What was the main reason that yellow journalism strongly affected American attitudes about Cuba and the Spanish American War quizlet?

What was the main reason that yellow journalism strongly affected American attitudes about Cuba and the Spanish

What was the main reason that yellow journalism strongly affected Americanattitudes about Cuba and the Spanish-American War? Very few average Americans read newspapers, but most politicians did. People got most of their information about world events from newspapers.

How did yellow journalism affect the Spanish

His journalists used Yellow Journalism to convince Americans that the Spanish had sunk the USS Maine. newspapers deliberately sensationalized the news, depicting the Spaniards as murderous brutes in order to sell more newspapers. Americans supported the War because they were angry about what they were reading.

What effect did yellow journalism have on the Spanish

The dramatic style of yellow journalism contributed to creating public support for the Spanish-American War, a war that would ultimately expand the global reach of the United States.

How did yellow journalism affect American sentiment toward the crisis in Cuba?

How did the Yellow Press affect American sentiment toward the crisis in Cuba? It fueled American jingoism and anger toward Spain. Which group of soldiers did Theodore Roosevelt lead during the Spanish-American War?