Which movie The problem is not the problem the problem is your attitude about the problem?

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem”

Captain Jack Sparrow

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Taken straight from the philosophy of Captain Jack Sparrow and a sentence I regularly visit.

We all have challenges and pressures in life that we can allow to get on top of us and feel like we have no way out. I sometimes allow myself to be driven by anxiety, so over worrying and doomsday scenarios are a daily normality for me.

The ability to take a step back and re-frame what’s actually in front of me in the present has been a powerful tool and most of the time I find that the problem is not the real problem.

Why not take a new approach and re frame your mindset to tackle what you may have convinced yourself to be the unjust problem? maybe you’ll find it was not the real problem after all.

Before you go… 👋

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  • Tags art, Deep Thoughts, Life Lessons, Mindfulness, Philosophy, Stoicism, wellbeing, wisdom

After extensive research and endless googling... I'm no wiser than you tbh. It is continuously attributed to Pirates but there's no real source for that to be found. However from memory (having watched each of them about 40 times) my guess is that Jack says it to Will in the first film, somewhere at or on their way to Isla de Muerta. I'll rewatch the film soon anyway so I'll post an update then :D

In what movie was the quote the problem is not the problem the problem is your attitude about the problem do you understand?

“The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem. Do you understand?” -Jack Sparrow.

Who said your problem isn't the problem your reaction is the problem?

Motivational Quotes on Twitter: ""Your problem isn't the problem. Your reaction is the problem." - Anonymous" / Twitter.