Which of the following changes best explains one of the main causes of the trend shown in the chart

ap world test

Wollstonecraft's main goal in the passage is to

B) secure female quality with males

Which of the following writers would LEAST likely support the goals of Mary Wollstonecraft?

What part of the excerpt is connected most clearly to the ideals of the Enlightenment?

In which two revolutions was the growing power of the middle class a major cause of revolt?

Which revolution most directly addressed the unequal distribution of economic opportunity and resources?

Which generalization applies to all the revolutions listed in the table?

D) all were inspired by Enlightenment ideals

Which of the following changes best explains one of the main causes of the trend shown in the chart?

B) increased migration from rural to urban areas in Great Britain

Which of the following changes explains one of the main effects of the trend shown in the chart?

A) increased supply of workers for factory jobs

Which was the most important part of the context in which the change shown in the cart was occurring?

C) the rise of maritime empires changed the relationship between Europe and other regions of the world

In the above passage, what policy is the Russian Minister of Finance urging?

B) supporting independent Russian industrial development

What shift in economic focus was enabled through the emancipation of the serfs (no money=poverty)?

A) it created a labor pool not tied to agriculture

What was a critical strategy in the Industrialization of Russia?

C) expanding the national railroad network

Which statement provides the best context for interpreting this photo?

D) The Industrial Revolution led to a division of labor that meant employees began to do highly specialized work

Work in the textile mills was most clearly related to which technological breakthrough of the late 19th century?

A) the use of electrical power

This photo can best be used as evidence for which of the following long-term effects of the industrial age?

The main idea of this passage is that the government of Japan should

D) encourage industrialization to enable Japan to compete economically

Which possible government policy would most directly support the goal stated by the writer?

A) reforming the Japanese education system to increase training of workers and managers

Which list of events related to the topic of the excerpt is in the correct chronological order?

C) Perry's ships arrive in Tokyo Bay, the Shogunate collapses, the Meiji Restoration, Japan industrializes

Which individual would most likely have agreed with the views expressed by Rockefeller on business combinations?

Which statement summarizes an important difference between Rockefeller and Enlightenment thinkers?

D) the belief that "individualism is gone

Which example provides support for the claims made by Rockefeller?

A) the Krupp steel industry in Germany

Which segment of Chinese society seems to be the focus of this excerpt from the Reform Edict?

Which concept best reflects the ideas advocated in the Reform Edict?

D) the Self-Strengthening Movement

How did the Boxer Rebellion lead to the Reform Edict?

A) the failure of the Boxer Rebellion persuaded many members of the Chinese government to support more extensive reforms

Which statement provides the best context for understanding the passage?

D) Industrialization caused greater economic insecurity in the lives many urban workers

Bismarck made the proposal in the passage because he believe that

B) if the government did not address worker problems associated with industrialization, socialists and other radicals might incite a revolt

Which reform was instituted by another government in response to the problems of industrialization?

A) Britain expanded voting by reducing property- owning qualifications

The high proportion of women and children among the workers reflected in the table is seen in the context of the

A) low wages of workers in industrial societies

The data in the table best provides historical context to understand which of the following developments in mid-nineteenth-century Great Britain?

B) the emergence of social reform movements

A historian interpreting the decree would best understand the purpose of the "new legislation" referred to in the second paragraph as an attempt to

D) allow the Ottoman government to compete against industrializing European power

The decree's statement regarding the change in the situation of the Ottoman Empire, as described in the first paragraph, is the viewpoint that would most likely have been shared by members of which of the following governments in the nineteenth century?

B) The Qing Empire in the aftermath of the signing of unequal treaties

In the passage above, Zeng Guofan's purpose in listing the policies of the current Qing emperor is most likely to

B) mobilize popular support by showing that the Taiping rebellion does not represent a legitimate challenge to Qing rule

Zeng Guofan's analysis of the situation in China in 1854 was likely influenced by which of the following?

D) the Confucian notion of the dynastic cycle

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, some governments responded to the growing popularity of ideas such as the ones expressed in the passage by doing which of the following?

C) Passing reforms designed to improve the conditions of industrial workers

The Meiji Restoration of the nineteenth century involved internal reforms that included which of the following?

C) the modernization of Japans military

Which of the following is an accurate comparison between the economic development of Japan and the economic development of Russia in the nineteenth century?

A) Both countries industrialized, with the state playing an important role in the process

The emergence of the German industries referred to in the passage is most directly explained by which of the following processes in the nineteenth century?

B) The development of new methods of production during the second industrial revolution

Great Britain's development of the industry referred to in the first paragraph during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries is best explained by the fact that British factories were the first to

A) use steam-powered machines for large-scale economic production

As described in the passage, the economic model of the British south Africa company most directly differed from which of the following economic trends in the late nineteenth century?

D) The shift from mercantilism to free-market trade policies

The "objections" that the chairman refers to in the first paragraph can most directly be explained in relation to which of the following arguments commonly made by laissez-faire economists in the period 1750-1900

A) The monopolistic practices of government chartered joint stock companies such as the British South Africa company distorted market competition and hurt consumers

The image from Japan during the Meiji Restoration best exemplifies which of the following processes?

B) cultural changes accompanying greater contact with the United States

The high proportion of women and children among the workers reflected in the table is best seen in the contact of the...

A) low wages of workers in industrial societies

The data above in the table best provides historical context to understand which of the following developments in mid-nineteenth century Great Britain?

B) The emergence of social reform movements

Which of the following best explains Kartini's familiarity with the ideas regarding social roles that she discusses in her letter?

Which of the following best explains Kartini's familiarity with the idea regarding social roles that she discusses in her letter? The spread of Enlightenment thought as empires consolidated control over their territories.

Which of the following best supports the contention that the First World War was the first total war?

Which of the following best supports the contention that the First World War was the first total war? Governments mobilized large segments of their populations and economies and targeted their opponents' military and economic capabilities.

Which statement best provides the context for the racial policies described in the passage that shaped imperialism in India and Africa?

Which statement best provides the context to understand how the racial policies described in the passage shaped imperialism in India and Africa? C. The European powers must respect the sovereignty of independent nations in the Western Hemisphere.