What gross motor skill is developmentally appropriate for a toddler who is 18 months of age quizlet?

A stay-at-home father wants to purchase commercial toddler meals because his 16-month-old girl recently choked on table food. Which food items will the nurse suggest not be given to this child? Select all that apply.

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  • What advice should a nurse give to the caregivers of a 2 year old client who frequently throws temper tantrums?
  • When a child is having a temper tantrum the caregiver should?
  • What advice should the nurse provide the parent of a toddler regarding how do you handle temper tantrums quizlet?
  • When caring for a 2 year old child the midwife should offer choices when appropriate about some aspects of care according to Erikson doing this helps the child achieve?

Sticky foods like peanut butter alone, gummy candies, and marshmallows

Hard foods such as nuts, raw carrots, and popcorn

Round foods such as hot dogs, whole grapes, and cherry tomatoes

Fruits such as peaches, pears, and kiwi

Vegetables such as corn, green beans, and peas

Playing with the plastic vacuum cleaner and pushing it around the room

Playtime for the toddler involves imitation of the people around them such as adults, siblings, and other children. Push-pull toys allow them to use their developing gross motor skills. Preschool children have imitative play, pretending to be the mommy, the daddy, a policeman, a cowboy, or other familiar characters. The school-age child enjoys group activities and making things, such as drawings, paintings, and craft projects. The adolescent enjoys activities they can participate in with their peers.

A, B, D, E
Temper tantrums are a common response to anger and frustration in toddlers. They occur more often when toddlers are tired, hungry, bored, or excessively stimulated. A nap prior to fatigue or a snack if mealtime is delayed will be helpful in alleviated the times when tantrums are most likely to occur. Tantrums may include screaming, kicking, throwing things, biting themselves, or banging their head. Effective management of tantrums includes safely isolating and ignoring the child. The child should learn that nothing is gained by having a temper tantrum. Giving in to the child's demands only increases the behavior.

B, C, E
To prevent accidental poisoning, parents should be taught to promptly discard empty poison containers, to know the number of the nearest poison control center, and to caution the child against eating nonedible items, such as plants. Parents should place all potentially toxic agents, including cosmetics, personal care items, cleaning products, pesticides, and medications, in a locked cabinet, not in the garage. Parents should be taught to never remove labels from containers of toxic substances.

Sets with similar terms

Once a temper tantrum has started, which intervention is appropriate?

Move objects out of the way or move the toddler to prevent injury.

Temper tantrums are a normal part of the toddler years. Toddlers are very inquisitive and do not know boundaries. They need time and maturity to learn the rules. During the tantrum, it is most important to keep the toddler safe. Appropriate interventions include moving objects out of the way or moving the toddler to prevent injury from occurring. The caregiver should not speak to the toddler and should avoid eye contact until the toddler has calmed down. The toddler's behavior should not be engaged. The caregiver should not talk excessively about the tantrum, because this can negatively impact the toddler's self-esteem.

The nurse has completed an examination of a 32-month-old girl with normal gross and fine motor skills. Which observation would suggest the child is experiencing a problem with language development?

Her vocabulary is between 10 and 15 words.

A 3-year-old child typically has a vocabulary of approximately 900 words, asks many questions, uses complete sentences consisting of 3 to 4 words, and talks incessantly. Thus a vocabulary of 10 to 15 words suggests a language problem.

A 2-year-old toddler holds his breath until passing out when he wants something the parent does not want him to have. The nurse would decide whether these temper tantrums are a form of seizure based on the fact that:

seizures are not provoked; temper tantrums are.

Temper tantrums are the natural result of toddler frustration. Toddlers are eager to explore new things but their efforts can be thwarted, especially for safety reasons. Toddlers do not behave badly on purpose. Temper tantrums occur out of anger and frustration. Seizures do not. Seizures can occur at any age. The client may or not be febrile. Depending upon how long a seizure lasts, cyanosis can occur.

The nurse is assessing a toddler's fine motor skills. Which finding will concern the nurse?

Ability to turn door knobs

Turning knobs opens doors and may allow the child access to the outdoors or unsafe areas within the home. Close to follow will be the ability to unscrew lids, creating poisoning risks. The other abilities promote growth and development and involve lesser safety hazards.

The nurse is providing parental anticipatory guidance to promote healthy emotional development in a 12-month-old boy. Which statement best accomplishes this?

A regular routine and rituals will provide stability and security.

Toddlers benefit most from routines and rituals that help them anticipate events and teach and reinforce expected behaviors. Knowing that a child can move from calm to temper tantrum very quickly, understanding the benefit of limited choices, and realizing that hitting and biting are common behaviors in toddlerhood provide information but not a guiding concept.

The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the parents of an 18-month-old girl. Which guidance will be most helpful for toilet teaching?

Advising them to use praise, not scolding.

The most helpful guidance for toilet teaching is to urge the parents to use only praise throughout the process—never scold. It is best for the same-sex parent to demonstrate toilet use. Bowel control will occur first. It may take additional months for nighttime bladder control to be achieved. Curiosity is a sign of readiness for toilet teaching, but by no means a sure sign.

The 18-month-old toddler has most likely attained which gross motor skill?

The ability to walk independently.

The 18-month-old toddler can walk alone, but the gait may still be a little unsteady. By 3 years of age, the child can walk heel-to-toe fashion like an adult. The 18-month-old toddler can walk up the stairs with assistance but cannot walk stairs with alternate feet until 36 months. A 3-year-old child can pedal a tricycle and balance on one foot.

The father of a 2-year-old girl tells the nurse that he and his wife would like to begin toilet training their daughter soon. He asks when the right time is to begin this process. What should the nurse say in response?

"When she starts tugging on a wet or dirty diaper, she is letting you know she's ready."

The markers of readiness are subtle, but as a rule children are ready for toilet training when they begin to be uncomfortable in wet diapers. They demonstrate this by pulling or tugging at soiled diapers. Because physiologic development is cephalocaudal, the rectal and urethral sphincters are not mature enough for control in most children until at least the end of the first year, when tracts of the spinal cord are myelinated to the anal level. A good way for a parent to know a child's development has reached this point is to wait until the child can walk well independently. Toilet training need not start this early, however, because cognitively and socially, many children do not understand what is being asked of them until they are 2 or even 3 years old.

A nurse is teaching parents of a 2-year-old child about discipline and limit setting. When describing the use of time out, the nurse would inform the parents that the maximum duration of time out should be how many minutes per each year of age?

1 minute

The maximum time-out duration should be 1 minute for each year of age, but it may be necessary to start with much shorter time-outs. The other time frames are incorrect.

A nurse is discussing oral care with the parents of 4-year-old. The nurse determines that the parents are performing this aspect of their child's care appropriately when they state that they use which amount of toothpaste?


The AAPD (2012a) recommends a "smear" of fluoridated toothpaste in children younger than 2 years of age and a "pea-size" amount of fluoridated toothpaste be used on children aged 2 to 5 years.

The mother of a toddler is frustrated because no matter what she asks of the child, the response is "no." What can the nurse suggest to the mother to assist with this problem?

Give the child secondary, not primary, choices.

A toddler needs experience in making choices, and to provide the opportunity to do this, a parent could give a secondary choice. Pretending not to hear the child, asking no further questions, and telling the child to never say "no" again will not help with the toddler's obstinacy.

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The mother of a toddler is frustrated because the toddler insists on brushing his own teeth and being left alone in the bathtub. What advice should the nurse provide to the mother about these expectations?

Helping with teeth brushing encourages autonomy.

Toddlers need a toothbrush they recognize as their own. Toward the end of the toddler period, they can begin to do the brushing themselves under supervision; although, almost all children need some supervision until about age 8 years. It is not unusual for a toddler to have opinions and want to do things themselves. The mother needs to permit the child to perform autonomous acts with supervision. The child is too young to be permitted in the bathtub alone. This is a safety hazard.

A parent with a 2-year-old invites a friend with a toddler over for a play date when they notice their children are not really interacting while playing. The children are playing side-by-side when one toddler gets up and grabs a toy car out of the hands of the other toddler, which results in both toddlers crying. To prevent this from occurring again, which intervention should the parents make?

Parents should ensure that toys in front of each child are "similar" to prevent fighting over one toy.

All during the toddler period, children play beside other children, not with them. This side-by-side play (parallel play) is not unfriendly but is a normal developmental sequence that occurs during the toddler period. Caution parents that if two toddlers are going to play together, they must provide similar toys because an argument over one toy is likely to occur. Avoiding introducing playing with others, time out, or lecturing toddlers about "sharing" concept are inappropriate at this time.

The parents of a 2-year-old child born with short-gut syndrome feed their toddler via a feeding tube. Knowing this is a developmental time when children usually feed themselves, the parents are asking the nurses what they can do to help foster the child's independence. Which suggestion would be most appropriate at this time?

Let the child choose what clothing he or she will wear the next day.

If children are tube fed, they receive no experience at all with finger foods. For these children, parents should try to provide other, comparable experiences in independence, such as letting them choose what toy to take to bed or what clothing to wear. Playing, reading, or pretending a toy is food at feeding time are not appropriate activities since the child's feeding is usually scheduled around normal meal times.

A 3-year-old child is hospitalized. The parents are concerned because the child is now refusing to use the potty and is wetting the bed, even though the child has achieved toilet training. Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

"Your child is experiencing regression as a result of stress."

Regression is a change from present behaviors to past developmental levels of behavior. This is a normal response among children during times of intense stress, such as a hospitalization or the birth of a new sibling. The nurse should not tell the parents not to worry. The child will not have to learn to use the toilet again. The behavior is already learned. Asking why is not a therapeutic form of communication and may cause the parent's to become unnecessarily defensive.

The parent of a 2-year-old client states it is the child's naptime. The child is refusing to take a nap and cries, "I have to put my babies to sleep first!" The parent states, "I am so sorry, I do not know what is wrong. My child does not act this way at home. My child has 2 baby dolls we rock to sleep each day at home before nap." Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

"A 2-year-old child's behavior can be greatly altered if rituals are not maintained."

Ritualism employed by the young child to help develop security involves following routines that make rituals of even simple tasks. The child's self-esteem is built through familiarity with the daily routine. When these rituals are interrupted, the child's behavior can be negatively impacted, resulting in temper tantrums for 2-year-old children. The nurse can recommend someone bring the dolls to the hospital; however, the nurse first needs to address the parent's concern. Stating the child is "just acting out" does not address the parent's concern or current situation. There is nothing in the scenario indicating inconsistent discipline.

During a wellness check up for a 4-year-old client, the parents state, "We just moved into a new home and our child has begun wetting and defecating in the underwear. Which response by the nurse is appropriate?

"This is a normal response to stress during childhood."

The child is exhibiting signs of returning (regressing) to an earlier, possibly safer stage of development caused by a stressor (moving). This is a normal response children have to stress and will subside. There is no indication of a urinary tract infection or constipation; therefore, the nurse would not need to ask about frequency or pain. The nurse should first address the parent's concern and not simply inform the primary health care provider.

The parent of a toddler notices the child plays nicely next to another toddler but does not play with that child. The parent expresses concern about this behavior to the nurse during an examination. Which response by the nurse is appropriate?

"This is called parallel play and is normal for this age group."

Typical play of the toddler period is beside, not with, another toddler (parallel play). No further assessment is needed, nor does this indicate an autism spectrum disorder. The nurse should respond to the parent and not simply tell the parent to talk to the primary health care provider as this does not address the parent's concern.

The parents of a 30-month-old toddler have brought the toddler into the emergency department because of a seizure. During the health history, the nurse learns that the toddler was frustrated and angry immediately preceding the seizure. The nurse suspects the toddler had a breath-holding spell. Which parental report suggests breath-holding?

A tantrum preceded the event.

Temper tantrums are the natural result of frustrations that toddlers experience. They continue to occur until the toddler is old enough to verbalize feelings. The fact that there was a precipitating event of frustration and anger points to the likelihood that this is a cyanotic breath-holding spell. Breath-holding spells never occur during sleep, nor do they feature postictal confusion. Unconsciousness is not definitive because it is common to both seizures and breath-holding spells.

A nurse, who is also a mother of a 2-year-old child, attends a party at a friend's house and notes some safety concerns that she would like to share with the other mother privately. Which observations during the party would be considered a safety concern that should be addressed privately when appropriate? Select all that apply.

The nurse/mother notes that the toddler's car seat is located in the passenger front seat.
The parent is busy entertaining guests and did not notice the toddler running out in the neighborhood street to get a toy.
The parents allow the toddler to climb up on the counter and watch as food is stirred on the stove.

Toddlers' motor ability jumps ahead of their judgment. To prevent serious injury, the nurse should teach parents to be alert as to what their toddler is doing at all times (like climbing on a countertop next to a stove). Toddlers have no judgment concerning moving cars so they walk across streets with no regard for oncoming cars. Toddlers need to ride in a car seat with a five-point restraint placed in the back seat (not the front seat) so the child is not struck by the passenger seat airbag. Toddlers need to wear a helmet as soon as they begin riding a tricycle. Because they cannot swim well, parents need to check whether backyard pools—another area prone to unintended injury—are securely fenced.

In working with the toddler, which statement would be most appropriate to say to the toddler to decrease the behavior known as negativism?

"It is time for lunch. I am going to put your bib on."

Negativism is very typical of the toddler years. It is best to avoid questions with a yes or no answer because the answer will always be no. Limiting the number of questions asked of the toddler and making a statement, rather than asking a question or giving a choice, is helpful in decreasing the number of negative responses from the child. Instead of asking questions like "Do you want help getting in your chair?" make the statement "Get in your chair." The toddler years are also ones where the child becomes a picky eater or "grazes" instead of eating a full meal so the toddler may not actually know if he or she is hungry.

Which is the best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving the developmental task?

Allow the toddler to make simple decisions

The toddler years see a refinement of motor skills, continuous cognitive growth, and the acquisition of language skills. During this time the toddler achieves autonomy and self-control. Allowing the child to make decisions is a good way to help the toddler achieve autonomy and gain independence. Rewarding the child for accomplishing the task after making the decision is a good way to reinforce self-esteem. A younger toddler may not successfully dress alone because he or she may not have mastered such techniques as buttons, zippers, or tying shoes. A toddler can help with household tasks but these are generally limited because the toddler's attention span and motor skills may not be refined enough to complete the task. Helping the child learn to count is improving cognitive development but does not necessarily help the child with gaining autonomy or self-control.

What advice should the nurse provide the parent of a toddler, regarding how to handle temper tantrums?

Appear to ignore the toddler

Temper tantrums are the natural result of frustration that toddlers have. Toddlers do not behave badly on purpose. They need time and maturity to learn the rules and regulations. During a temper tantrum, the advice is for the parent to ignore the behavior but ensure the toddler is safe. Rewarding temper tantrums can teach the toddler that tantrums are an effective method of interaction. Ignoring tantrums teaches the toddler that tantrums are ineffective. The parent needs to use self-control when dealing with a temper tantrum. This is a way to model acceptable behavior for the toddler.

The parent of a 2-year-old toddler tells the nurse she needs to constantly scold the toddler for having wet pants. The parent says the toddler was potty trained at 12 months, but since starting to walk, the toddler wets the pants all the time. Which nursing diagnosis would be most applicable?

Deficient parental knowledge related to inappropriate method for toilet training

Myelination of the spinal cord is achieved around 2 years of age. When this occurs, the toddler can exercise voluntary control over the sphincters. It is probable that a toddler toilet trained at 12 months of age was not truly trained, because the infant would not be developmentally able to complete the task. It is most likely the parent used a training method of reminding the infant or placing the infant on a toilet frequently during the day. When the toddler begins to play independently, the toddler forgets the regimented schedule. This toddler is not toilet trained independently. The toddler does not display total urinary incontinence. The toddler is only incontinent when playing and not reminded to potty. A 2-year-old toddler has limited coping skills. Frequent wetting of the pants does not indicate too much fluid intake. It is a symptom that the toddler does not feel the urge to urinate until the bladder is too full and the toddler cannot get to the toilet on time.

Parents and their nearly 3-year-old child have returned to the clinic for a follow-up appointment. Which of the findings may signal a speech delay?

Uses two-word sentences or phrases

A child nearly 3 years of age should speak in three- to four-word sentences. The other findings indicate normal expressive language for the age.

What statement by the mother of a 20-month-old indicates a need for further teaching about nutrition?

"I give my daughter juice at breakfast and when she is thirsty during the day."

High juice intake can contribute to either obesity or appetite suppression. None is needed, but if juice is given limit the amount to 4 to 6 ounces daily. Water should be the choice for thirst. The other statements support good toddler nutrition. Whole milk is needed through age 2 years. Two cups daily is adequate. Nutritious snacks support quality intake when quantity is poor. New foods offered with old ones provide sameness along with the new.

The parents of a 2-year-old boy report to the nurse that their child is "such a picky eater." Which recommendation would be most helpful for developing healthy eating habits in this child?

Offering a variety of foods along with the foods the child likes.

Toddlers require fewer calories proportionately than infants, and their appetite decreases (physiologic anorexia). Offering a variety of healthy foods along with foods the child likes will acknowledge preferences while keeping the door open to new foods. Prolonged preferences for particular foods (food jags) are common. It is also important that mealtime be calm, pleasant, and focused on eating. Toddlers mimic behaviors observed. It is important that parents set a good example with their mealtime behaviors and food choices. All options encourage the development of healthy eating habits, but at this time, variety plus preferred foods will be most helpful.

During a health history, the nurse explores the sleeping habits of a 3-year-old boy by interviewing his parents. Which statement from the parents reflects a recommended guideline for promoting healthy sleep in this age group?

"We keep a strict bedtime ritual for our son, which includes a bath and bedtime story."

Consistent bedtime rituals help the toddler prepare for sleep; the parent should be advised to choose a bedtime and stick to it as much as possible. The nightly routine might include a bath followed by reading a story. A typical toddler should sleep through the night and take one daytime nap. Most children discontinue daytime napping at around 3 years of age. When the crib becomes unsafe (that is, when the toddler becomes physically capable of climbing over the rails), then he or she must make the transition to a bed. Attention during night waking should be minimized so that the toddler receives no reward for being awake at night.

The nurse is teaching the parents of an overweight 18-month-old girl about diet. Which intervention will be most effective for promoting proportionate growth?

Remove high-calorie, low-nutrient foods from the diet.

The most effective intervention will be to remove high-calorie, low-nutrient foods from the diet in order to reduce the number of calories and increase the nutritional value. Exercise is also important, but a child this age should have 30 minutes of structured physical activity plus several hours of unstructured physical activity per day. The parents should set an example for good eating habits. Dietary fat should not be restricted for an 18-month-old child because it is necessary for nervous system development.

While awaiting an appointment at the doctor's office for his 20-month-old daughter, a young father is astonished to see his daughter assume a proper stance and swing a toy golf club in the play area of the waiting room. A nurse also observes the behavior, and the father recalls that his daughter saw him practicing his golf swing in their back yard a few days ago. The nurse explains that this is an instance of which of the following?

Deferred imitation

Children at this stage are able to remember an action and imitate it later (deferred imitation); they can do such things as pretend to drive a car or put a baby to sleep because they have not seen this just previously but at a past time. Toddlers engage in assimilation when they learn to change a situation (or how they perceive it) because they are not able to change their thoughts to fit the situation, such as shaking a toy hammer as if it were a rattle, because they are more familiar with rattles than hammers. All during the toddler period, children play beside children next to them, not with them. This side-by-side play (called parallel play) is not unfriendly but is a normal developmental sequence that occurs during the toddler period. Autonomy, or independence, is the primary developmental task of the toddler years, according to Erikson. Although this child's act may be a sign of autonomy, it is more specifically an act of deferred imitation.

A mother is concerned because her 14-month-old son, who had a big appetite when breastfeeding a few months ago, seems uninterested in eating solid food. She still breastfeeds him daily but is thinking of weaning him soon. How should the nurse respond to this mother?

"It is normal for toddlers to lose their appetites; try starting him with just a tablespoonful of food on his plate."

Because growth slows abruptly after the first year of life, a toddler's appetite is usually less than an infant's. Children who ate hungrily 2 months earlier now sit and play with their food. It is important to educate parents while the child is still an infant that this decline in food intake will occur so they will not be concerned when it happens. Because the actual amount of food eaten daily varies from one child to another, teach parents to place a small amount of food on a plate and allow their child to eat it and ask for more rather than serve a large portion the child cannot finish. One tablespoonful of each food served is a good start. The nurse should recommend that the mother wean her son gradually to avoid confrontation, not all at once. Most toddlers insist on feeding themselves and generally will resist eating if a parent insists on feeding them.

A pediatric nurse is providing care to several children. The nurse is reviewing the assessment findings for each of the children. Which finding requires the nurse to intervene?

3-year-old preschool-aged child who goes up stairs on hands and knees

At 3 years of age, a child should be able to climb the stairs one step up at a time or using alternating feet. If the child can only go up on hands and knees, further evaluation is needed. At 9 months of age, an infant can pull oneself up to a standing position and sometimes is able to cruise around furniture or even walk. Toddlers begin to walk between 9 and 18 months of age. Toddler at 24 months of age engage in parallel play rather than cooperative play.

During the toddler years, the child attempts to become autonomous. Which statement by a 3-year-old toddler's caregiver indicates that the toddler is developing autonomy?

"My toddler uses the potty chair and is dry all day long."

During the toddler years, the toddler separates from his or her parents, recognizes one's own individuality and exerts autonomy. Being toilet trained is an example of the toddler developing autonomy or independence. Having temper tantrums is a normal response of the toddler as it is a way the toddler expresses frustration of being tired or not being able to accomplish a task. Having the parent pick up the child after the child falls is a security and emotional need. All children need this, so it is not indicative of toddlerhood or autonomy. Having the same routine for bedtime each night provides security but it does not demonstrate autonomy.

Which suggestion by the nurse meant to promote good dental health in the 15-month-old is inappropriate?

Brush your child's teeth with a pea-sized amount of fluoride-containing toothpaste.

Using fluoride toothpaste prior to age 2 years promotes development of fluorosis. The first dental visit should be made at 1 year. This check-up is overdue. Continual snacking and bottle drinking keep the teeth in contact with cariogenic substances for extended periods.

The nurse is observing a 24-month-old boy in a day care center. Which finding suggests delayed motor development?

The child is unable to push a toy lawnmower.

Children with normal motor development are able to push toys with wheels at 24 months of age. He won't be ready to undress himself, unscrew a jar lid, or bend over without falling until about 36 months of age.

The nurse observing toddlers in a day care center notes that they may be happy and pleasant one moment and overreact to limit setting the next minute by throwing a tantrum. What is the focus of the toddler's developmental task that is driving this behavior?

The need for separation and control

Emotional development in the toddler years is focused on separation and individuation. The focus in infancy is on love and belonging, and the need for peer approval occurs in the adolescent. Safety and security are concerns in all levels of development, but not the primary focus.

The nurse is providing guidance after observing a mother interact with her negative 2-year-old boy. For which interaction will the nurse advise the mother that she is handling the negativism properly?

Telling the child firmly that we don't scream in the office

Telling the child firmly that we don't scream in the office gets the point across to the child that his behavior is unacceptable while role modeling appropriate communication. Telling the child to stop tearing up magazines does not give him direction for appropriate behavior. Asking the child if he would quit throwing toys gives him an opportunity to say "no," and is the same as asking "OK?" at the end of a direction.

A mother of a toddler asks the nurse, "How will I know that my daughter is ready for toilet training?" Which response by the nurse would be most appropriate?

"You'll probably notice that your daughter is uncomfortable in wet diapers."

The markers of readiness for toilet training are subtle, but as a rule, children are ready for toilet training when they begin to be uncomfortable in wet diapers. Although the rectal and urethral sphincters are mature by the end of the first year, children are not cognitively and socially ready. In fact, many children do not understand what is being asked of them until they are 2 or even 3 years old.

A nurse in a busy pediatric clinic is educating a group of parents with toddlers about the nutritional needs of this age group. Which concepts should be addressed in this educational presentation? Select all that apply.

Active, "busy" toddlers may need up to 1,400 cal/day.
Try to limit the fat intake to less than 35% of total calories.
Milk is still important to incorporate in the diet for bone health.

Active children in this age group may need up to 1,400 kcal daily. Children over 2 years old should have a total fat intake between 30% and 35% of calories, with most fat coming from sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, and vegetable oils, the same as adults. Adequate calcium and phosphorus intake is important for bone mineralization. Milk should be whole milk until age 2 years, after which 2% milk can be introduced. Trans fats should be kept to a minimum. Diets high in sugar (like cookies) should be avoided to help prevent toddler obesity.

Parents are asking a pediatric nurse how to deal with separation anxiety every time they try to have an adult night out. Which advice by the nurse sounds like the most appropriate way to handle this situation?

"Inform the child that you are going out but the regular babysitter will care for them and put them to bed."

Most toddlers react best to separation if a regular babysitter is employed or if the day care center has consistent caregivers. It helps if toddlers have fair warning they will have a babysitter. No matter how well prepared toddlers are, they may cry when the babysitter actually appears or may greet the babysitter warmly only to cry when the parents reach for their coats. It helps if parents say good-bye firmly, repeat the explanation they will be there when the child wakes in the morning, and then leave. Prolonged good-byes only lead to more crying. Sneaking out prevents crying and may ease the parents' guilt, but it can strengthen a child's fear of abandonment and so should be discouraged.

A 13-month-old child is brought to the clinic for a well-child visit. The child's parent expresses concern that the child has not started to walk yet. What is the best action should the nurse take?

Explain that children can take their first steps as late as 18 months of age.

Infants can begin walking as early as 8 to 9 months and as late as 18 months of age. Telling the parent that the child will start walking any day is true but not guaranteed. Asking if the child has been ill recently is an appropriate question during a well-child visit but does not address the parent's concerns. Since the child is on track developmentally, there is no indication to refer the child to a developmental specialist.

After teaching a group of parents about language development in toddlers, which statement by a member of the group indicates successful teaching?

"When my 3-year-old asks 'Why?' all the time, this is completely normal."

Language development occurs rapidly in a toddler. By age 3 years, the child asks "Why?" Pointing to named body parts is characteristic of a 2-year-old. Understanding concepts such as on, under, or in is typical of a 3-year-old. A 1-year-old would communicate with words and gestures.

The parents of a 2-year-old toddler are frustrated by the frequent confrontations they have with their toddler. Which is the best anticipatory guidance the nurse can offer to prevent confrontations?

"You need to adhere to various routines."

Making expectations known through everyday routines helps to avoid confrontations. This helps the toddler know what to expect and how to behave. It is the best guidance to give these parents. Calm response and time-out are effective ways to discipline, but do not help to prevent confrontations. Toddler-proofing the house does not eliminate all the opportunities for confrontation.

The nurse is determining a toddler's language development. What is an expected finding for language development in a 2-year-old?

Speaks in two-word sentences using a noun and a verb

A 2-year-old child should be speaking in simple two-word sentences using a noun and a verb. Any 2-year-old child who does not talk in two-word, noun-verb simple sentences needs a careful assessment to determine the cause because this is beyond a point of normal development. Counting is not an expectation for a 2-year-old child. The child will not be able to speak 20 nouns and 4 pronouns.

The parents of a toddler are worried that the child is not eating enough because food is always left on the child's plate. What should the nurse encourage the parents to do?

Place smaller amounts on the child's plate.

Because the actual amount of food eaten daily varies, the parents should be instructed to place a small amount of food on a plate and allow their child to eat it and ask for more rather than serve a large portion the child cannot finish. Cleaning a plate gives a child a feeling of independent functioning, whereas leaving food uneaten suggests parents expected something more. Allowing self-feeding is a major way to both strengthen independence in a toddler and improve the amount of food consumed. Most toddlers insist on feeding themselves and generally will resist eating if a parent insists on feeding them. An individual child may react to repeated attempts at being fed by refusing to eat at all. The child does not need discipline.

Parents share that their toddler often needs a snack in between meals. Which snack choice is nutritious enough to give the toddler energy but also may help prevent dental caries? Select all that apply.

orange slices
cheese slices

Toddlers often need between-meal snacks. To help prevent dental caries from frequent snacking, encourage parents to offer fruit (e.g., bananas, pieces of apple, orange slices) or protein foods (e.g., cheese, pieces of chicken) for snacks rather than high-carbohydrate items such as cookies and candy bars to limit exposure of the child's teeth to carbohydrates. Calcium (found in large amounts in milk, cheese, and yogurt) is especially important for the development of strong teeth.

During a wellness care visit, the parents of a 2-year-old toddler report that they are struggling to deal with their toddler's daily and increasing number of tantrums. What information should be provided to the parents? Select all that apply.

Tantrums are a common occurrence for a toddler of this age.
Maintaining a consistent daily routine can help to reduce tantrums.
Ignoring the behavior is often helpful in reducing the duration of the tantrum.

Temper tantrums can be a frequent occurrence in toddlerhood. Some toddlers are more prone to displaying these behaviors than others. For the toddler who experiences frequent tantrum outbursts, maintaining a consistent schedule for activities is helpful. Tantrum-prone toddlers benefit from consistent nap, meal and play periods. Ignoring the behavior signals to the toddler that the behavior is futile. Avoiding interaction with the toddler having the tantrum is beneficial. Discipline such as spanking, swatting or yelling at the toddler does not reduce the episode and may escalate it.

The nurse is teaching the parents of a 2-year-old child how to handle the child's temper tantrums. The nurse determines that the teaching was successful if the parents make which statement?

"We will ignore our child while having the tantrum."

The best response is to tell a child simply that the parent disapproves of the tantrum and then ignore it. Bribery, such as saying that the child can have a treat if the behavior stops, is rarely effective because by accepting the child's wishes, the parent is encouraging the child to have more tantrums because he or she was successful. Placing the child in time-out does not deal with the actual tantrum. When a child is placed in time-out, the appropriate length is 1 minute per year of age (2 minutes for this child). Tantrums are a result of the child not being able to appropriately express his or her needs, desires, or frustrations. It is not appropriate to attempt to reason with a upset 2-year-old child.

The home health nurse is visiting a 2-year-old client's home. Which finding will cause the nurse to intervene?

The family's medications are located in a kitchen drawer.

Poisoning is at peak incidence during the toddler period. Special precautions need to be taken against poisoning at this time. This includes keeping all medications in a high, locked cabinet. It is appropriate for all windows to be locked to prevent a toddler from exiting the home out a window. The toddler may go to the bathroom alone once toilet training is well established. Not allowing the toddler in the kitchen during meal preparation will prevent accidental burns from hot foods and surfaces.

After teaching the mother of a 13-month boy old about suggestions for bathing and hygiene, the nurse determines that the teaching was successful when the mother states:

"It might be best to give him a bath in the evening."

The young child's increased activity level necessitates bathing daily or every other day. A good time to bathe the child is after eating, either after breakfast or in the evening. Hair is washed two to three times per week with a mild shampoo. Bubble baths should be avoided, to prevent urethral irritation and possible development of cystitis. Some children may have fears associated with bathing such as being afraid of being sucked down the plug hole. In this case, do not drain the tub until the child is out of the room.

The friend is deciding on a toy to take to a hospitalized 19-month-old child. Select all the toys that would be appropriate for this child based on expected growth and development. Select all that apply.

Cloth book with bright colors
Music box

The age of the child indicates he or she would be attracted to and enjoy turning the pages of the cloth book, which would not tear, would be safe for the child, and would not be damaged if placed in the mouth. Children like the bright colors. Children of this age like music. They can transfer blocks from one hand to the other and stack blocks. These toys would develop gross motor skills, begin developing fine motor skills, and are within the abilities for the child's expected growth and development. The toys would be appropriate for a child within a crib. Option A would be appropriate for the older child who has more developed fine motor skills.

The nurse is examining a 2-year-old girl for speech and language development. Which finding would suggest a delay in speech development?

The child does not use the names of familiar objects.

By 24 months most children will name objects familiar to them in their daily lives. Not doing so is strong evidence that a speech delay may exist. Repeating words heard or phrases out of context (echolalia) is normal and a way to practice words and incorporate them in the vocabulary. At 2 years, most children understand much more than they can clearly repeat. Using two-word sentences is a developmental expectation at this age.

A nurse is discussing safety measures with the parents of a toddler. What would the nurse emphasize to address the most frequent type of accident in toddlers?

"Keep all cleaning products and drugs out of the reach of your child."

Although all the instructions are important, accidental ingestions (poisoning) are the most frequent accident in toddlers. Therefore, it is imperative to focus on keeping all poisonous substances, drugs, and small objects securely out of the reach of children. Burns, motor vehicle accidents, and falls such as from a tricycle occur frequently in toddlers. However, they occur less frequently than poisonings.

A nurse is presenting a class on toilet training to a group of parents with toddlers. Which information would the nurse include in the class? Select all that apply.

Using training pants that slide down easily and quickly
Praising the child when he or she urinates or defecates
Putting the child on the potty chair at regular intervals during the day

For effective toilet training, parents should allow 1 to 2 weeks to psychologically prepare the child for training, using training pants that slide down easily and quickly, praising the child when he or she urinates or defecates, limiting the time spent on the potty chair to no longer than 10 minutes (or less if the child is resistant), and putting the child on the potty chair at regular intervals during the day.

The parents of a 3-year-old who had bone cancer that resulted in amputation of the lower left leg ask their health care provider about expected behaviors for their child. Which behavior is expected and acceptable during hospitalization for treatments?

Crawling may be their preferred mode of travel because they may not want to wait for help to put the prosthesis on.

A toddler with a long-term illness or who is physically challenged can be expected to exhibit normal toddler behaviors, such as temper tantrums. A child who uses a lower extremity prosthesis, for example, might prefer to crawl somewhere rather than wait for help to put the prosthesis in place. Toilet training is difficult for a child who is hospitalized at periodic intervals because success usually requires a consistent caregiver; in addition, hospitalization can result in regressive behaviors. If a chronically ill child has difficulty with ambulation, soiling accidents may occur beyond the usual age because of an inability to reach a bathroom easily.

A group of caregivers are discussing the form of discipline in which the child is placed in a "time-out" chair. Which statement made by these caregivers is appropriate related to this form of discipline?

"When my child starts getting frustrated and aggressive, I remind the child throwing a fit will end up in a time-out."

A method for a young child who is not cooperating or who is out of control is to send the child to a "time-out" chair. This should be a place where the child can be alone but observed without other distractions. The duration of the isolation should be limited—1 minute per year of age is usually adequate. Caregivers should warn the child in advance of this possibility, but only one warning per event is necessary. The chair should be used for discipline, not because the child will not go take a nap. It can be used for all ages of young children.

The pediatric nurse is planning quiet activities for a hospitalized 18-month-old. What would be an appropriate activity for this age group?

Stacking blocks

At 18 months the child can stack four blocks. The 24-month-old can paint (but not by number), scribble, and color, and put round pegs into holes.

The nurse is teaching parents interventions appropriate to the emotional development of their toddlers. What is a recommended intervention for this age group?

Do not blame toddlers for aggressive behavior; instead, point out the results of their behavior.

Toddlers should not be blamed for their aggressive behavior; adults can assist the toddler in building empathy by pointing out when someone is hurt and explaining what happened. Adults should allow toddlers to rely upon a security item to self-soothe, as this is a function of autonomy and is viewed as a sign of a nurturing environment rather than one of neglect. Toddlers may question parents about the difference between male and female body parts and may begin to explore their own genitals. This is normal behavior in this age group. Offering limited choices is one way of allowing toddlers some control over their environment and helping them to establish a sense of mastery.

The parents are asking their health care provider to give them some advice on how to start toilet training their toddler. Which information is most appropriate to share with this family? Select all that apply.

Praise the child every time the child sits on the potty chair and tries to defecate.
Don't let the child use the potty chair as a place to sit at the play table since it might confuse the child of its purpose.

Begin with defecation training because this is so much easier to grasp than urination. Sit the child on the potty chair or toilet at the time the child usually defecates. Praise the child if he or she does defecate. Be careful not to flush the toilet while the child is sitting on it because 2-year-old children are unable to realize they will not be flushed away. Encourage the child to flush the toilet independently after getting redressed. Do not allow a child to remain on a potty chair for much longer than 10 minutes (less than that if the child is resistant). Also, do not allow the child to use the chair to eat or as a play table so the child does not become confused as to its purpose.

A 3-year-old child is hospitalized with a diagnosis of sickle cell anemia. The child's condition has improved, and the child is much more active and eager to play. Which toy should the nurse offer the child?

large piece puzzle

An appropriate toy for a 3-year-old child is a large piece puzzle. Board games are more appropriate for preschool and school-aged children; fabric books and squeaky toys are more appropriate for older infants and younger toddlers (10 to 18 month of age).

The nurse is reviewing sleep and rest activities of a 16-month-old child with the parents. The father states, "I have told my wife it is unhealthy for our child to sleep with us. It's time for him to sleep in his own bed. What do you think?" What is the nurse's best initial response?

"It must be difficult for the two of you to both feel strongly about what is best for you and your child."

Acknowledging the difference of opinion between the mother and father allows for open conversation about the sleeping arrangement, which may lead to an acceptable resolution. Stating the views of professionals about co-sleeping, while accurate, does not address the parent's voiced concerns, nor does noting the sleep activities in the chart. Suggesting the child sleep in his own bed is not up to the nurse to do, and it does not address the issue.

What advice should a nurse give to the caregivers of a 2 year old client who frequently throws temper tantrums?

What is the best advice for a nurse to give to the parents of a 2-year-old child who frequently throws temper tantrums? 3. Ignore the behavior when it happens. A 2-year-old is admitted with failure to thrive.

When a child is having a temper tantrum the caregiver should?

Take a few deep breaths, and take at least 30 seconds to decide how you will handle the tantrum. Try distracting the child. Focus the child's attention on something else. Remove the child from an unsafe situation such as climbing on the tables and offer him something else to play with.

What advice should the nurse provide the parent of a toddler regarding how do you handle temper tantrums quizlet?

During a temper tantrum, the advice is for the parent to ignore the behavior but ensure the toddler is safe. Rewarding temper tantrums can teach the toddler that tantrums are an effective method of interaction. Ignoring tantrums teaches the toddler that tantrums are ineffective.

When caring for a 2 year old child the midwife should offer choices when appropriate about some aspects of care according to Erikson doing this helps the child achieve?

When caring for a 2-year-old child, the nurse should offer choices, when appropriate, about some aspects of care. According to Erikson, doing this helps the child achieve: autonomy.

What gross motor skills does a 18 month old have?

Gross motor skills.
walk independently..
walk sideways and backwards..
crawl up stairs..
walk up and down stairs with help..
play with pull and push toys, such as a toddler grocery cart..
seat self in a child-sized chair, starts to crawl into car seat..

Which fine motor skill can an 18 month old child do?

Between the ages of 12-18 months, your child will: Use their hands together to hold a toy at the middle of their body. Scribble with a crayon. Point with their pointer finger.

What developmental behaviors does an 18 month old child possess?

Your 18-month-old toddler is now walking and using basic words. At this age, children love to play and explore. They begin to show some independence and may play pretend and point at objects they want. They also begin to understand what things in the house are used for, such as a cup or spoon.

What is a gross motor skills for 18 24 months?

Gross Motor Skills 18 - 24 m With excellent physical control, toddlers are now non-stop flurries of activity. By the end of the second year, toddlers can walk steadily, run, walk backwards and often jump too.