or eversian injury? AP stress study
For a lateral projection of the ankle, where should the CR enter? perpendicular to the ankle joint at the medial malleus or lateral malleus
What is not clearly demonstrated on an AP projection of the ankle? ankle mortise
The essential projections of the calcaneous are? axial (plantdorsal) lateral (mediolateral)
The CR angle for a lateral projection of the ankle? zero
When the knee is properly positioned for an AP projection, the patella will lie? slightly to the medial side
The inferior aspect of the foot is termed? plantar surface
How is the CR directed for the PA axial projection (Holmblad method) of the incondylar fossa? perpendicular to the lower leg
What must be rotated for all oblique projections of the ankle? leg and foot
The largest and strongest tarsal bone? calcaneous
What is the position of the femoral condyles when the leg is properly positioned for an AP projection? parallel to the IR
Which projections of the foot will best demonstrate the structural status of the longitudinal arch? lateral wt bearing
To demonstrate the ankle mortise, the leg and foot should be rotated? and how many degrees? medially, 15-20 degrees
For a lateral projection of the foot, the CR should be directed to the? base of the 3rd metatarsal
Which position will clearly demonstrate the cuboid? AP oblique, medial rotation
Which specific projections of the ankle are performed to diagnose a tear of the medial or lateral ligament? AP eversion stress AP inversion stress
Valgus and varus deformities of the knee can be evaluated with what projections? AP bilateral wt bearing
Where is the CR directed for an AP projection of the knee? 1/2" below the patellar apex
How many tarsal bones are in the foot? 7
What is the 2nd largest bone in the body? tibia
Which structures form the ankle mortise? lateral malleous of the fibula, medial malleolus of the tibia, inferior surface of the tibia
largest bone in the body? femur
Often the leg is too long to fit on one IR, which joint(s) should be included on the IR when the site of the lesion is known? the joint closest to the lesion
What situation will ensure that the knee is in proper position for a lateral projection? epicondyles are perpendicular to the IR, Patella is perpendicular the the IR, leg is flexed 20-30 degrees.
How far should the IR extend beyond the ankle or knee joint for an AP projection of the leg? 1.5"
For an AP projection of the knee, the limb is rotated? 45 degrees
Which joint(s) should be clearly demonstrated on a lateral projection of the leg? knee and ankle
Where does the CR enter the knee for a lateral projection of the patella? through the patellofemoral joint space
Which position is the patient placed in for a PA projection of the patella? prone
How many degrees of angulation are required to open the interphalangeal joint spaces of the otes on an AP projection? 15 degrees
Where will the fibula be located on a properly positioned lateral radiograph of the ankle? over the posterior half of the tibia
how many metatarsal bones are there? 5
What is the CR angle for a PA projection of the patella? zero
How much is the knee flexed for a lateral projection of the patella? 5-10 degrees
What methods are used to demonstrate the incondylar fossa? Homblad (PA axial) and Camp-coventry PA axial
The CR angulation for an AP oblique projection of the toes? zero
Where should the CR be directed for a PA projection of the patella? midpoplital area
The CR angulation for a lateral projection of the knee is? 5-7 cephalad
What is the CR angle for a lateral projection of the patella? zero
How many phalanges are in the big toe? 2
In order to place the patella parallel with the lane of the IR for a PA projection, the heel must be rotated? 5-10 degrees laterally
How many phalanges are in the foot? 14
What tarsal bone is located between the talus and cuneiforms? navicular
Name the tarsal bones that articulate with the metatarsals? cuneifomrs and cuboid
Which metatarsal has a tuberosity that is prominent at its base? 5th metatarsal
What other term refers to the tibial spine? intercondylar eminence
Which tibial condyle has a facet for articulation with the head of the fibula? lateral
Name the large bony process that extends both medially and inferior from the distal end of the tibia? medial malleolus
Articulations of the tibia? femoraltibial, proximal tibiofibular, distal tibiofibular tibiotalor
How many degrees of rotation are needed to properly rotate the foot for the AP oblique projection of the toes? 30-45 degrees
What other term refers to the AP projection of the foot? dorsoplantar
The plantodrosal projection refers to the? axial projection
Which projection of the calcaneus, axial or lateral, best demonstrates the sinus tarsi? lateral
the ankle joint is formed by articulations between? lateral melleolus of the fibula inferior surface of the tibia medial malleolus of the tibia
where do the talus and calcaneus articulate? subtalar joint
known as the anterior border of the tibia? crest
what is the large process at the distal end of the tibia? medial malleolus
what are the two prominent processes on the proximal end of the tibia? condyles
two peaklike processes arising from the intercondylar eminence? tubercles
sharp projection between the two superior articular surfaces? intercondylar eminence
how many interphalanegeal articulations does one foot have? 9
what type of movement do the interphalangeal joints permit? flexion and extentsion
how many bones are found in the lower limb? 30
name the lateral bone of the leg? fibula

Where should the central ray enter for a lateral projection of the ankle?

arrt prep-rad proc1.

How far should the patient be rolled posteriorly from the lateral position for a lateral projection of the hip that will include the proximal femur?

Include the hip for a projection of the proximal femur. Place the top of the IR at level of the ASIS. Draw the upper limb posteriorly and support it. Adjust the pelvis so that it is rolled posteriorly just enough to prevent superimposition; 10 to 15 degrees from the lateral position is sufficient.

Which surface of the foot should be in contact with the IR for the lateral projection of the foot?


Where should the CR be directed for the lateral projection of the calcaneus?

Where should the central ray be directed for the lateral projection of the calcaneus? Toward the midpoint of the calcaneus.