When childproofing the home for a toddler the most important thing her parents should consider is to quizlet?

4 to 5 months of age, the infant makes simple vowel sounds, laughs aloud, responds to no
Between 4 and 7 months, the infant begins to distinguish emotions based on the tone of voice. Squealing and yelling begin around 6 months of age; these may be used to express joy or displeasure. At age 7 to 10 months, babbling begins and progresses to strings (e.g., mamama, dadada) without meaning.

*At 9 to 12 months of age, the infant begins to attach meaning to "mama" and "dada" and starts to imitate other speech sounds. The average 12-month-old uses two or three recognizable words with meaning, recognizes objects by name, and starts to imitate animal sounds. At this age, the infant pays increasing attention to speech and tries to imitate words; he or she may also say "uh-oh."

*Infant engages in solitary play. and doesnt directly play with other infants. A wide variety of toys is available for infants, but infants often enjoy the most basic ones, such as plastic containers of various shapes and sizes, soft balls, and wooden or plastic spoons. Books are also very important toys for infants. Reading to all ages of infants is appropriate, and the older infant develops fine motor skills by learning to turn book pages.

New-Born- 1 month
Mobile with contrasting colors or patterns
Unbreakable mirror
Soft music via tape or music box
Soft, brightly colored toys

1-4 months
Bright mobile
Unbreakable mirror
Singing by parent or caregiver, varied music
High-contrast patterns in books or images

4-7 months
Fabric or board books
Different types of music
Easy-to-hold toys that do things or make noise (fancy rattles)
Floating, squirting bath toys
Soft dolls or animals

8-12 months
Plastic cups, bowls, buckets
Unbreakable mirror
Large building blocks
Stacking toys
Busy boxes (with buttons or knobs that make things happen)
Board books with large pictures
Toy telephone
Push-pull toys (older infants

Iron-fortified rice cereal mixed with a small amount of breast milk or formula is a good choice for the first solid food
The introduction of one new food every 3 to 5 days is recommended and this allows for identification of allergies.

Avoid excessive amount of juice, cows milk, honey, egg yolks until 10 months, whole grapes, hotdogs,

Generally, by 8 months of age, the infant is ready for more texture in his or her foods. Soft, smashed table food without large chunks is appropriate. Finger foods such as Cheerios, soft green bean pieces, or soft peas may also be offered. Avoid hard foods that the infant may choke on. Strained, puréed, or mashed meats may be introduced at 10 to 12 months of age.

*Fruit juice is unnecessary and should not be introduced until 6 months of age. If juice is given, it should be limited to 2 to 4 oz per day. Fruit itself is much more nutritious than fruit juice. If infants are allowed to consume larger quantities of juice, it can displace important nutrients from breast milk or formula

Discuss safe sleeping practices with parents of newborns and infants; the baby should sleep on a firm mattress without pillows or comforters. The baby's bed should be placed away from air conditioner vents, open windows, and open heaters. Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) has been associated with prone side-lying positioning of newborns and infants, so the infant should be placed to sleep alone (no pillows, stuffed animals, fluffy blankets), on his or her back, and in own crib

**Begin teaching about "back to sleep" at prenatal or newborn visit.
• Use each encounter with the young infant as an opportunity to reinforce the supine position for sleep.

a bedtime routine around 4 months of age due to the infant's increased alertness and activity level. The baby who is 4 months or older needs a time of calming and relaxation before going to sleep. A consistent bedtime routine should be established, perhaps a bath followed by rocking, singing, or reading. The infant should fall asleep in his or her own crib rather than being rocked to sleep or held until sleeping and then put in the crib. After 4 months of age, infants must learn to soothe themselves back to sleep following night waking

Discipline helps build self-esteem in children as well as sets standards for social interactions. The primary goal of discipline is to teach an infant limits. Discipline should be used to help the infant solve problems

Nurses should encourage the parents to "childproof" their home so that the infant can develop physical skills without being at risk. In a childproof home, fewer restrictions need to be placed on the infant's behavior, and he or she can explore.
Physical punishment or spanking should never be used in infancy. Infants are at increased risk for physical injury from spanking and cannot make the connection between the spanking and the undesirable behavior. Providing a safe environment, redirection away from undesirable behaviors, and saying "no" in appropriate instances are far more effective. For example, when the infant is in potential danger (e.g., inserting a key into an electrical outlet, attempting to ingest a poisonous substance, or reaching into the toilet), the parent must use a firm but calm and brisk approach. If the infant knows the parent is serious, he or she will usually comply more quickly
Remaining calm, firm, and consistent is necessary. Immediacy is also an important component of appropriate discipline.

Discomfort is common as the tooth breaks through the periodontal membrane. Infants may drool, bite on hard objects, or increase finger sucking. Some infants may become very irritable, refuse to eat, and not sleep well. Fever, vomiting, and diarrhea are generally not considered signs of teething but rather of illness.
Teething pain results from inflammation. Teach parents that application of cold may be soothing to the gums. The infant may chew on a cold teething ring, or parents can rub an ice cube wrapped in a washcloth on the gums. Over-the-counter topical anesthetics such as baby Orajel may also be helpful. Parents should apply the ointment correctly to the gums, avoiding the lips, as they may cause numbing. Occasionally, oral acetaminophen or ibuprofen may be given to relieve pain

Thumb & Pacificer- Parents should not try to break the habit during a stressful time for the infant. When the infant is intensely trying to master a new skill such as sitting or walking, he or she may need the sucking or security item to self-soothe. Pacifiers and security items can be physically taken away at some point, but the thumb is attached. The infant who has become attached to thumb sucking should not have additional attention drawn to the issue, as that may prolong thumb sucking.
Families of infants who use pacifiers may want to wean the infant from the pacifier when the child approaches 1 year of age, as this is the time when the

Which is the best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving the developmental task?

The best way for parents to aid a toddler in achieving his developmental task would be to: allow him to make simple decisions.

What advice should the nurse provide the parent of a toddler regarding how do you handle temper tantrums?

During a temper tantrum, the advice is for the parent to ignore the behavior but ensure the toddler is safe. Rewarding temper tantrums can teach the toddler that tantrums are an effective method of interaction. Ignoring tantrums teaches the toddler that tantrums are ineffective.

When assessing a toddler's language development What is the expected findings for language development in a 2 year old?

What is an expected finding for language development in a 2-year-old? Feedback: A 2-year-old child should be speaking in simple two-word sentences using a noun and a verb.

Which of the following is the developmental task for toddlers quizlet?

Explanation: Achieving a sense of independence or autonomy is the toddler developmental task.