What command is used to change the owner the group and both for a file or a directory quizlet?

Which of the following commands set "other" permissions on file to r-x?

chmod o=rx file

chmod o+rx file

chmod o=r+x file

chmod o-r-w file


Which of the following commands sets "other" permissions on file to r-x?

chmod 774 file

chmod 775 file

chmod 776 file

chmod 777 file


Only one set (user, group, other) of permission can be changed at once using the symbolic method.
True or False?




Which of the following are methods for setting permissions using the chmod command?
(choose two)






The chown command can be used to change the owner and group of a file.
True or False?




The user sysadmin will be able to read the file because they own it.
----r--r-- 1 sysadmin group 38270 Sep 2 18:49 file
True or False?




The user sysadmin will be able to change the permissions of the file because they own it.
----r--r-- 1 sysadmin group 38270 Sep 2 18:49 file
True or False?




Octal notation uses the following values for the permissions granted:

r = 4, w = 2, x = 0

r = 7, w = 5, x = 0

r = 3, w = 2, x = 1

r = 4, w = 2, x = 1


Which of the following permissions would allow all users to add, view, and delete files in a directory?






A user cannot delete a file if they do not own it.
True or False?




The "execute" permission on a directory allows you to:
(choose three)

Along with write permission to successfully delete the directory

Change to that directory or use it as part of a path

Along with read permission to successfully perform ls -l

Along with write permission to successfully create new files


The "execute" permission on a file allows you to:

Run the file as a script

Move the file to a new directory

This permission isn't meaningful for text files.

Delete the file


The chgrp command can be used on a file by:

The file owner and root

Only root

Only the file owner

A user that belongs to the files current group


The chown command can be used to change the user owner on a file by:

A user that belongs to the files current group

Only root

The file owner and root

The file owner


The chmod command can be used on a file by:

The file owner

The file owner and root

Only root

A user that belongs to the files current group


Which option for the chown command can be used to change the owner of a directory and all the files and directories below it?






The chown command will only accept one file at a time as an argument.
True or False?




The "execute" permission is never set on files by default.
True or False?




The user owner of a file will always have the same or higher permissions as "other".
True or False?




The /tmp directory is a temporary directory and will not exist on a system at all times.
True or False?




The /var directory has files that change over time.
True or False?




The "sticky bit" permission...

...sets the group ownership of any new file created in a directory.

...prevents others from removing files they don't own from a common directory.

...changes the group ownership of existing files in a directory.

...prevents others from overwriting files they don't own in common directories.


Which of the following commands will set the "sticky bit" on /shared ?

chmod 2777 /shared

chmod 4777 /shared

chmod 1777 /shared

chmod 7777 /shared


The "setuid" permission...

...reports the output of a script to the owner.

...allows files in a directory to be manipulated as by the directory owner.

...allows a command to be run as the file owner.

...prevents the owner of a file from being changed.


Which of the following commands will set setuid for /usr/bin/program?

chmod 1755 /usr/bin/program

chmod 4755 /usr/bin/program

chmod 2755 /usr/bin/program

None of the above


The setgid permission...
(choose two)

...prevents the group owner of a file from being changed.

...allows files created in a directory to be owned by the group that owns the directory.

...allows a command to be run as the group owner of the file.

...can only be set on files.


Which of the following commands will set setgid on /shared ?

chmod 2777 /shared

chmod 4777 /shared

None of the above

chmod 1777 /shared


Setting setgid on a directory...

...will allow scripts in the directory to be executed as the group owner of the directory.

...will set the group owner of all files created in the directory to the group owner of the directory.

...is not allowed by the system.

...does nothing.


Deleting a source file will break an associated hard link.
True or False?




A source and a hard link must be part of the same filesystem.
True or False?




Deleting a source file will break an associated symbolic link.
True or False?




A source file and a symbolic link must be part of the same file system.
True or False?




Which of the following commands would create a hard link, link to file?

ln file link

ln -s link file

ln link file

ln -s file link


Which of the following commands would create a symbolic link, link to file?

ln file link

ln link file

ln -s file link

ln -s link file


What command is used to change the owner the group or both for a file or a directory?

Change the group owner of a file by using the chgrp command. Specifies the group name or GID of the new group of the file or directory.

Which command is used for changing the owner or the group of a file directory quizlet?

The chown command can be used to change the owner and group of a file.

What is the command to change the owner of a file or directory?

Change the owner of a file by using the chown command. Specifies the user name or UID of the new owner of the file or directory.

What two commands are used to change the permissions and ownership of a file or directory in Linux?

To change file and directory permissions, use the command chmod (change mode). The owner of a file can change the permissions for user ( u ), group ( g ), or others ( o ) by adding ( + ) or subtracting ( - ) the read, write, and execute permissions.