What foods should the nurse teach a client who has been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia to increase in the diet quizlet?

4.Meats and citrus fruits

Rationale: The nurse teaches the client with tuberculosis to increase intake of protein, iron, and vitamin C. Food sources that are rich in protein include meats and legumes. Food rich in iron include liver and other meats, from which 10% to 30% of available iron is absorbed. Foods rich in vitamin C include citrus fruits, berries, melons, pineapple, broccoli, cabbage, green peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, chard, kale, asparagus, and turnip greens. Less than 10% of iron is absorbed from eggs, and less than 5% is absorbed from grains and vegetables.

3.Kidney beans

Rationale: The client with iron deficiency anemia should increase intake of foods that are naturally high in iron. The best sources of dietary iron are red meat, liver, other organ meats, blackstrap molasses, and oysters. Other good sources of iron are kidney beans, whole wheat bread, egg yolk, spinach, kale, turnip tops, beet greens, carrots, raisins, and apricots.


Rationale: Asian-American food preferences include raw fish, rice, and soy sauce. African-American food preferences include chicken, pork, greens, rice, and fried foods. Hispanic Americans prefer beans, fried foods, spicy foods, chili, and carbonated beverages. European Americans prefer carbohydrates and red meat.

3.Fried foods

Rationale: African-American food preferences include chicken, pork, greens, rice, and fried foods. Asian Americans eat raw fish, rice, and soy sauce. Hispanic Americans prefer beans, fried foods, spicy foods, chili, and carbonated beverages. European Americans prefer carbohydrates and red meat.

1.Many choose not to have health insurance.
2.They believe that health is a gift from God.
5.They use both traditional and alternative health care, such as healers, herbs, and massage.
6.Funerals are conducted in the home without a eulogy, flower decorations, or any other display. Caskets are plain and simple, without adornment.

Rationale: The Amish society maintains a culture that is distinct and separate from the non-Amish society, and some members generally remain separate from the rest of the world, both physically and socially. Family life has a patriarchal structure, and although the roles of women are considered equally important to those of men, they are very unequal in terms of authority. Amish society rejects materialism and worldliness. Members value living simply, and they may choose to avoid technology, such as electricity and cars. They highly value responsibility, generosity, and helping others, and they often work as farmers, builders, quilters, and homemakers. The Amish use traditional health care and alternative health care, such as healers, herbs, and massage. They believe that health is a gift from God but that clean living and a balanced diet help maintain it. They may choose not to have health insurance and instead maintain mutual aid funds for those members who need help with medical costs. Funerals are conducted in the home without a eulogy, flower decorations, or any other display. Caskets are plain and simple, without adornment. At death, women are usually buried in their bridal dresses.

Anemia is a medical condition that occurs when there is a reduction in the body's capacity to carry oxygen. Anemia can be caused by a decreased number of red blood cells, or RBCs. It can also occur through a reduction in the amount of hemoglobin. Let's look at the different types of anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia can be caused by a diet low in nutritional iron or by blood lost due to an injury or medical condition. This type of anemia can be either acute or chronic. Increasing dietary intake of iron is the best way to treat iron deficiency anemia. Foods rich in iron include red meat, dark green leafy vegetables, dried beans, and iron-fortified cereals and breads. Increasing vitamin C intake helps the body absorb iron.

If increasing dietary iron intake does not resolve the anemia, oral, intramuscular, or intravenous iron supplementation is necessary.
Vitamin B12 anemia is caused by either lack of vitamin B12 intake or by the body's inability to effectively absorb this vitamin. Because the body does not produce vitamin B12, it must be ingested through animal proteins, food fortified with this vitamin, or supplementation. If changes in diet do not address the vitamin B12 deficiency, oral or intramuscular supplementation may be necessary.

Pernicious anemia is related to vitamin B12 anemia. It is caused by the absence of a specific factor known as the intrinsic factor. Without the intrinsic factor, oral vitamin B12 cannot be effectively absorbed by the intestines, no matter how much of the vitamin is present. Parenteral administration of vitamin B12 may be necessary to treat pernicious anemia.

Folic acid deficiency anemia is a type of anemia that affects the formation of part of the hemoglobin molecule. This affects the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood. Foods high in folate include green leafy vegetables, bran, yeast, legumes, and nuts. Many grains and cereals are fortified with folic acid to address the dietary need for this nutrient. Folic acid can also be taken as an oral supplement.

With all types of anemia, patient education is important to ensure he or she understands the dietary sources to correct the deficiency. The patient must also be aware of the importance of any medications and supplements and the potential side effects of each. The nurse should instruct the patient to immediately report any clinical symptoms of anemia, such as fatigue, dizziness, and shortness of breath, to the healthcare provider.

What foods should the nurse teach a client who has been diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia to increase in the diet?

Eat iron-rich foods such as meat, chicken, fish, eggs, dried beans and fortified grains. The form of iron in meat products, called heme, is more easily absorbed than the iron in vegetables.

Which food item should be in the diet for a client with iron deficiency anemia?

Rationale: Dark green leafy vegetables are a good source of iron, oranges are a good source of vitamin C, which enhances absorption. A nurse is planning to teach a client with malabsorption syndrome about the necessity of following a low-fat diet.

Which foods will the nurse recommend to a client with iron deficiency anemia quizlet?

The client with iron deficiency anemia should increase intake of foods that are naturally high in iron. The best sources of dietary iron are red meat, liver and other organ meats, blackstrap molasses, and oysters.

What foods will you teach the patient are high in iron?

These foods include:.
All meats, such as chicken, beef, lamb, pork, and fish. Liver is especially high in iron..
Raisins, peas, beans, lentils, barley, and eggs..
Iron-fortified breakfast cereals..