What psychoanalytic theorist most notably influenced the Big Five theory of personality?

The unique and relatively stable ways in which each individual thinks, acts, and feels is called ______.

a. personality
b. nurture
c. a trait
d. nature

Which of the following statements describes the relationship between temperament and personality?

a. Personality, which we are born with, is the basis upon which one's temperament is built.
b. Temperament, which we are born with, is the basis upon which one's personality is built.
c. Temperament refers to negative personal characteristics, while personality refers to positive personal characteristics

Temperament, which we are born with, is the basis upon which one's personality is built.

The ________ theory of personality has its basis in the theories of learning, and focuses on the effects of environment on one's personal characteristics and actions.

a. psychodynamic
b. humanistic
c. trait
d. behaviorist

Which theory of personality was a direct reaction against the psychoanalytic and behaviorist perspectives?

a. humanistic perspective
b. trait perspective
c. projective perspective
d. inventory perspective

Freud believed that the _______ was the most important determining factor in human behavior and personality.

a. id
b. preconscious mind
c. manifest awareness
d. unconscious mind

"If it feels good do it" best describes the _______.

a. id
b. ego
c. superego
d. preconscious

What is Freud's term for the executive of the personality that has a realistic plan for obtaining gratification of an individual's desires?

a. id
b. ego
c. superego
d. preconscious

The ______ controls the satisfaction of the id's drives in the external world.

a. personal unconscious
b. ego
c. superego
d. persona

Which element in Freud's personality theory is composed of the conscience and the ego ideal?

a. id
b. ego
c. superego
d. preconscious

According to Freud, the ______ acts as our conscience.

a. id
b. superego
c. ego
d. collective unconscious

For the behaviorist, personality is a set of learned responses or _______.

a. traits
b. conditions
c. stimuli
d. habits

A famous psychologist argues that there are three factors that influence personality: environment, person, and behavior. This psychologist is most likely a ______ psychologist.

a. psychodynamic
b. social cognitive
c. psychoanalytic
d. trait

What is Albert Bandura's term for the relationship among the three factors that influence personality?

a. feedback loops
b. learned responses
c. reciprocal determinism
d. external expectancies

Albert Bandura's notion that people are affected by their environment but can also influence that environment is known as ______.

a. self-efficacy
b. locus of control
c. phenomenology
d. reciprocal determinism

A baseball player's son is quite talented; he has received lots of awards over the years. When he gets up to bat he expects to get a hit, and when he is in the field he expects to make every catch. According to Bandura, what characteristic does this young man seem to have?
a. self-regard
b. self-centeredness
c. self-efficacy
d. self-actualization

According to Albert Bandura, a person's belief about his or her skills and ability to perform certain behaviors is known as _____.

a. self-efficacy
b. locus of control
c. phenomenology
d. reciprocal determinism

_____ theory is called the third force in personality theory.

a. Psychoanalytic
b. Behaviorist
c. Cognitive
d. Humanistic

What do Abraham Maslow's and Carl Rogers's theories have in common?

a. They are both stage theories.
b. They focus on unconscious motivation.
c. They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny.
d. They both fit in the learning/cognitive perspective.

They believe that each human being is free to choose his or her own destiny.

Which of the following descriptions is likely to fit the quality of self-actualization?

a. shy, silent, and humorless
b. real self close to ideal self
c. ideal self dominating real self
d. superego dominating id

real self close to ideal self

In Carl Rogers's theory, our perception of our abilities, behaviors, and characteristics is known as ______.

a. personality
b. self-regard
c. self-esteem
d. self-concept

According to Carl Rogers, anxiety and neurotic behaviors occur when _______.

a. a person has low self-esteem
b. there is matching between the real self and ideal self
c. there is a discrepancy between the real self and ideal self
d. the individual receives too much unconditional positive regard

there is a discrepancy between the real self and ideal self

Carl Rogers emphasized accepting people for what they are, not for what you would like them to be. This acceptance is termed ______.

a. conditional esteem
b. unconditional esteem
c. conditional positive regard
d. unconditional positive regard

unconditional positive regard

Which one of the goals of psychology would be most relevant in the trait perspective?

a. description
b. explanation
c. maintenance
d. control

Which theories are less concerned with the explanation for personality development and changing personality than they are with describing personality and predicting behavior based on that description?

a. trait theories
b. psychodynamic theories
c. archetype theories
d. behaviorist theories

Cattell and Allport are both prominent ______ theorists.

a. psychodynamic
b. trait
c. behavioral
d. humanistic

What are the Big Five personality traits?

a. conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, extraversion, dominance
b. openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism
c. sensation seeking, conscientiousness, openness, agreeableness, dominance
d. neuroticism, psychoticism, extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness

openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism

Ellen has been described as creative, imaginative, curious, artistic, and nonconforming. She is likely to obtain an elevated score on a questionnaire designed to measure ________.

a. extraversion
b. agreeableness
c. conscientiousness
d. openness

Ted is friendly, loves to tells jokes at parties, and is perceived by others as warm and considerate. On which two of the Big Five traits would you expect Ted to obtain high scores?

a. agreeableness and extraversion
b. extraversion and conscientiousness
c. neuroticism and openness to experience
d. openness to experience and conscientiousness

agreeableness and extraversion

When assessing personality, many psychologists take the eclectic view, which means they ________.

a. use only one specific approach
b. use a variety of approaches
c. focus on behavior
d. focus on unconscious motives

use a variety of approaches

Which assessment technique requires people to respond to unstructured or ambiguous stimuli?

a. dynamic
b. projective
c. objective
d. predictive

A person's responses to a projective test are thought to reflect ________.

a. current events
b. daydreaming themes
c. maladaptive patterns of behavior
d. unconscious thoughts and feelings

unconscious thoughts and feelings

An assessment in which a numerical value is assigned to specific behavior(s) that is/are listed on the assessment is called a _______.

a. rating scale
b. frequency count
c. projective test
d. interview

Personality assessments conducted by behaviorists rely primarily on _______.

a. projective tests
b. direct observation
c. detailed analysis of dreams
d. interviews

Personality assessments conducted by behaviorists sometimes make use of _______.

a. projective tests
b. introjective tests
c. reports by friends
d. rating scales and frequency counts

rating scales and frequency counts

As part of an application for a job, Dan is asked to complete some psychological tests including one in which he responds true or false to items such as "I feel sad most of the time," or "I had a good childhood." What type of psychological test is Dan taking?

a. a behavioral log
b. the TAT
c. a projective test
d. an inventory

What is the branch of psychology that is concerned with the study of abnormal behavior?

a. health psychology
b. psychopathology
c. psychobiology
d. developmental psychology

Which criterion would designate a person who never talks to anyone as abnormal?

a. dysfunctional
b. statistical definition
c. subjective discomfort
d. malnutritious

Which term refers to a way to define abnormality by comparing an individual's behavior to the norms or standards of the society in which an individual lives?

a. social discomfort
b. social mores
c. social context
d. social norm deviance

What is the primary difficulty with applying the criterion of "social norm deviance" to define abnormal behavior?

a. Norms are difficult to enumerate.
b. Cultures accept and view all behaviors as normal.
c. Behavior that is considered disordered in one culture may be acceptable in another.
d. Norms do not guide behavior except in rare instances.

Behavior that is considered disordered in one culture may be acceptable in another.

Due to the fear of having anxiety attacks, Maria does not leave her house. This makes her feel trapped in her home, which creates distress. Which criterion would be most appropriate in deciding whether Maria's case represents an example of abnormality?
a. statistical rarity
b. subjective discomfort
c. situational context
d. social norm deviance

One sign of abnormality is when a person engages in behavior that creates a great deal of emotional distress or ______.

a. subjective discomfort
b. social deviance
c. statistical rarity
d. situational context

Who is the psychodynamic theorist that most notably influenced the Big Five theory of personality?

Psychodynamic theory is most closely associated with the work of Sigmund Freud, and with psychoanalysis, a type of psychotherapy that attempts to explore the patient's unconscious thoughts and emotions so that the person is better able to understand him- or herself.

What did Gordon Allport think about?

His important introductory work on the theory of personality was Personality: A Psychological Interpretation (1937). Allport is best known for the concept that, although adult motives develop from infantile drives, they become independent of them. Allport called this concept functional autonomy.

What is Freudian theory of personality?

According to Sigmund Freud, human personality is complex and has more than a single component. In his famous psychoanalytic theory, Freud states that personality is composed of three elements known as the id, the ego, and the superego. These elements work together to create complex human behaviors.

Who created the personality theory?

The psychoanalytic personality theory was developed by famed psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud. Freud believed that an individual's personality was a summation of their innate instincts and their parental influences. He thought that these two forces, nature, and nurture, worked together to form a complete personality.