Which of the following are valid cpu types for intel-based platforms? (choose two)


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Linux is written in C .NET C++ Java Perl.
Source code refers to: The version of program that the computer runs on the CPU. A human readable version of computer software The license that dictates how you may use and share the software. The interface that software uses to talk to the kernel.
What is the standar option to provide a command line program to view its documentation? -info -doc -help -h.
The whatis command is the same as man -w. True False .
The directory where additional documentation for software packages most likely can be found is /var/lib/doc /usr/software/doc /usr/share/doc /var/share/doc .
Hidden files are files that begin with what character? A plus (+) A dash (-) A period (.) An asterisk (*).
What option for the ls command will display all files, including hidden files? -w -H -L -a .
Is the following path absolute or relative? sysadmin/Documents Relative Absolute.
In general, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compresion? An mp3 audio file. A movie. A log file A JPEG image. An encrypted email.
Lossy compression: (choose three) Is often used with documents. Decompresses to an identical version as the original. Sacrifices some quality Usually results better compression than lossless. Is often used with images.
Error messages generated by commands are sent where by default? STDIN Log files STDERR STDOUT.
A successful command will print output to STDOUT. True or False? True False.
The echo command: Tests a variable for duplication. Duplicates the input stream to the output stream Is used for variable assignment Is used to output text to the console Copies variables from ne to another .
Most of nano's commands take the from of: Escape followed by another character Mouse clicks The F1 through F12 fuction keys Alt and another character Control and another character .
What does this shell script do? FOO=/tmp/foo if [ ! -d $FOO ]; then mkdir $FOO fi Nothing, since there is a problem with the conditions in the if statement Makes the /tmp/foo directory if a file by that name exists Creates /tmp/foo is it does not exit Creates /tmp/foo and raises and error if there is a problem Outputs a message to the screen.
Which of the following are valid CPU types for Intel-based platforms? (choose two) 48 bit 24 bit 64 bit 32 bit .
What does the acronym RPM mean? Relocate Package Manager Return Package Management RPM Package Management Recursive Package Manage .
One way to install new software on a Linux system is to use a package management system. True or False? True False.
When you execute the dmesg command, the system dispays messages that are generated by the kernel. True or False? True False.
Which of the following are package management commands for distributions with software distributed in files ending in .ded? (choose three) rpm apt-get dpkg aptitude .
Which of the following are package management commands for distributions with software distributed in files ending in .rpm? (choose three) yum apt-get rpm yumex .
Which files contain user account information? (choose two) /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group.
Which files contain user account information? The root user No users Any member of the password group All users.
Which command will display the UID, GID and groups your current user belongs to? id whoami who about.
UIDs 1-500 are usually reserved for what kind of users? Are not used for user accounts, but for group accounts System accounts, such as server processes Remote log-in accounts Log-in (human) users.
If a user is deleted, the files and directories that the user owned... ...are deleted as well. ...wil have no UID owner. ..will show a UID as the owener, but not user name. ...will have no user owner.
Which of the following options for the useradd command allows root to specify the UID to be associated with the account? -g -u -U -G.
Which of the following options for the useradd command allows root to specify supplementary groups the user will be a member of? -G -u U -g.
Which of the following commands sets "other" permissions on file to r-x? chmod 774 file chmod 776 chmod 775 file chmod 777 file.
The chown coomand can be used to change the owner and group of a file. True or False? True False.
The Samba application is a: Mail Server Security Server File Server Web Server.
Which of the following are examples of desktop software? (Choose two) Web server Web browser File share Compiler Music player.
Which of the following pieces of software deal with file sharing? Choose three) NFS X-Windows Netatalk Samba PostgreSQL.
If you wanted to create and print an invoice, which software could you use? GNOME Complz Firefox LibreOffice Evolution.
A server is likely to be running in graphical mode. True or false? True False.
In graphical mode, you can get to a Shell by running which applications? (Choose two) guiterm gbash terminal xconsole xterm.
Which of the following are traits of a multiuser operating system? (choose three) An administrative user gets a dedicated CPU Users can protect their information from other users Resources are shared between users Many users can log in simultaneously with a unique account Each user can only log in once per day.
Select all the applications that provide Access to the Command Line Interface (CLI) Virtual Terminal Firefox Opera Terminal window .
Which environment variable contains a list of directories that is searched for commands to execute? PATH EXEC PS1 PS2.
Select the command that can report location of a command where what which .
A pairt of single quotes (') will prevent the Shell from interpreting any metacharacter. True or False? True False.
The "sticky bit" permission... …prevents others from removing files they don’t own from a common directory …changes the group ownership of existing files in a directory …prevents others from overwriting files they don’t own in common directories …sets the group ownership of any new file created in a directory.
Which of the following commands will set the "sticky bit" on /shared? chmod 4777 /shared chmod 2777 /shared chmod 7777 /shared chmod 1777 /shared .
The "setuid" permission... ...allows a command to be run as the file owner ...allows files in a directory to be manipulated as by the directory owner ...prevents the owner of a file from being changed ..reports the output of a script to the owner.

Which of the following commands will allow you to view all processes on the system?

You need to use the ps command. It provides information about the currently running processes, including their process identification numbers (PIDs). Both Linux and UNIX support the ps command to display information about all running process.

Which command displays information from Smbios?

In the UEFI Shell, the SmbiosView command can retrieve and display the SMBIOS data.

Which of the following commands will set the sticky bit on?

The sticky bit can be set using the chmod command and can be set using its octal mode 1000 or by its symbol t (s is already used by the setuid bit). For example, to add the bit on the directory /usr/local/tmp , one would type chmod +t /usr/local/tmp .

What are the advantages of solid state disks when compared to traditional spinning platter hard disks quizlet?

The SSD uses less power than a standard HDD, which means a lower energy bill over time and for laptops an increase of battery life. With no moving parts, SSD generates little to no noise. With the spinning platters and moving read/write heads, an HDD can sometimes be one of the loudest components in your computer.