When an entity-relationship model is implemented in sql, an entity typically becomes a _____.

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When an entity-relationship model is implemented in sql, an entity typically becomes a _____.

When an entity-relationship model is implemented in sql, an entity typically becomes a _____.

When an entity-relationship model is implemented in sql, an entity typically becomes a _____.

When an entity-relationship model is implemented in sql, an entity typically becomes a _____.

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This exercise relate to a recursive sorting algorithm called MergeSort, which is described as follows: A one-element list is already sorted; no further work is required. Otherwise, split the list in half, sort each half using MergeSort (this is the recursive part), and then merge the two halves back into one sorted list. The merge part of algorithm MergeSort requires comparing elements from each of two sorted lists to see which goes next into the combined, sorted list. When one list runs out of elements, the remaining elements from the other list can be added without further comparisons. Given the following pairs of lists, perform a merge and count the number of comparisons to merge the two lists into one. a. 6, 8, 9 and 1, 4, 5 b. 1, 5, 8 and 2, 3, 4 c. 0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 10 and 1, 8, 9

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