Which of the following is the first priority in caring for a patient with severe head injury quizlet?

  • PMID: 2775669

Emergency nursing priorities of the head injured patient

R Ward. Axone. 1989 Sep.


The first priority in any emergency is always an adequate airway. The nurse is involved in clearing the mouth, inserting an oral airway, assisting with intubation, oxygen therapy and assessing continually the patient's respiratory system. The nurse must also monitor the patient's vital signs, administer intravenous fluids appropriately along with medications, insert foley catheters and note urinary output. Simultaneously, the nurse constantly observes the patient's level of consciousness and neurological status. This information must be documented carefully by the nurse amidst all this apparent chaos. This can be done only when good assessment skills, combined with knowledge of diagnosis, treatment and appropriate nursing intervention, aid the Emergency Nurse in setting priorities in the Emergency care of the head injured patient.

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What is your first priority in managing a head injury?

The first priority in any emergency is always an adequate airway. The nurse is involved in clearing the mouth, inserting an oral airway, assisting with intubation, oxygen therapy and assessing continually the patient's respiratory system.

What is the goal of caring for a patient with a head injury?

The primary goal of nursing management in severe head trauma is to maintain adequate cerebral perfusion and improve cerebral blood flow in order to prevent cerebral ischaemia and secondary injury to the brain.

What are the nursing responsibilities to consider in taking care of patient with head injuries?

Nursing Management.
Assess vitals..
Assess neurological injury..
Assess oxygenation and ventilation..
Observe pupils for signs of elevated intracranial pressure..
Assess ins and outs..
Check nose and ear for CSF leak..
Assess if the patient is able to sense or has pain..
Encourage coughing..

What are the management priorities for a patient with a traumatic brain injury?

The cornerstone of the management of TBI is the intensive care treatment of these patients with careful attention paid to the airway, oxygenation and adequate hemodynamic support to avoid the secondary injuries that are associated with events such as hypoxia and hypotension.