When Francesca age 62 discovered that her retirement plan has suffered losses in the stock market?

Question 37

Multiple Choice

Question 37

When Francesca,age 62,discovered that her retirement plan had suffered losses in the stock market,she realized that she would not be able to retired within the next year as she had expected to do.After she learned of her predicament,Francesca met with a financial consultant provided by her company,and she has decided to postpone her retirement by just two years.She hopes that the economy will improve and the additional years of work will help her to achieve her financial goals.Which of the following is an accurate description of Francesca's coping at this point?

A)She is using a problem-focused mechanism.
B)She is using an emotion-focused mechanism.
C)She is using a primary control strategy.
D)She is just being practical,she is not using a copy strategy.

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  • Q32:

    How is the gender of an elderly person linked to whether or not others have negative,stereotyped expectations of that person? A)Gender of the elderly person has no effect. B)Elderly men are more likely to be seen in a negative way. C)Elderly women are more likely to be seen in a negative way. D)Elderly women are more likely to be seen in a positive way.

  • Q33:

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  • Q34:

    Research on the use of control strategies indicates that flexibility in adjusting one's goals A)is more characteristic of 20-year-olds than 60-year-olds. B)is less characteristic of 20-year-olds than 60-year-olds. C)does not change across the life span. D)has no effect on happiness or well-being.

  • Q35:

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  • Q36:

    In several studies of the benefits of searching for meaning in the loss of a loved one,which individuals were likely to show the most distress in the long run? A)Those who were able to find some meaning in the loss without the benefit of religion B)Those who did not initiate a search for meaning C)Those who tried but failed to find meaning in their loss D)Those who began with no religious faith

  • Q38:

    Heckhausen found in a study of young,middle-aged,and elderly adults that elderly people had fewer aspirations regarding work,finances,and family and more aspirations related to health,community,and leisure pursuits than young adults.These age-related shifts in aspirations illustrate A)increasing use of primary control strategies with age. B)increasing use of secondary control strategies with age. C)fewer needs for autonomy in old age. D)disenchantment.

  • Q39:

    "The reminiscence bump" refers to A)the large number of stereotypes about older people rambling on about their lives. B)the large number of autobiographical memories that are retained from the late adolescent through early adult period. C)the large number of autobiographical memories that are retained from the most recent past,even for elderly people. D)the increase in medical expenses experienced by most people after age 65.

  • Q40:

    Training in some professions is more likely to foster wisdom than training in other professions.Which of the following is one of the professions that seem to benefit wisdom development? A)Clinical psychology B)Economics C)Mathematics D)Business management

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