Which message does an IPv4 host use to reply when it receives a DHCPOFFER message from a DHCP server

Last Updated on October 29, 2020 by Admin

Which message does an IPv4 host use to reply when it receives a DHCPOFFER message from a DHCP server?


    Answers Explanation & Hints:

    When the client receives the DHCPOFFER from the server, it sends back a DHCPREQUEST broadcast message. On receiving the DHCPREQUEST message, the server replies with a unicast DHCPACK message.

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When a DHCP client receives Dhcpoffer messages it will send a broadcast Dhcprequest message for two purposes What are these two purposes?

When a DHCP client receives DHCPOFFER messages, it will send a broadcast DHCPREQUEST message for two purposes. First, it indicates to the offering DHCP server that it would like to accept the offer and bind the IP address. Second, it notifies any other responding DHCP servers that their offers are declined.

Which address does a DHCPv4 server target when sending a Dhcpoffer message to a client that makes an address request?

Which address does a DHCPv4 server target when sending a DHCPOFFER message to a client that makes an address request? Explanation: When a DHCPv4 client does not have an IPv4 address, a DHCPv4 server will send a DHCPOFFER message back to the client hardware address of the requesting DHCPv4 client.

When a client is requesting an initial address lease from a DHCP server Why is the Dhcprequest?

When a client is requesting an initial address lease from a DHCP server, why is the DHCPREQUEST message sent as a broadcast? The client does not yet know the IP address of the DHCP server that sent the offer. The DHCP server may be on a different subnet, so the request must be sent as a broadcast.

Which DHCP message confirms to the client that the requested lease is finalized?

Each DHCP server then decides how to reply to the client. The server has information about valid client leases. The server has the client's lease information. It sends a DHCPACK message to confirm the lease.