Which line from the passage best provides evidence to support the claim that sugar trade led to the end of slavery?

journal article

Beyond the Middle Passage: Slave Migration from the Caribbean to North America, 1619-1807

The William and Mary Quarterly

Third Series, Vol. 66, No. 1 (Jan., 2009)

, pp. 125-172 (48 pages)

Published By: Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture


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Journal Information

A leading journal in early American history and culture, the William and Mary Quarterly publishes refereed scholarship in history and related disciplines from initial Old World–New World contacts to the early nineteenth century. Its articles, sources and interpretations, and reviews of books range from British North America and the United States to Europe, West Africa, the Caribbean, and the Spanish American borderlands. Forums and special issues address topics of active interest in the field.

Publisher Information

The Omohundro Institute of Early American History & Culture supports scholars and scholarship focused on the expansive field of early American history. The OI has produced a deep bench of award-winning scholarly monographs on a variety of topics; published the leading journal in the field, the William and Mary Quarterly; and sponsored events including conferences designed to bring together scholars for robust exchange at various levels of career achievement for robust exchange.

Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal,” and yet enslaved more than six-hundred people over the course of his life.  Although he made some legislative attempts against slavery and at times bemoaned its existence, he also profited directly from the institution of slavery and wrote that he suspected black people to be inferior to white people in his Notes on the State of Virginia.

Throughout his entire life, Thomas Jefferson was publicly a consistent opponent of slavery. Calling it a “moral depravity”1 and a “hideous blot,”2 he believed that slavery presented the greatest threat to the survival of the new American nation.3 Jefferson also thought that slavery was contrary to the laws of nature, which decreed that everyone had a right to personal liberty.4  These views were radical in a world where unfree labor was the norm.

  • Browse a selection of Jefferson quotes about Race and Slavery »
  • More on this topic in Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty »

At the time of the American Revolution, Jefferson was actively involved in legislation that he hoped would result in slavery’s abolition.5 In 1778, he drafted a Virginia law that prohibited the importation of enslaved Africans.6  In 1784, he proposed an ordinance that would ban slavery in the Northwest territories.7 But Jefferson always maintained that the decision to emancipate slaves would have to be part of a democratic process; abolition would be stymied until slaveowners consented to free their human property together in a large-scale act of emancipation.  To Jefferson, it was anti-democratic and contrary to the principles of the American Revolution for the federal government to enact abolition or for only a few planters to free their slaves.8

Although Jefferson continued to advocate for abolition, the reality was that slavery was becoming more entrenched.  The slave population in Virginia skyrocketed from 292,627 in 1790 to 469,757 in 1830.  Jefferson had assumed that the abolition of the slave trade would weaken slavery and hasten its end.  Instead, slavery became more widespread and profitable.  In an attempt to erode Virginians’ support for slavery, he discouraged the cultivation of crops heavily dependent on slave labor—specifically tobacco—and encouraged the introduction of crops that needed little or no slave labor—wheat, sugar maples, short-grained rice, olive trees, and wine grapes.9 But by the 1800s, Virginia’s most valuable commodity and export was neither crops nor land, but slaves.

Jefferson’s belief in the necessity of ending slavery never changed.  From the mid-1770s until his death, he advocated the same plan of gradual emancipation. First, the transatlantic slave trade would be abolished.10  Second, slaveowners would “improve” slavery’s most violent features, by bettering (Jefferson used the term “ameliorating”) living conditions and moderating physical punishment.11  Third, all born into slavery after a certain date would be declared free, followed by total abolition.12  Like others of his day, he supported the removal of newly freed slaves from the United States.13 The unintended effect of Jefferson’s plan was that his goal of “improving” slavery as a step towards ending it was used as an argument for its perpetuation.  Pro-slavery advocates after Jefferson’s death argued that if slavery could be “improved,” abolition was unnecessary.

Jefferson’s belief in the necessity of abolition was intertwined with his racial beliefs.  He thought that white Americans and enslaved blacks constituted two “separate nations” who could not live together peacefully in the same country.14  Jefferson’s belief that blacks were racially inferior and “as incapable as children,”15 coupled with slaves’ presumed resentment of their former owners, made their removal from the United States an integral part of Jefferson’s emancipation scheme.  Influenced by the Haitian Revolution and an aborted rebellion in Virginia in 1800, Jefferson believed that American slaves’ deportation—whether to Africa or the West Indies—was an essential followup to emancipation.16

Jefferson wrote that maintaining slavery was like holding “a wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go.”17 He thought that his cherished federal union, the world’s first democratic experiment, would be destroyed by slavery.  To emancipate slaves on American soil, Jefferson thought, would result in a large-scale race war that would be as brutal and deadly as the slave revolt in Haiti in 1791.  But he also believed that to keep slaves in bondage, with part of America in favor of abolition and part of America in favor of perpetuating slavery, could only result in a civil war that would destroy the union.  Jefferson’s latter prediction was correct: in 1861, the contest over slavery sparked a bloody civil war and the creation of two nations—Union and Confederacy—in the place of one.

Further Sources

How does this passage support the claim that the sugar led to the end of slavery in some parts of the world?

How does this passage support the claim that the sugar trade led to the end of slavery in some parts of the world? It describes her testimony on the brutal practices on sugar plantations convinced Parliament to end the slave trade.

Which line from the passage best provides evidence that sugar trade led to the end of slavery?

Which quotation provides evidence to support the claim that the sugar trade led to the end of slavery? "While that link gave the English a stake in slavery, it also gave the antislavery forces an opportunity."

How does the evidence support the central idea that sugar cane helped lead to the abolition of slavery?

How does the evidence support the central idea that cane sugar helped lead to the abolition of slavery? The evidence explains that modern technology triggered the shift from cane sugar to beet sugar. Sugar was the connection, the tie, between slavery and freedom.

Which sentence best states the author's claim sugar changed the world Part 4?

Answer: B. Advances in the production of sweeteners hastened the end of involuntary servitude.