Which of the following level of prevention has a characteristics that aims to rehabilitate and re educate a person after experiencing a disease?

Field 066: Health Sample Multiple-Choice Questions

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Objective 0001
Human Anatomy, Physiology, Growth, and Development (Standard 1)

1. Which of the following psychosocial tasks needed for mental health generally takes place during the adolescent stage of growth and development?

  1. attempting to integrate the different aspects and roles of self (e.g., son, daughter, friend, student) into a whole identity that makes sense
  2. seeking frequent encouragement and praise (e.g., from parents/guardians, teachers) to gain a sense of accomplishment and thus a sense of industry
  3. acquiring proficiency at juggling various responsibilities and aspects of life and relying on resiliency and self-confidence to cope with setbacks
  4. developing the autonomy, self-control, and independence to self-initiate new motor activities, learning tasks, and social interactions
Answer Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of sequences, stages, and characteristics of intellectual, social, emotional, and physical growth and development during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. As they make the transition from childhood to adolescence, students may begin to feel confused or insecure about themselves and how they fit into society. According to Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development, this stage is important in forming a strong identity and developing a sense of direction in life. To help establish a sense of self, students experiment with different roles and try to integrate all the different images of self into a whole identity that makes sense. Students who receive encouragement and reinforcement through personal exploration typically emerge from this stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of independence and control.
Objective 0002
Health Promotion and Disease Prevention (Standard 2)

2. In a secondary health education unit, students learn about risk factors for common types of cancers, screening methods for early detection of cancer, and lifestyle behaviors that decrease one's risk of cancer. Students also study characteristics of cancer, including the idea that some cancers may have few risk factors and may not produce pain or illness in early stages. In addition to these disease prevention concepts, it would be most important for this unit to include:

  1. an analysis of the influences of genetic and hereditary factors on the development of cancer.
  2. information on the prevalence of common cancers in the region in which the school is located.
  3. procedures and protocols for conducting breast self-exams (BSEs) and testicular self-exams (TSEs).
  4. discussions on the latest and most promising medical and holistic health treatments for different types of cancer.
Answer Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of methods of health screening and principles and strategies for preventing, detecting, managing, and controlling illness and disease. Health screening through self-examinations is an essential component of a secondary health promotion and disease prevention program. Teaching students how to a conduct a breast self-exam (BSE) or testicular self-exam (TSE), using videos, procedural handouts, models, or a combination of methods, promotes the habit of self-screening on a regular basis and provides students with tools for preventing or reducing the risk of cancer. TSEs are particularly relevant for male students because testicular cancer is the most common type of cancer in males 15 to 35 years of age, and if caught early, has almost a 100 percent survival rate.

3. Which of the following processes characterizes the level of disease prevention known as tertiary prevention?

  1. prevention of disease before its biological onset
  2. prevention of disease progression and additional disease complications after overt clinical disease occurs
  3. prevention of clinical illness through the early and asymptomatic detection and remediation of certain disease conditions
  4. prevention of illness through appropriate individual and group behavior modification designed to minimize infection risk
Answer Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of primary, secondary, and tertiary approaches for preventing communicable and chronic diseases. Unlike primary and secondary prevention, tertiary prevention involves actively treating an individual who has a disease. The goals of this level of prevention are to limit damage and pain from the disease, reduce the severity and progression of the disease, and prevent further complications. Tertiary prevention programs aim to improve the quality of life for individuals with diseases, and often involve rehabilitation and therapy to help these individuals return to maximum levels of functionality and self-sufficiency.
Objective 0003
Nutrition and Physical Activity (Standard 3)

4. Which of the following accurately describes essential amino acids and their function in the human body?

  1. chemicals from the environment that are absorbed through the skin to aid in calcium uptake
  2. blood byproducts manufactured in the body and used to regulate body temperature
  3. substances that must be derived from the diet that the body uses for protein synthesis
  4. helper cells produced by the body's immune system that are activated to fight infections
Answer Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of types, sources, and functions of nutrients and their effects on health, physical performance, and body composition. Amino acids are molecules that combine to form proteins. In addition to serving as the building blocks of proteins, they are crucial for metabolism and growth, tissue repair, and many other body functions. Because the body cannot manufacture them, essential amino acids must be derived from the diet. Animal sources of protein and soy foods contain all the essential amino acids and most plant foods contain them in varying amounts; vegetarians who eat a variety of plant foods and/or combine legumes and grains over the course of a day can obtain all the essential amino acids.
Objective 0004
Mental and Emotional Health (Standard 4)

5. Following a lesson on signs of depression and risk factors for suicide, a high school student tells the health teacher that she believes that she has observed some of the warning signs of suicide in a friend who attends a different school. Which strategy for responding to this situation is most appropriate for the teacher to recommend to the student?

  1. reassuring the friend that life is worth living and that things are not as bad as they may seem at the moment
  2. determining if the friend is actually considering suicide by asking the friend if he or she has thought of a specific suicide plan
  3. monitoring the friend�s mood and behavior for a few days to determine if there are multiple warning signs
  4. taking the warning signs seriously and informing the friend's parent/guardian and school counselor as quickly as possible
Answer Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of warning signs and symptoms of mental distress, depression, self-harm, and suicidal tendencies; and methods and resources for addressing, reporting, and obtaining help for these conditions. Most suicidal individuals give warning signs or signals of their intentions. The best way to prevent suicide is to recognize these warning signs and know how to respond. Students who believe that a friend is suicidal should not try to handle the situation alone, nor should they worry about damaging a friendship when someone's life is at stake. Immediate help can come from the friend's family, doctor, school counselor or principal, or other trained professional. In the school setting, the school counselor is often the professional best equipped to connect students who may be suicidal to the appropriate resources.
Objective 0005
Safety, Risk Reduction, and Injury Prevention (Standard 8)

6. Which of the following statements accurately describes a current, important emphasis in the American Heart Association guidelines for the administration of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) to unresponsive individuals?

  1. A new CPR procedure involving looking, listening, and feeling for breathing before administering CPR is now recommended.
  2. After calling 911, untrained individuals should wait for trained rescuers to either administer CPR or use an automated external defibrillator (AED).
  3. A new CPR procedure for children and adolescents, requiring a different hand placement than for adult CPR, is now recommended.
  4. After calling 911, untrained individuals should start hands-only CPR and administer hard, rapid chest compressions until help arrives.
Answer Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of procedures for responding to life-threatening respiratory and cardiac emergencies. For untrained or lay rescuers, the American Heart Association recommends hands-only or compression-only CPR at a rate of at least 100 compressions per minute. The emphasis is on providing good-quality chest compressions with sufficient depth to provide adequate circulation. For trained rescuers, performing cycles of 30 compressions and 2 ventilations is still recommended.
Objective 0006
Reducing Health Risks from Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (Standard 5)

7. During a drug prevention unit, health education students review a case study in which two teenagers experience the following physiological and psychological effects.

  • Increased heart rate and blood pressure
  • Muscle tension
  • Teeth clenching
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Dizziness
  • Chills and sweating
  • Enhanced mood
  • Increased touch sensation
  • Heightened sense of emotional closeness
  • Lingering aftereffects including confusion, depression, and sleep problems

These effects are most strongly associated with which of the following types of drugs?

  1. methamphetamines (meth)
  2. MDMA (ecstasy or molly)
  3. inhalants (huffing)
  4. anabolic steroids
Answer Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of short- and long-term physiological and social effects of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, MDMA can reach the brain 15 minutes after it is swallowed in pill or capsule form. It increases the activity of neurotransmitters (the chemical messengers of brain cells) that help regulate mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep, and feelings of pain. People who use MDMA may feel hyper and highly alert, and may experience changes in perception such as a heightened sense of touch and an unusually strong empathy for others. MDMA is also associated with negative effects such as muscle tension, clenched jaw, nausea, agitation, chills and sweating, and faintness and dizziness. Lingering aftereffects can also occur due to insufficient levels of serotonin in the brain following the surge in serotonin triggered by MDMA. For days or even weeks after use, users may experience confusion, depression, sleep problems, drug craving, and anxiety.

8. Which of the following instructional approaches is likely to be most effective in minimizing and preventing drug use, including use of alcohol and tobacco, among students?

  1. familiarizing students with effective decision-making, resistance, and refusal techniques and engaging them in activities in which they practice using the techniques
  2. emphasizing the connections between a drug-free lifestyle and academic success and showing students research studies and data that support these findings
  3. referring students to a variety of digital and social media resources that promote alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention strategies designed specifically for young people
  4. having students study the mechanisms by which alcohol, tobacco, and drugs affect major body systems and discuss their short- and long-term health effects
Answer Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of principles, practices, strategies, and activities that help prevent or reduce health risks associated with alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. A primary focus of effective health education curricula is building students' competence in using essential life skills, including decision-making, resistance, and refusal skills. These skills are typically taught in a systematic fashion using a combination of instruction and demonstration, feedback, and behavioral rehearsal (in-class practice). Teaching students resistance and refusal strategies and techniques for resisting negative peer pressure and making good decisions and then having students practice the strategies and techniques in simulations or role plays enables students to develop the confidence and abilities needed to use the skills in real-life situations.
Objective 0007
Interpersonal, Social, and Family Relationships (Standard 6)

9. In a seventh-grade classroom, students pair up to practice conflict-management and resolution skills. Student partners brainstorm a hypothetical interpersonal conflict situation and then practice the key steps used in school-based conflict resolution models. Which of the following steps is typically carried out first in a conflict management and resolution process?

  1. taking turns explaining the factors that led to conflict
  2. listening to a third party's advice about how to best resolve the situation
  3. taking the time to calm down and think about the situation
  4. brainstorming various solutions to the conflict until one is mutually agreed upon
Answer Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of steps, strategies, and processes used in conflict prevention, management, and resolution; and techniques for using conflict-management and resolution skills in various situations. Most conflict resolution protocols for students involve teaching students a few basic steps, including calming down, taking turns explaining the conflict, discussing options, and reaching a mutually agreeable solution. The first step typically involves stopping the conflict and letting anger dissipate. Techniques such as walking away, counting to ten, or using a relaxation response can be used. Being in a highly emotional state makes it difficult to reason effectively; teaching students the importance of calming down and taking time to think helps promote their ability to control their emotions and reflect rationally on the conflict.
Objective 0008
Community and Environmental Health (Standard 11)

10. Chlorine compounds released from chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) into the environment can be transported by winds into the stratosphere, where they break down and release dangerous levels of atomic chlorine. In 1987, a protocol was adopted by signatory nations committed to phasing out or banning the use of gas-producing chemicals, including CFCs. Currently, over 160 countries support the treaty. This global effort is expected to decrease environmental risk factors for:

  1. emphysema.
  2. colon cancer.
  3. arteriosclerosis.
  4. skin cancer.
Answer Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of factors in the natural and human environment that affect the health and safety of individuals and communities. In the stratosphere, the ozone layer protects the earth against the type of ultraviolet radiation known as UVB. Chlorine damages the protective ozone layer. Since CFCs are very stable and do not dissolve in rain, winds can drive them into the stratosphere, where ultraviolet radiation breaks them down. The CFC molecules release atomic chlorine; one chlorine atom can destroy over 100,000 ozone molecules. Ozone depletion has resulted in higher levels of UVB, which damages DNA and causes skin cancer and cataracts. Recently, scientists have seen indications of a small increase in total ozone. Experts believe that this is due mainly to the 1987 ban on ozone-damaging substances and will help prevent millions of cases of skin cancer.
Objective 0009
Influences on Health Behaviors (Standard 10)

11. Which of the following strategies is likely to be most effective for helping students resist pressure to participate in unhealthy practices such as drinking alcohol, using illicit drugs, and engaging in risky sexual behaviors?

  1. teaching students to use techniques such as humor, teasing, and reverse psychology to distract peers who are likely to exert pressure on others to engage in risk behaviors
  2. emphasizing the temporary nature of these types of adolescent behavior patterns and assuring students that the behaviors usually do not continue into adulthood
  3. using a social norms approach to illustrate with facts and statistics relevant to the students' demographic group that most of their peers do not participate in risk behaviors
  4. helping students recognize that although many people may have a predisposition toward certain risk behaviors, these behaviors can be easily "unlearned"
Answer Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of ways in which perceptions of norms influence healthy and unhealthy behaviors. Young people are highly influenced by peers; in particular, general perceptions of what peers are doing or not doing impact adolescent health-related behaviors. The social norms approach to minimizing health risk behavior and reinforcing positive behavior entails dispelling misperceptions about risk behaviors being the norm among peers. It often involves gathering credible data relevant to a target population and identifying and publicizing the actual normative behaviors of that population. Studies show that purposefully correcting misinformation about negative health behaviors and highlighting positive behaviors (e.g., four out of five Indiana high school students do not binge drink) can foster the adoption of positive attitudes and health-enhancing behaviors among young people.
Objective 0010
Decision Making, Goal Setting, Advocacy, and Self-Management (Standard 7)

12. In a health education class, students are using the following decision-making model to learn about the steps and activities that should be carried out in making sound health-related decisions.

  1. Describe the situation that requires a decision.
  2. List possible choices or decisions you might make.
  3. Evaluate and list the likely outcomes of alternative choices.
  4. Decide which decision is responsible and most appropriate.
  5. Make a decision and take action.
  6. Evaluate the effectiveness of your decision.

Which of the following activities would be most appropriate to carry out in conjunction with Step 4?

  1. thinking through the pros and cons or advantages and disadvantages of each potential decision
  2. assessing the consequences of alternative courses of action and considering how different choices or decisions would affect other people
  3. determining how the results or outcomes of the decision could be improved and brainstorming additional potential courses of action
  4. considering how the important people in one's life would view alternative choices and whether one could take pride in each potential decision
Answer Correct Response: D.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of steps and strategies for making, implementing, and evaluating independent and collaborative healthy lifestyle-related decisions. Considering how the important people in one's life would view alternative choices or courses of action and thinking about whether one could take pride in those choices or decisions are integral components of making a responsible and appropriate health-related decision. Students who consider the alignment between personal values and alternative choices and think about whether the people they love and respect would approve or disapprove of their actions are more likely to make sound, reasonable decisions that protect their health and safety.
Objective 0011
Health Literacy (Standard 9)

13. Which of the following sources of health-related information is most likely to present unbiased, accurate facts?

  1. in article in a popular health magazine promoting a new drug that the author asserts will control weight without dieting
  2. a peer-reviewed article in a professional medical journal announcing the development of a new treatment for skin cancer
  3. a pharmaceutical company brochure promoting a new drug that reportedly alleviates all major symptoms of osteoarthritis
  4. a dental office flyer provided by a toothbrush manufacturer praising the toothbrush's effectiveness against gum disease
Answer Correct Response: B.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of techniques and criteria for analyzing and evaluating the accuracy, validity, reliability, and usefulness of health-related information. Health information literacy skills are crucial for aiding students in analyzing and evaluating the many and often conflicting sources of health information available to them. Reputable and reliable professional medical journals publish source material only after the material undergoes a rigorous peer review, a systematic academic review process that serves as a quality-control mechanism. Peer review provides an important filtering function with the goal of ensuring that only the highest-quality research is published; if an article contains inaccurate or biased information or claims and conclusions that are not supported by scientific methodology and data, it is rejected for publication.
Objective 0012
The Health Education Program (Standard 12)

14. A number of students and families in a school district live in economically challenging circumstances and have limited access to educational and other resources. Which of the following components of a coordinated school health program is likely to provide the greatest benefit to this population of students?

  1. a school environment characterized by a healthy psychosocial climate
  2. a planned, sequential K�12 physical education curriculum that addresses cognitive content
  3. school-based partnerships with health-care and social service organizations
  4. health education faculty who have been trained in child development and student-centered pedagogy
Answer Correct Response: C.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of characteristics, goals, and components of a coordinated school health program. School is a central institution in the everyday lives of children and adolescents. In this role, schools are in a strategically advantageous position to serve as coordinating institutions for delivery of services to students. While the family is the primary social institution dedicated to caring for children, families with limited access to social, cultural, and economic capital can have their ability to deliver this care enhanced by schools that effectively partner with organizations such as local health-care and social service agencies. In accordance with the Indiana School Health Network, coordinated school health programs use an integrated school, family, and community approach to enhance the health and well-being of students and provide services to protect and improve students' physical, mental, emotional, and social health.

15. In a middle school health education class, students will work in small groups to develop media messages about public health issues relevant to students' lives. The teacher and students brainstorm potential projects, including the following.

  • a social media anti-cyberbullying campaign for middle school students
  • a public service television spot on access to healthcare for pregnant teenagers
  • a sun safety poster campaign for elementary school students
  • a video post on the dangers of mixing alcohol and energy drinks for high school students

Students will share their media presentations with the class once they are completed. This activity is likely to be most effective for promoting students' knowledge and skills in relation to which Indiana Academic Standard for Health & Wellness?

  1. Students will demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to access valid information and products and services to enhance health.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to practice health-enhancing behaviors and avoid or reduce health risks.
  4. Students will demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
Answer Correct Response: A.
This question requires the examinee to demonstrate knowledge of principles and methods for planning and implementing an effective comprehensive health education program, including knowledge and use of the Indiana Academic Standards for Health & Wellness. Developing health-related public service messages is one of several suggested performance tasks designed to promote student outcomes associated with Standard 8 of the Indiana Academic Standards for Health & Wellness. By participating in these types of hands-on activities, students can learn how to locate and evaluate information about health issues, develop a health-enhancing position and support it with accurate information, influence and support others in making positive health choices, and target and adapt health messages to different audiences.

What are the 4 levels of prevention?

These preventive stages are primordial prevention, primary prevention, secondary prevention, and tertiary prevention.

What are the 3 levels of prevention?

Primary Prevention—intervening before health effects occur, through..
Secondary Prevention—screening to identify diseases in the earliest..
Tertiary Prevention—managing disease post diagnosis to slow or stop..

What level of prevention focuses on rehabilitation?

Tertiary prevention aims to limit or reverse the impact of already existing health conditions and impairments; it includes rehabilitation services and interventions that aim to prevent activity limitations and to promote independence, participation and inclusion.

What is primary secondary and tertiary prevention?

Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention The primary prevention approach focuses on preventing disease before it develops; secondary prevention attempts to detect a disease early and intervene early; and tertiary prevention is directed at managing established disease in someone and avoiding further complications.