Which nursing intervention is appropriate to help prevent thrombophlebitis in a postpartum woman who delivered by cesarean birth Sherpath quizlet?

Which can the nurse do to help prevent thrombophlebitis in a postpartum woman who delivered by C-section?

Administer warfarin therapy by mouth.

Encourage early and frequent ambulation.

Administer Lasix IV to increase urinary output.

Encourage increased ambulation and fluid intake.

Encourage early and frequent ambulation.

Early and frequent ambulation helps prevent thrombophlebitis in postpartum women who delivered by C-section.

Which of the following postpartum women may require nursing care for ineffective bladder elimination?
Select all that apply.

A woman who pushed for two hours

A woman who received epidural anesthesia during labor

A woman with a first degree perineal laceration and slight edema

A woman with an episiotomy and a firm, midline fundus at the umbilicus

A woman who delivered by C-section and had an indwelling catheter removed

A woman who pushed for two hours
A woman who pushed for two hours is at risk for ineffective bladder elimination due to prolonged pushing and perineal swelling.

A woman who received epidural anesthesia during labor
A woman who received epidural anesthesia is at risk for ineffective bladder elimination due to decreased sensation to void.

A woman who delivered by C-section and had an indwelling catheter removed
A woman who delivered by C-section and had an indwelling catheter removed would be at risk for ineffective bladder elimination.

Which nursing interventions can help prevent abdominal distention and gas for a postpartum woman who delivered by C-section?
Select all that apply.

Administer oral (PO) narcotics.

Encourage increased ambulation.

Encourage increased PO fluid intake.

Administer simethecone with meals.

Encourage increased PO fluid intake of carbonated beverages.

Encourage increased ambulation.
Increased ambulation stimulates peristalsis and helps prevent abdominal distention and gas for a woman who delivered by C-section.

Encourage increased PO fluid intake.
Increased PO fluid intake stimulates peristalsis and helps prevent abdominal distention and gas for a woman who delivered by C-section.

Administer simethecone with meals.
Simethecone helps prevent abdominal distention and gas for a woman who delivered by C-section.

Which should the nurse teach a postpartum woman to increase perineal muscle tone?

Early, frequent ambulation

Kegel exercises 30 times/day

Pelvic lifts several times/day

Tightening and relaxing the abdominal muscles several times/day

Kegel exercises 30 times/day
Kegel exercises 30 times/day will increase perineal muscle tone.

Which should the nurse teach regarding breast care for a mother who chooses to bottle feed her infant?

Apply a hot compress to the breasts for comfort.

Pump the breasts if they become engorged after birth.

Clean breasts with hot water and soap in the shower.

Take analgesics as needed for engorgement discomfort and apply ice packs to the breasts several times/day.

Take analgesics as needed for engorgement discomfort and apply ice packs to the breasts several times/day.

Analgesics and cold compresses will decrease inflammation and pain related to breast engorgement.

Which educational information should be provided related to activity for a postpartum woman who delivered by C-section?
Select all that apply.

Housework may be resumed within two weeks.

Stair climbing should be limited for the first two weeks.

Leg muscles should be used to lift rather than the abdominal muscles.

Walking and swimming are encouraged to prevent blood clot formation.

After discharge, abdominal exercises should be done several times/day to increase muscle tone.

Stair climbing should be limited for the first two weeks.
Stair climbing should be limited for the first two weeks to allow healing of the abdominal incision.

Leg muscles should be used to lift rather than the abdominal muscles.
The leg muscles should be used for lifting the first few weeks postpartum to allow for healing of the abdominal incision.

A postpartum woman who delivered eight hours ago reports moderate discomfort related to her perineal laceration. Which nursing interventions would help provide comfort to this woman?

Select all that apply.

Apply an ice pack to the perineum.

Position the woman in High Fowler's position.

Place astringent witch hazel pads directly over the perineum.

Administer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

Apply an ice pack to the perineum.

Place astringent witch hazel pads directly over the perineum.

Administer nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).

A woman reports difficulty voiding. Which nursing interventions would help the woman?

Select all that apply.

Pour warm water over the vulva.

Apply an ice pack to the perineum.

Spray topical anesthetic on the urethra.

Press firmly on top of the suprapubic area.

Encourage the woman to urinate in the shower.

Pour warm water over the vulva.

Encourage the woman to urinate in the shower.

A nurse should closely monitor a postpartum woman who delivered by C-section for which side effect of epidural narcotics?


Respiratory depression

Increased blood pressure

Decreased deep tendon reflexes

Respiratory depression

A postpartum nurse is caring for a woman with the following prenatal labs: blood type B Rh+, Hepatitis B negative, HIV negative, and Rubella nonimmune. Information on which vaccines should be included in postpartum teaching?

Select all that apply.




Hepatitis C

Immune globulin



A postpartum woman asks the nurse when she can resume running and lifting weights. Which educational guidance should the nurse provide to the woman?

She can resume both exercise activities in two weeks.

She can resume running in two weeks and weight lifting in six weeks.

She can resume weight lifting at two weeks and running in six weeks.

She can resume both exercise activities in six weeks after she has been cleared do so.

She can resume both exercise activities in six weeks after she has been cleared do so.

A nurse is providing discharge teaching to a postpartum woman. Which should be included related to vaginal discharge?

Lochia may last up to six weeks postpartum.

Lochia may have a fleshy odor or a foul odor.

Lochia should lighten in flow and darken in color.

It is common to have a heavier flow with increased activity and to pass clots.

Saturation of more than a pad in two hours is heavy and should be reported to the health care provider.

Lochia may last up to six weeks postpartum.

Which nursing intervention is appropriate to help prevent thrombophlebitis in a postpartum woman who delivered by cesarean birth quizlet?

Early and frequent ambulation helps prevent thrombophlebitis in postpartum women who delivered by C-section.

Which nursing interventions can help prevent abdominal distention and gas discomfort for a postpartum woman who delivered by cesarean birth quizlet?

Increased ambulation stimulates peristalsis and helps prevent abdominal distention and gas for a woman who delivered by C-section. Encourage increased PO fluid intake. Increased PO fluid intake stimulates peristalsis and helps prevent abdominal distention and gas for a woman who delivered by C-section.

Which interventions are appropriate to promote comfort and healing for a woman during the first 24 hours after a cesarean delivery?

For comfort and healing: Apply ice packs in the first 24 hours. Sit in a sitz bath for 20 minutes, three times a day. Take pain medication as recommended by your physician or midwife.

Which intervention would the nurse implement for a 10 minute old healthy newborn?

Which intervention would the nurse implement for a 10-minute-old healthy newborn? Administer vitamin K. Newborns are born without clotting factors. Vitamin K is necessary for clotting factor production to prevent bleeding disorders.