Which client behavior indicates to the nurse that further teaching regarding breastfeeding her newborn is needed?

A client asks about the difference between cow's milk and breast milk. The nurse should respond that cow's milk differs from human milk in that it contains what?

Less protein, less calcium, and more carbohydrates

More protein, less calcium, and fewer carbohydrates

Less protein, more calcium, and more carbohydrates

More protein, more calcium, and fewer carbohydrates

2. Growth of the fetus, personal hygiene, and nutritional guidance

Awareness of the fetus as an individual and the expected changes of pregnancy lead the client to seek information regarding fetal growth, body changes, and nutrition. Information on infant care, travel to the hospital, signs of labor, signs of preeclampsia, and relaxation breathing techniques is appropriate in the last trimester. Interventions for nausea and vomiting, urinary frequency, and anticipated care are appropriate for the first trimester.

What client behavior indicates to the nurse that a woman needs further teaching about breastfeeding her newborn?

What client behavior indicates to the nurse that a woman needs further teaching regarding breastfeeding her newborn? (When the breast is pushed into the infant's mouth, typically the infant's mouth closes too soon, resulting in inadequate latching on.

What advice would you give a new mother considering breast feeding?

Breastfeeding Tips For New Mothers.
1) Anticipate Your Baby's Desires. ... .
2) Let Your Baby Determine How Often And How Long To Nurse. ... .
3) Get Comfortable While Nursing. ... .
4) Relax. ... .
5) Help Your Baby Find The Right Position. ... .
6) Don't Be Alarmed, Leaking Is Natural. ... .
7) Take Care Of Your Skin. ... .
8) Don't Worry, You'll Have Enough Milk..

Which would the nurse recommend to a client who is formula feeding her infant and complains of discomfort from engorged breasts?

To treat engorgement, recommend that the mother puts warm compresses on her breasts or takes a warm shower and expresses enough milk to reduce discomfort which helps make attachment easier.

What behavioral state of the newborn would be an optimal time for breastfeeding?

Most participants were in either the drowsy or quiet-alert state, which are optimal behavioural states for breastfeeding. One to two-hourly on-demand feeds was significantly associated with mothers who had normal births and did not use galactogogues to promote lactation.