Which of the following describes those powers that have been specifically given to the national government by the Constitution quizlet?

How do Texas historians describe the government during the period of Reconstruction?

a. Egalitarian, open-minded, and ethical
b. Strong, cooperative, and decisive
c. Corrupt, extravagant, and tyrannical
d. Liberal, activist, and methodical
e. Fair, balanced, and progressive

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  1. Social Science
  2. Political Science
  3. Politics of the United States

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Terms in this set (104)

What is the main goal of political parties?

To gain control of government through the election process

Why is the Texas Register used by interest groups?

To review rule changes proposed by state agencies in order to organize lobbying efforts against proposed administrative changes that are not in their interest

Which of the following systems of government is in place in an overwhelming majority of the world's countries?

A unitary system

Which of the following best describes an interest group?

An organization of individuals or businesses that seek to influence government policies in their favor

The job performance of presidents, Congress, and other public officials generated by public opinion polls is called ________.

approval rating

Since the last presidential election, polarization between Democrats and Republicans has narrowed.


Which party dominated in Texas until the 1980s?

democratic party

Which party emerged in the middle of the nineteenth century as a coalition of Whigs and the radical antislavery Free Soil Party?

the republican party

Which of the following best explains an advantage that a federal system has over a unitary system?

A federal system allows for greater diversity in public policy from region to region.

Why were the Framers unwilling to adopt a unitary system of government?

A unitary system of government put too much power in the hands of the national government.

What is the importance of the necessary and proper clause?

It gives Congress the ability to implement to the enumerated powers.

In a two-party system, the primary role of the party that is out of power is to ________.

act as the organized opposition to the party in power

In situations of co-optation, who has the upper hand in the regulation process?

interest groups

Pollsters do everything they can to make sure their samples are representative. To encourage caution when interpreting poll data, analysts calculate a ________ to take random errors into account.

confidence interval

Large corporations such Walmart, Comcast, and Boeing are examples of ________ interest groups that try to influence policy on their own and by joining trade associations composed of businesses with similar goals.


Which of the following describes the national government's issuance of policy requirements for state government compliance without providing resources to enable the states to comply?

unfunded mandates

What is a consequence of a majority voting rule such as what is used in Texas primaries?

The runner-up candidate can get another chance in a runoff election if the top candidate fails to receive a majority of votes.

Which of the following would best describe the federal government's power during cooperative federalism (starting roughly in 1932)?

Expanded, compared to dual federalism
Reduced, compared to dual federalism

Special interest groups such as the American Association of Automobile Manufacturers have the power to pass and implement laws.


What makes an interest group private or public, most powerful?

its total mebership

Which of the following statements supports the argument that Texas operates under a pluralist system?

A wide variety of competing groups represent nearly every interest in the state.

To remain financially stable, many interest groups rely on ________ from members to cover their operating expenses.


How does equal representation of each state in the Senate affect the allocation of federal grants?

It leads to smaller states getting more grant money on a per-person basis

Which of the following are two of the most important resources interest groups have for affecting public policy?

Strong membership and substantial budgets

Prior to the Constitutional Convention, what form of government existed in the American colonies?


Which of the following best explains an advantage that a federal system has over a confederal system?

A federal system better preserves national unity in times of conflict or need.

Which of the following best explains why so many successful lobbyists are former legislators?

They have already made connections and developed relationships with current members of the legislature.

Roosevelt's New Deal relief programs were open to all citizens except African Americans. As a result, African Americans began to support the Republican Party in large numbers—a development that would not have stunned any American politician of the 1800s.


Which of the following statements exemplifies liberal ideology?

Government must regulate the economy.
Government power should be used to protect the disadvantaged and to promote equality.
Government should institute a progressive tax system.
Government should provide a robust social safety net

In which part of a president's term is public support generally the strongest?

in the beginning of the term

Why was decision making difficult under the Articles of Confederation?

Most decisions required a supermajority or unanimity of the state governments to agree.

What type of issue is abortion considered?


Which component of a political party provides the structural framework for the political party through such activities as recruiting volunteers, identifying potential candidates, and organizing caucuses, conventions, and election campaigns?

party organizations

What is the term that describes direct contact between an interest group representative and an officer of government?


Presidents' approval ratings generally increase during their time in office.


Which polling method is likely to become the most widely used platform for gathering public opinion in the future?

internet polling

What is one way that smaller interest groups can most effectively boost their political power?

Join together to form an umbrella organization to hire common lobbyists

What is one way in which Republicans differ from Libertarians?

Republicans tend to be more conservative on social issues compared with Libertarians.

Which of the following explains why Texas and other states have resisted recent attempts to expand the power of the national government?

National policies attempt to address issues that some states believe they could resolve more effectively.

Who provides the foot soldiers of politics—the ones who pass out literature and get out the vote on Election Day?

Local party organizations

Some American citizens consider their views toward government more liberal, while others consider their views more conservative. Those individuals whose views fall in the middle of the ideological spectrum are called ________.


Which of the following best explains why states resisted both Brown v. Board of Education and the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

Both of these promoted laws of equality in direct opposition to separate but equal laws favored by the states.

Before the introduction of the scientific polling methods used today to gauge public opinion, politicians in the 1800s relied on ________ to predict the outcome of elections.

straw polls

________ means the shift of a large group of voters from one party to another.


What is defined as "a group of political activists who organize to win elections, operate the government, and determine public policy?"

political party

Which of the following best characterizes the Supreme Court's decision in McCulloch v. Maryland?

It broadly defined the scope of federal power via the Court's interpretation of the necessary and proper clause.

There are no limits on how much money an individual can donate to a single candidate running for federal office.


Why is Texans for Public Justice considered a "public interest" group?

Its goal to check the influence of corporate money in politics should increase the power of all voters.

The Seventeenth Amendment made the federal government generally more responsive to the wishes of the public.


Which of the following constitutional provisions governed state-federal relations during the era of dual federalism?

the tenth amendment

Benefits that some large interest groups seek on behalf of its members—such as clean air by the Sierra Club or gun rights by the NRA—which are available to all people, whether they contributed toward the support of that benefit or not, are called ________.

public goods

In the last 10 years, the percentage of Millennials who identify with the Democratic party has remained higher than those who identify with the Republican party.


In what manner are parties structured in the United States?


Which of the following best describes the power an administrative agency has in implementing policy requirements set by law?


In Federalist Paper 10, what did James Madison criticize as a divisive but inevitable force in American politics?

political parties

Which of the following describes those powers that have been specifically given to the national government by the Constitution?

expressed powers

Which of the following is one of the three elements of cooperative federalism?

The nation and states routinely share power.

Which of the following best explains why some analysts may be concerned about the existence of iron triangles?

The close relationships that develop within iron triangles tend to lead to policy making that is largely hidden from the public.

Which of the following represents a type of policy that would have been favored by the Whigs?

Federal funds to be spent on infrastructure, such as roads

When a particular political party wins an election, it must accept responsibility for ________.

running the government

According to strategists, the growth of which demographic group could cause the phenomenon of "tipping" in Texas?


Which U.S. president has earned the highest approval rating in American history?

pres. george w bush

In which of the following systems of government does a constitution vest the power to govern the entire nation in a single central government?

a unitary system

In the 2016 presidential primary in South Carolina between Donald J. Trump and Ted Cruz (R-TX), one candidate blamed the other for intentionally introducing biased information to the respondents in order to manipulate their opinions. What is this polling strategy called?

push poll

________ are nonprofit interest groups that raise funds to support electoral candidates and are subject to campaign finance laws.

Political action committees (PACs)

What is a correct characterization of the U.S. party system?

Candidates may tailor messages to fit their constituents' needs while also benefiting from the resources the national party organization can provide.

During the Great Society, the federal government became involved with which new issue areas?

education and healthcare

Which of the following is an example of an expressed power of the U.S. government?

The power to organize and regulate the U.S. Armed Forces

The National Organization for Women is an interest group whose members share a common ________ that determines the specific campaigns they get involved with and which side of an issue they take.


Which group of conservatives formed in opposition to the federal bailout of financial institutions in 2008 and President Obama's health care initiative?

the tea party

Changing voting patterns among which demographic group produced big gains for Republicans in Texas?

middle and upper class white texans

Successful interest groups that have established an enduring voice in democracy measure how well they accomplish their goals in four ways: membership outreach, financial stability, ________, and ________.

leadership accountability; public influence

Under President ________, the Democratic party made a major change away from supporting limited government and toward supporting the idea of government as a force for progressive action.

woodrow wilson

A sampling method that offers greater reliability by giving everyone an equal chance to be a part of it is called a ________.

random sample

One outcome of the current polarization between Republicans and Democrats is the tendency to block bills that might otherwise pass, just to make the opposition look bad.


The supremacy clause means federal laws supersede state laws.


As a philosophy, ________ is central to the Republican Party and a powerful force for party unity.


_____ is often referred to as the father of modern polling.

george gallup

When an inside strategy doesn't work as expected, groups may adopt an outside lobbying strategy by getting ________ involved.

the media

Why did the Populist Party emerge in Texas?

the dissatisfaction of small farmers

Why do many public interest groups—such as the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund—often rely on the courts instead of the legislative or executive branches to advance their members' interests?

They often lack the funding to compete with other interest groups in lobbying and electioneering.

Apolitical nonprofit groups that focus on public policy issues and promote social welfare are called ________ organizations.


The declining response rate in which kind of survey technique is lessening pollsters' ability to capture public opinion accurately?


Why are groups such as Texas Right to Life and the National Rifle Association of Texas so successful in influencing legislators?

they represent people on issues that members generally use as their primary "voting issue"

Groups that advocate international aid and support for human rights are part of a broader group of interest groups called ________ groups.

foreign policy

Why did the original Constitution not specifically describe any state powers?

state governments held all the power at that time

Polarization within the parties in Congress means that voting is almost entirely on party lines and there is little incentive or willingness to compromise on important legislation.


What is one reason that better-educated Republicans tend to believe that climate change is not important?

well-educated people are more likely to be aware of their party's stance on the issue

A(n) ________ interest group is one that encourages members to provide international assistance.

human rights

Job losses in a single industry can have a negative impact on an interest group's membership stability.


What does the term "divided government" mean?

legislative and executive branches controlled by different parties

Because of the growth of the ________ population in the United States, both Democrats and Republicans need to find ways to reach these voters if they want to win future elections.


Based on partisanship and ideology, individuals with a higher level of education generally take a more ________ view on social and economic issues.


During cooperative federalism, how did the federal government use categorical grants?

They were used to fund very specific programs at the state level

Between 1800 and 1820, the Jeffersonian Republicans held both the presidency and Congress, while the Federalist party had nearly collapsed. This period of one-party rule had little political debate, and the time of the Monroe administration came to be known as the "Era of Good Feelings."


Which of the following scenarios most significantly confirms suspicion that elite theory is the best descriptor of Texas politics?

Despite heavy lobbying from both sides, the legislature regularly sides with corporate interests over consumer interests.

Contracts made in one state are generally accepted in other states due to the ________.

full faith and credit clause

The powers specifically granted to Congress in Article 1, Section 8 are known as the ________ powers.


After the ratification of the Constitution, there were two political parties. Which party represented artisans and farmers and supported states' rights over a strong central government?


Which of the following political systems tends to struggle from problems related to disorganization and disunity?


What is the role of a precinct chair?

to organize the precinct's party activities

What kind of lobbying strategy works best when lobbyists want to keep the policy request specifically focused on the group's needs?

inside strategy

What is the primary goal of interest groups' campaign contribution efforts?

to gain access to officals in the future

Delegates to the national conventions tend to be the most moderate members of their parties, whether Democrat or Republican.


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What are the powers that are given to the national government quizlet?

powers belonging only to the federal government, Powers specifically given to Congress in the Constitution; including the power to collect taxes, coin money, regulate foreign and interstate commerce, and declare war.

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Concurrent powers are powers that are shared by both the State and the federal government. These powers may be exercised simultaneously within the same territory and in relation to the same body of citizens. These concurrent powers including regulating elections, taxing, borrowing money and establishing courts.

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The Constitution describes the legislative powers of Congress in Article 1, Section 8, Clauses 1-18. These expressed powers of Congress are sometimes called the enumerated powers. The last clause (18) of Section 8 gives Congress power to do whatever is "necessary and proper" to carry out its other powers.

Which of the following systems of government divides power between a national or central government and state or regional governments?

Federalism is the system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments; in the United States, both the national government and the state governments possess a large measure of sovereignty.