Which of the following forms the bony thorax 1 sternum 2 12 pairs of ribs 3/12 thoracic vertebrae?

Condition Definition
Fracture Disruption of the continuity of bone
Metastases Transfer of a cancerous lesion from one area to another
Osteomyelitis Inflammation of bone owing to a pyogenic infection
Osteopetrosis Increased density of atypically soft bone
Osteoporosis Loss of bone density
Paget disease Thick, soft bone marked by bowing and fractures
Tumor New tissue growth where cell proliferation is uncontrolled
 Chondrosarcoma Malignant tumor arising from cartilage cells
 Multiple myeloma Malignant neoplasm of plasma cells involving the bone marrow and causing destruction of bone

Which of the following forms the bony thorax 1 sternum 2 12 pairs of ribs 3/12 thoracic vertebrae?

The thorax also protects the heart and lungs. The bony thorax is formed by the sternum, 12 pairs of ribs, and 12 thoracic vertebrae. The bony thorax protects the heart and lungs.

What forms the bony thorax?

The bony framework of the human thorax consists of the 12 thoracic vertebrae, 12 pairs of ribs, and the sternum (breastbone).

How many bones make up the bony thorax?

The thorax is composed of 12 thoracic vertebrae posteriorly, the sternum anteriorly and 12 pairs of ribs, which encircle the thorax. The first seven pairs of ribs are true ribs, with joints that attach the thoracic vertebrae to the sternum.

How many pairs of ribs form the bony thorax?

The thoracic cage, also known as the rib cage, is the osteocartilaginous structure that encloses the thorax. It is formed by the 12 thoracic vertebrae, 12 pairs of ribs and associated costal cartilages and the sternum.