Which of the following does your textbook recommend as a way to help narrow a Google search?


Which of the following does your textbook recommend as ways to narrow a google search to make it more effective?

develop a strategy to search for specific terms you want to find

type specific questions into the search box

explore specialized google resources such as news, books, and scholar

which of the following does your textbook recommend as ways to narrow a google search to make it more effective?

develop a strategy to search for specific terms you want to find

type specific questions into the search box

explore specialized google resources such as news, books, and scholar

which of the following does your textbook recommend as ways to narrow a google search to make it more effective?

develop a strategy to search for specific terms you want to find

type speci

which of the following does your textbook recommend as ways to narrow a google search to make it more effective?

develop a strategy to search for specific terms you want to find

type specific questions into the search box

explore specialized google resources such as news, books, and scholar

fic questions into the search box

explore specialized google resources such as news, books, and scholar

Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to enhance the effectiveness of your examples? Practice delivery to enhance your extended examples.

Which of the following is discussed in your textbook as a good way to adjust the pacing of an online speech quizlet?

As your textbook explains, using visual aids can be a good way to vary the pacing of an online speech.
Which of the following is presented in your textbook as a guideline for online speaking? all the answers are correct: Control the visual environment; Adjust your pacing; Adapt your nonverbal communication.
Which of the following is recommended by your textbook as a way to improve your listening? Suspend judgment until you hear all the speaker has to say.