Which of the following best describes the importance of external political efficacy to well functioning democracies quizlet?

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    1. Social Science
    2. Political Science

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    Terms in this set (72)

    In theory, if a government is based on the consent of the governed, when leaders make public policy it is based on which of the following?

    the will of the people

    Which of the following sets of values help to structure the types of policy solutions that Americans are willing to accept?

    political culture

    Which of the following most accurately describes the Framers' views of public opinion?

    Opinions of the common people are best limited to expression at the ballot box.

    The process by which individuals come to adopt the attitudes, values, beliefs and opinions of their political culture is called

    political socialization.

    Age-related factors that affect the formation of political attitudes, opinions, and beliefs are called ______ effects.

    life cycle

    True or false: The U.S. system of government requires that policymakers are responsive to the majority of their constituents no matter the consequences.


    True or false: Children's perceptions of political events are often shaped by their parents' political views.


    The historically rooted values and beliefs of a political community are collectively referred to as __________ ___________.

    Blank 1: political
    Blank 2: culture

    Why were colonial leaders suspicious of popular attitudes?

    fear of faction and mob rule

    At what level of education do students typically undergo an extensive study of the nation's past and begin to form opinions of their own about the republic?


    True or false: Political opinions are formed early in life through political socialization and remain mostly unchanged as we age.


    Why may churches serve as important training grounds for learning civic skills?

    They provide opportunities to learn organizing skills that can be useful in the political realm.

    Which of the following typically occur as people age and thereby affect their political outlook and behavior?

    -They own more property.
    -They become more invested in our community.
    -They become more knowledgeable about politics.

    Our tendency to grow up as Democrats or Republicans is often established by


    African Americans tend to be more traditional when it comes to

    moral issues.

    American political culture emphasizes which of the following values?

    -equality of opportunity
    -private property

    The measurable difference in the way women and men's political attitudes and opinions vary is called the __________ __________.

    Blank 1: gender
    Blank 2: gap

    Which of the following groups has a tendency to express less trust in government?

    young adults who do not attend college

    Which of the following are characteristic of the political ideology of people living in the South as compared to those living in the Northeast?

    -greater pride in being an American
    -more conservative political beliefs
    -greater support for the military

    Organizing a church outing or social gathering is comparable to which of the following political behaviors?

    planning a political meeting or rally

    The members of one's own political generation, such as those who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, is a


    Which term refers to an individual's preference with respect to a particular issue?


    Which of the following is true of African Americans and their political leanings?

    They are more liberal on domestic political issues than whites.

    For which of the following issues do women show greater support than men?

    -increased spending on health care
    -stricter gun laws

    Citizens living in northeastern states, such as New York and Massachusetts, tend to be more ______ than those who live in the South or Midwest.


    Which of the following pair competing candidates and ask citizens whom they would vote for in such a contest?

    trial heat surveys

    Which religious denominations are associated with the Republican Party? (Select all that apply.)

    -Southern Baptists and Pentecostals
    -smaller Christian congregations

    Which of the following refers to the group of 1,000 to 1,200 individuals whose opinions are actually measured for a poll?


    Which term refers to how consistently an individual maintains a particular preference over time?


    Which method of sampling gives everyone in a population an equal chance of being interviewed?

    simple random sampling

    Which of the following refers to a poll's degree of accuracy, usually expressed as a percentage?

    sampling error

    Which of the following polls is exemplified by this question: "If you were aware that Senator Smith avoided the draft during the Vietnam War, would that make you more or less likely to vote for him?"

    push poll

    True or false: In addition to good sampling techniques, it is important that the questions being asked are well phrased in order to accurately capture respondents' true opinions.


    Why do pollsters most often rely on the scientific method of polling?

    to ensure that each member of the population has an equal chance at being included in the sample

    Which groups are generally the most politically knowledgeable?

    -the well educated
    -those with higher incomes
    -older people

    An individual with little ______ on a subject may readily change his or her opinion when supplied with accurate information.

    informational support

    True or false: Today, confidence in Congress has reached a near record low.


    All good sampling designs use ______ sampling, in which each individual in the population has a chance of being selected.


    True or false: The more individuals that a poll surveys, the higher the sampling error rate.


    How would you best describe the following question: "As you know, Candidate B was arrested twice for drunk driving in his twenties. Does this make you more likely, somewhat more likely, less likely, somewhat less likely, or much less likely to support Candidate B?"

    leading question

    Which of the following identifies the belief that the people who run government genuinely have the best interests of the public in mind?

    trust in government

    Which of the following problems are likely to arise because some citizens possess little political knowledge?

    They will not hold firm opinions on political matters.

    Which event led to a temporary rise in government trust?

    the 9/11 terrorist attacks

    Which of the following could contribute to citizens' feelings of political efficacy?

    -The belief that their opinions matter and are taken seriously by government.
    -The belief that their actions will affect what the government does.
    -Their confidence in navigating the political system.

    Which groups are often blamed by political scientists for exploiting public fear and failing to engage citizens in thoughtful reflection?

    -the media

    Which of the following may affect a poll's accuracy?

    -too few individuals being surveyed
    -a sample that was not randomly selected
    -poorly worded questions

    Which of the following best identifies the view that government officials look out mostly for themselves and do not have the best interests of the public in mind?

    political cynicism

    With regard to knowledge of current events,

    generational differences are modest.

    An individual's belief that his or her activities will influence what the government will do or who will win an election is referred to as __________ political efficacy.

    Blank 1: external

    Political __________ is a cohesive set of beliefs that form a general philosophy about the role of government.

    Blank 1: ideology

    True or false: Tolerance of diverse viewpoints and lifestyles is necessary for the preservation of liberty and equality of opportunity.


    The political philosophy that combines a belief in personal freedom with the belief that the government should intervene in the economy to promote greater equality is known as ______.


    What is the relationship between historical political conservatives and today's conservatives?

    They are both suspicious of change, because they believe human nature is unpredictable.

    The Watergate scandal, in which President Richard Nixon was accused of covering up a break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters during his 1972 reelection campaign, led to widespread ______ among people in America.

    political cynicism

    Libertarians support

    -economic liberty.
    -individual freedom.

    Most Americans identify themselves as ______, who are interested in finding solutions to problems rather than enforcing ideological purity.


    The United States was founded on a liberal democratic ideology that emphasized which of the following?

    private property
    equal opportunity

    Liberals today embrace

    personal choice.
    civil liberties.
    affirmative action.

    Conservatives are more likely to believe in which of the following?

    -traditional institutions
    -a trust in institutions such as family and church

    Rather than simply measuring ideology along a simple left to right continuum, more sophisticated models use two dimensions such as __________ issues and __________ issues.

    Blank 1: economic
    Blank 2: social

    When it comes to politics, most Americans

    avoid ideological extremes.

    People's political ideology is formed by their general philosophies on

    -the nature of society.
    -the proper role of government.

    Liberalism today embraces a larger role for government in ensuring ______ than did the liberal ideology extolled by the Founders.

    equal opportunity

    Which of the following make it more difficult for political leaders to choose public policy based on public opinion?

    -Many policies are the product of extraordinary events.
    -Some policies are initiated by policymakers instead of by citizens.
    -Voters do not have clear preferences.

    In our political system, public opinion is

    important because consent of the governed is the cornerstone of a liberal democracy.

    Which of the following are measured on the social dimension in contrast to the economic dimension of ideology? (Select all that apply.)

    -same-sex marriage

    People who think about politics only through the prism of their own ideological perspective are referred to as .

    Blank 1: ideologues

    When should policymakers shy away from using public opinion as a gauge for adopting public policy?

    when the policy attempts to tyrannize the minority

    Many political scientists believe that policy decisions are better left to those citizens who are

    -more knowledgeable about government.
    -better informed on issues.
    -more committed to tolerance.

    Which of the following ideologies supports greater economic equality but holds traditional views on social issues?


    A well-functioning democracy expects that there will be a close connection between public opinion and

    public policy.

    Which of the following accurately characterize the nature of modern American public opinion?

    -It is prone to manipulation by political consultants.
    -It is based on low information.
    -It reflects little understanding of the complexities of policy options.

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