Which of the following are characteristic of people with the conceptual decision making style?

In a practical situation, a person is different from others. That’s why different people use different decision-making styles in the organization.

There are two reasons for the differences between decision-making styles. The first is the way of thinking.

Some people are logical and rational. They process information serially. In contrast, some people are intuitive and creative. They perceive things as a whole. The other reason addresses a person’s tolerance for ambiguity.

Some people have a high need to structure information in ways that minimize ambiguity, while others can process many thoughts at the same time. Research on decision styles has identified four different individual approaches to making decisions.

These are;

Which of the following are characteristic of people with the conceptual decision making style?

Individual decision-making styles are 4 types; analytic style, conceptual style, directive style, and behavioral style.

  1. Analytic Style.
  2. Conceptual Style.
  3. Directive Style, and
  4. Behavioral Style.

The analytic style has a much higher tolerance for ambiguity than do directive decision-makers. Analytic managers would be best characterized as careful decision-makers with the ability to adapt to or cope with novel and unexpected situations.

Individuals with conceptual styles tend to use data from multiple sources and consider many alternatives. Their focus is on taking long-run decisions, and they are very good at finding creative solutions to problems.

People using a directive style have a low tolerance for ambiguity and seek rationality. They are efficient and logical, but their efficiency concerns result in decisions made with minimal information and with few alternatives assessed.

Read more: Decision Making: Definition, Factors, Limitations, Ethics of Decision Making.

Directive style makes decisions fast, and they focus on the short run.

Lastly, behavioral style characterizes decision-makers who have a strong concern for the people in the organization and their development. They are concerned with the well-being of their subordinates and usually receive suggestions from others.

Although these four decision-making styles are different, most managers have the characteristics to fall into more than one. It is probably best to think in terms of the manager’s dominant style and his or her backup styles.

Some managers rely almost exclusively on their dominant style; however, more flexible managers can make shifts ‘depending on the situation.

  • Due No Due Date
  • Points 10
  • Submitting a text entry box

Please complete the following brief inventory on decision-making styles:


After the completion of a group activity, answer the following questions about your style and the group activity.  You can submit these answers as a text entry for this assignment.

  • Did you agree with the results of your decision making inventory? Why or why not?
  • What is one disadvantage about how you typically make decisions (your style)?
  • What strategies did you use to come to a group decision (2-3 sentences)?

Use the following information about your style to assist your group in the Fallout Shelter Activity: 


Characteristics of the
Behavioral Style

Others May Perceive Your Style As

Best Organizational Fit

  • Focuses on people and social aspects of the work situation
  • Considers the well-being of others
  • Acquires information by listening and interacting with others
  • Evaluates information by using feelings and instincts
  • Has a low tolerance for ambiguity
  • Too concerned about others
  • Wishy-washy
  • Can't make hard decisions
  • Can't say no

Well-designed, people-oriented collegial settings

Typical Leadership Style Characteristics of Those 
with a Behavioral Decision-Making Style

  • Sociable
  • Friendly
  • Supportive
  • Interpersonal social orientation
  • Has a talent for building teams and encouraging participation
  • Action oriented
  • Holds meetings
  • Motivated to seek acceptance by peers and avoid conflict


Characteristics of the
Analytical Style

Others May Perceive Your Style As

Best Organizational Fit

  • Focuses on tasks and technical problems, taking a logical approach
  • Considers every aspect of a given problem
  • Acquires information by careful analysis, using a large amount of data
  • Evaluates information through abstract thinking, avoiding incomplete data
  • Has a high tolerance for ambiguity and is innovative in solving problems
  • Dogmatic
  • Overcontrolling
  • Impersonal
  • Too careful, abstract, or mathematical
  • Sometimes too slow

Impersonal; where planning or solving complex problems is important, such as in science, engineering, etc.

Typical Leadership Style Characteristics of Those 
with an Analytical Decision-Making Style

  • Intellectual, ingenious
  • Wants control
  • Impersonal social orientation
  • Skilled in organizing facts and establishing controls
  • Prefers limited control by others
  • Completes tasks by applying rigorous analysis and preparing elaborate, detailed plans
  • Motivated by complex situations with variety and challenge
  • Wants to be able to predict outcomes


Characteristics of the
Directive Style

Others May Perceive Your Style As

Best Organizational Fit

  • Focuses on tasks and technical problems
  • Considers facts, rules, and procedures
  • Acquires information through hunches and by using short reports with limited data
  • Evaluates information by using intuition, experience, and rules
  • Has a low tolerance for ambiguity and needs structure
  • Rigid
  • Impersonal
  • Simplistic
  • Autocratic

Structured, goal-oriented, such as in bureaucracies, or where power and authority are important

Typical Leadership Style Characteristics of Those 
with a Directive Decision-Making Style

  • Practical and authoritarian
  • Impersonal social orientation
  • Needs power and status
  • Is forceful
  • Dislikes committees and group discussions
  • Completes tasks quickly
  • Action and results oriented
  • Motivated by situations with measurable achievement potential, tangible rewards


Characteristics of the
Conceptual Style

Others May Perceive Your Style As

Best Organizational Fit

  • Focuses on people and the broad aspects of a problem
  • Considers many options and possibilities
  • Acquires information by using intuition and discussion with others
  • Evaluates information by integrating diverse data and applying judgment
  • Has a high tolerance for ambiguity, takes risks and is very creative
  • Too idealistic
  • Slow, indecisive
  • Difficult to control

Loose, decentralized settings; informal and simple organization

Typical Leadership Style Characteristics of Those 
with a Conceptual Decision-Making Style

  • Insightful and enthusiastic
  • Very personal social orientation
  • Shows concern for others' views
  • Smoothes over difficulties; is well liked
  • Completes tasks by using intuition
  • Seeks new ideas; is adaptive and flexible
  • Motivated by recognition from others
  • Wants independence; enjoys achieving personal goals

Which of the following are characteristics of people with the conceptual decision

Those who make decisions with a conceptual style are big picture thinkers who are willing to take risks. They evaluate different options and possibilities with a high tolerance to ambiguity. They're social-oriented and take the time to consider big ideas and creative solutions.

What is conceptual decision

Conceptual decision-making Conceptual decision-makers encourage creative thinking and collaboration and consider a broad array of perspectives. These decision-makers are achievement-oriented and like to think far into the future when making important decisions.

What are the 4 styles of decision

The four decision-making styles include: Analytical. Directive. Conceptual. Behavioral.

Which of the following is a characteristic of analytical decision style?

Analytic decision-making These decision-makers have a high tolerance for ambiguity and are very adaptable, but they like to control most aspects of the decision process. This style is a well-rounded approach to decision-making but can be time-consuming.