Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria?

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  • Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria?

    so at


    , prokaryotes don't have a nucleus? Or just no membrane bound nucleus?

    • Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria?

      Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria?

      A Prokaryotic cell doesn't have a membrane bound nucleus but it has a nucleoid which is like a nucleus without a membrane. Hope I helped.

  • What is the difference between archaea and bacteria?

    • Archea have three RNA polymerases like eukaryotes, but bacteria have only one. ... Archaea have cell walls that lack peptidoglycan and have membranes that enclose lipids with hydrocarbons rather than fatty acids (not a bilayer).

  • Hello, thanks for the video. At


    you mentioned that Eukaryotes have multiple single strands of DNA. Is this, in fact, a single-stranded or double-stranded DNA? DNA is usually a double-helix, right? What about the DNA in procaryotes? Is it single-stranded or double-stranded? Does it depend on the stage of cell-division cycle? Thank you for the answer!

    • That section of this video was poorly worded.

      The genomic DNA for both prokaryotes and eukaryotes is predominantly double-stranded — i.e. the DNA is mostly in the form of a double-helix. The multiple strands being described are chromosomes each of which contains a double-stranded DNA.

  • so... is a red blood cell a prokaryotic cell? I ask this because the red blood cell- as far as I know- does not have any mitochondria?

    • Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria?

      Definitions can often be a bit tricky, but it would be confusing§ to classify RBCs† as prokaryotic.

      RBCs are derived from eukaryotic cells, so they are eukaryotic. In many ways they aren't "real cells", but are instead structures derived from cells. However, that is a really cumbersome phrasing, so we all just call them cells anyway.

      There is KhanAcademy material on RBCs here:

      §maybe this is a helpful analogy:
      Imagine you met someone who had lost their arms and legs. Would you describe that person as a snake because they were a limbless land-dwelling vertebrate?

      †Note: We are actually only discussing mammalian red blood cells, since the red blood cells in other vertebrates retain their nuclei and mitochondria.

  • 1. So, basically, prokaryotes are OLDER versions of the cell? If the name "prokaryote" means "before nucleus", then wouldn't that mean that eukaryotes are newer versions of cells?

    2. Is there no such thing as a multicellular prokaryotic organism? Or is it that organisms that are multicellular HAVE to be eukaryotic as well?

    • Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria?

      1. Evidence from both the fossil record and the structure of modern cells proves that prokaryotes existed long before eukaryotes. There is also something called the endosymbiosis theory which postulates that the mitochondria of eukaryotes evolved from an aerobic bacterium (probably related to the rickettsias) living within an archaeal host cell
      and that the chloroplasts of red algae, green algae, and plants evolved from an endosymbiotic cyanobacterium living within a mitochondria-containing eukaryotic host cell.
      2. There are lots of unicellular eukaryotes, including amoebas, paramecium, yeast, and so on. As to whether there are multicellular prokaryotes, the standard answer is No, but there is a lot of evidence that some bacterial species can aggregate together and divide labor so that the "colony" is working more efficiently.

  • Who was the first to think that we are made of cells

    • Actually, it was Theodor Schwann who discovered that animals are made up of tons of cells. Robert Hooke coined the term "cell." He was examining the cork of a wine bottle and saw box-like compartments that reminded him of tiny rooms or "cells."

  • Do bacteria have only one chromosome?

    • They often have one or two circular chromosomes, but several do not.

  • What is the "chromatin form"



    • Chromatin is a substance within a chromosome consisting of DNA and protein. The major proteins in chromatin are histones, which help package the DNA in a compact form that fits in the cell nucleus. Changes in chromatin. structure are associated with DNA replication and gene expression.

  • thank you for this video but I have a question how small is a eukaryotic cell

  • Are red blood cells considered prokaryotic cells since they don't have a nucleus?

    • Hey,
      Red blood cell or Erythrocyte is one of the formed elements formed in the red bone marrow. Each of the formed elements has specialised cell structure for performing specialised functions. As you might be knowing, the main function of RBC is to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide (in meager amounts). Haemoglobin, a conjugated protein made up of 4 globin subunits (both alpha and beta); is the main respiratory pigment of our body. Now, to accommodate this pigment within the RBC, it tends to lose all vital cell organelles including the nucleus. So, you can RBC as eukaryotic by origin but you can never call it prokaryotic. Prokaryotes have undefined nucleus; but the point is they have NUCLEUS. Mature RBC and sieve tube cells in plants are contrary to the cell theory proposed by Schleiden and Schwann. A better term for RBCs would be akaryotic, meaning “without nucleus”.
      Hope that helps 😊

What is found in eukaryotic cells but not bacteria?

It was that eukaryotes have a cytoskeleton and bacteria do not.

Which of the following is found in eukaryotic cells but not in the cells of bacteria multiple choice?

a nucleus. One major difference between the prokaryotic cells and the eukaryotic cells is that the eukaryotic cells have a nucleus, which encases its DNA and has a membrane with pores surrounding it, while the prokaryotic cells have no nucleus and have their DNA free in the cytoplasm of the organism.

Which molecules or structures may be found in eukaryotic cells but not in bacteria?

Eukaryotic cells contain membrane-bound organelles, such as the nucleus, while prokaryotic cells do not. Differences in cellular structure of prokaryotes and eukaryotes include the presence of mitochondria and chloroplasts, the cell wall, and the structure of chromosomal DNA.

Which of the following can be found in eukaryotic cells but not in prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells lack true nucleus as well as membrane bound organelles. Nucleus and membrane bound organelles are present only in eukaryotic cells.