Which of the following involves administering a test and later obtaining criterion information?

: C

Explanation: C) An employment application form must reflect not only the firm's informational needs but also Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) requirements. Potentially discriminatory questions inquiring about such factors as gender, race, age, convictions, national origin, citizenship, birthplace, dependents, disabilities, religion, color, and marital status should not be used. Asking candidates about their experience, education, and skills is acceptable.

Diff: 2

Chapter: 6

Skill: Concept

When everyone scoring a Test obtains the same results the test is said to have?

34) When everyone scoring a test obtains the same results, the test is said to be ________. Explanation: B) Objectivity in testing occurs when everyone scoring a test obtains the same results.

What tests require an applicant to perform a task or set of tasks representative of the job?

Job-knowledge tests require an applicant to perform a task or set of tasks representative of the job.

What do you understand by selection explain in brief the steps involved in selection procedure?

Selection Process.
Step 1: Job Design. ... .
Step 2: Position Description. ... .
Step 3: Forming a Selection Committee. ... .
Step 4: Recruiting. ... .
Step 5: Initial Screening of Candidates. ... .
Step 6: Phone, Video or other Pre-Interview Options. ... .
Step 7: Campus Visits and In-Person Interviews. ... .
Step 8: Recommendation for Hire..

What selection method continues to be the primary method companies use to evaluate applicants?

Interviews continue to be the primary method companies use to evaluate applicants. The employment interview is especially important because the applicants who reach this stage are the survivors. They have endured preliminary screening, had their applications reviewed, and scored satisfactorily on selection tests.