Which of the following overall arguments did Hamilton make about the Articles of Confederation quizlet?

Which of the following best explains a result of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War)?

A. France sold the Louisiana Territory to GB.

B. GB gained a claim to land extending to the Mississippi River.

C. GB and Spain established an alliance.

D. British influence over its North American colonies decreased.


GB's victory in the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) had which of the following economic consequences for its American colonies?

A. The British government granted certain American colonists a monopoly on the fur trade without French competition.

B. The British gov. paid for the construction of canals to encourage trade between the Great Lakes region and the East Coast.

C. The British gov. increased taxation of colonial goods to help pay off the debt created by the war.

D. The British gov. forced American merchants to supply the British Royal Navy without payment.


The conclusion of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War) had which of the following effects on Native American societies?

A. Native Americans allied with GB gained the right to become British citizens, angering the colonists.

B. British and French officials agreed to force Native Americans to move to reservations west of the Mississippi River.

C. Native Americans gained control of all the western fur trade with British colonists.

D. The British gov. attempted to restrict western settlement to reduce tensions between colonists and Native Americans.


In James Otis' "The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and proved" 1764 pamphlet, Otis was responding to which of the following developments (he said it's our duty to obey Parliament)?

A. The publication of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense."

B. The threat of French invasion of British North America.

C. The introduction of widespread boycotts against imported British goods.

D. The British gov.'s attempts to pay for the costs of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War).


Which of the following was a major purpose of Otis' pamphlet?

A. To recruit foreign allies to support the claims of the colonists against GB.

B. To encourage opposition to Parliament's regulation of colonial commerce

C. To propose a plan to send colonial delegates to sit in Parliament

D. To advocate for colonial independence from Great Britain


By the 1770s, to which of the following groups would Otis' argument that the colonies "must obey" Parliament most appeal?

A. Farmers in the New England colonies

B. Loyalists in New York

C. Enslaved people in the southern colonies

D. Artisans in port cities


The ideas in the excerpt (John Locke's Two Treatises of Government) were most likely interpreted by American colonists in the 1770s as a call to reject which of the following?

A. The holding of private property

B. The establishment of representative democracy

C. The acceptance of the divine right of kings

D. The creation of political parties


During the period of the American Revolution, Locke's point of view in the excerpt would most likely have been interpreted as promoting a form of government based on...

A. natural rights

B. military rule

C. hereditary privilege

D. religious beliefs


Interpretations of Locke's assertions regarding a "state of freedom" and a "state also of equality" most directly influenced which of the following?

A. The grievances of American colonists during the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War)

B. The political rhetoric of Patriots during the American Revolution

C. The end of American involvement in the international slave trade

D. The demands by colonists to settle beyond the current frontier boundaries


The excerpt from Locke's Two Treatises of Government could best be used as evidence by historians studying which of the following topics?

A. The impact of the Enlightenment on Revolutionary political thought

B. The use of Revolutionary pamphlets to mobilize colonial resistance to British policies

C. The attempts by African Americans to seek freedom during the American Revolution

D. The influence of the American Revolution on ideas about republicanism overseas


The first paragraph of the excerpt (blacks like all men have natural and inalienable rights) makes the claim that

A. slavery should encourage religious conversion to Christianity

B. concepts of independence should apply only to White men

C. all people should have the same inherent liberties

D. the ideals of the American Revolution should also apply to other nations


The second paragraph of the excerpt proposes that the Massachusetts legislature (that gives rights to all men) should

A. allow enslaved Africans to serve in the state's militia

B. find a way to resolve its conflicts with Britain peacefully

C. write a constitution explaining how natural rights apply to enslaved people

D. abolish slavery and release enslaved African Americans upon adulthood


Which of the following describes an overall argument of the excerpt?

A. Slavery is not economically important for the northem colonies.

B. Slavery is contrary to the ideals of the American Revolution.

C. Enslaved Africans should be rewarded for their loyalty to Great Britain

D. Enslaved Africans should be retumed to Africa.


Which of the following does the author (George S. Wood) use to support his argument about the power of the states under the Confederation?

A. Foundational political documents written during the American Revolution

B. Journals written by leaders of the Continental Army

C. Arguments eventually published as The Federalist papers

D. Treaties signed with Great Britain and France


Which of the following evidence is used by the author (George S. Wood) to support his argument about state independence?

A. The ability of state govemments to nullify the laws of other states

B. The ability of the central government to declare war

C. The inability of state governments collect taxes

D. The inability of the central government to carry out many laws


The failure of the Articles of Confederation resulted in which of the following changes in the government of the United States?

A. The immediate end to property qualifications for White male suffrage

B. The ban on women's political participation under the ideas of republican motherhood

C. The ratification of a constitution that established a stronger central government

D. The enactment of the Northwest Ordinance, which outlined the admission process for new states


Which of the following claims did Hamilton make in the excerpt about the powers of the United States under the Articles of Confederation?

A. The United States could not engage in diplomacy with foreign countries

B. The United States was not empowered to raise sufficient money for the government

C. The United States could act without the unanimous consent of the states

D. The United States was able to raise military forces sufficient to defend the country


Hamilton claimed in the excerpt that state sovereignty

A. increased the unity of the United States

B. guaranteed Americans the protection of their liberties

C. encouraged Americans to pursue the common good in politics

D. allowed states to ignore the requests of the central government


Which of the following overall arguments did Hamilton make about the Articles of Confederation?

A. The United States should invite other countries to ally with it under the terms of the Articles

B. Americans should adopt the Artidles as the constitution of the United States.

C. Americans should donate money to Congress because of flaws in the Articles.

D. The United States should abandon the Articles to form a stronger central government.


Which of the following was a piece of evidence Hamilton used to support his argument in the excerpt (Federalist papers)?

A. Earlier attempts to form associations of states in Europe had failed

B. The United States had the authority to mandate funding under the Articles of Confederation

C. Some people believed that the states would agree to follow the congressional directives

D. States sometimes needed to form alliances to achieve shared goals.


Dickinson's concern for the "mischiefs" in the states is best understood in the context of which of the following?

A. Popular support in the states for making George Washington king

B. The extensive power of the executive in state governments

C. Continued warfare between some states and Great Britain

D. The threat to state governments from popular uprisings


The principle of federalism embodied in the United States Constitution had most in common with which of the following earlier aspects of British colonial government?

A. The autonomy of colonial legislatures from Great Britain

B. The absence of colonial representation in Parliament

C. The enforcement of commercial regulations by British officials

D. The authority of the king over his colonial governors


The framers of the United States Constitution initially responded to abuses of executive authority by the British monarch in which of the following ways?

A. They granted the Supreme Court the ability to veto treaties negotiated by the president.

B. They established the separation of powers between the president and Congress.

C. They provided for the popular election of the president by all voters.

D. They guaranteed that basic rights could not be limited by the president


Dickinson's desire to preserve "a certain degree of agency" for states is best explained by which of the following developments in the early United States?

A. The popularity of George Washington

B. The retention of regional cultural identity in conjunction with national unity

C. The proposals of Alexander Hamilton to address the financial system

D. The challenge of gaining support for infrastructure projects


Washington most likely wrote about political parties for which of the following purposes?

A. To wam the public that political parties result in national divisions

B. To explain how political parties are good for the economy

C. To assert that political parties only work in democratic republics

D. To argue that political parties encourage foreign interference


Which of the following best explains why Washington warned against foreign alliances?

A. No nations attempted to sign commercial agreements with the United States.

B. Britain and France were at war with each other, and both threatened United States interests

C. Federalists and Jeffersonian Republicans forced the president to agree to a policy of neutrality.

D. The power of European empires in the Americas had already begun to decline


Supporters of Washington's comments would most likely have agreed with which of the following foreign policies?

A. Forming a large military

B. Expanding territorial control

C. Establishing mutual defense alliances

D. Maintaining economic relationships


George Washington's suggestions about United States foreign relations reflect which of the following situations?

A. The need to establish industries to export more goods

B. The desire to encourage immigration from northern and western Europe

C. The continued European colonial presence along United States borders

D. The challenge of spreading American revolutionary ideals abroad


Which of the following best explains the depiction of George Washington in the painting?

A. The development of a sense of American identity among Patriots

B. The attempts of colonists to gain support for declaring independence

C. The desire of colonists to commemorate conquests over Native Americans

D. The tensions between northem and southern colonies during the Revolutionary War


Which of the following best explains the spread of images of George Washington in the United States after the American Revolution?

A. The republican belief that political power should be inherited

B. The embrace of political party campaigning by electoral candidates

C. The desire of Americans to develop a new national culture

D. The refusal of former Loyalists to accept the outcome of the war


The trend in the population per ce nt increase from 1790 to 1800 most likely indicates which of the following?

A. The rapid movement of migrants to newly settled states such as Kentucky and Tennessee

B. The increased arrival of indentured servants in established areas in Virginia and Maryland

C. The restriction of the intemational slave trade to North and South Carolina

D. The growth of new industrial cities in Georgia


The share of White and African American populations in the various states shown in the table most strongly suggests which of the following?

A. African American migrants were moving from the southern to the northern states

B. Small subsistence farms dominated older, more established states such as Virginia and Maryland

C. Newly settled states such as Kentucky and Tennessee relied less on slave labor than did regions elsewhere in the South

D. The use of slave labor was declining throughout the South by 1800.


The percentages of White and African American populations in South Carolina shown in the table most directly suggest the

A. availability of land for settlement in the Deep South

B. expansion of slavery in the Deep South

C. growth of textile manufacturing in southem states

D. reliance on immigrant labor in southern states


Which of the following was a piece of evidence Hamilton used to support his argument in the excerpt?

Which of the following was a piece of evidence Hamilton used to support his argument in the excerpt? Earlier attempts to form associations of states in Europe had failed.

Which of the following does the author use to support his argument about the power of the states under the confederation?

Which of the following evidence is used by the author to support his argument about state independence? allowed states to ignore the requests of the central government.

Which of the following best explains a result of the Seven Years War quizlet?

Which of the following best explains a result of the Seven Years' War (French and Indian War)? Great Britain gained a claim to land extending to the Mississippi River. In the treaty that ended the Seven Years' War, France transferred its North American territorial claims east of the Mississippi River to Great Britain.

Which of the following pieces of evidence would help modify an argument in the excerpt about President Jackson's intentions toward American Indians?

Which of the following pieces of evidence would help modify an argument in the excerpt about President Jackson's intentions toward American Indians? Jackson had led United States armies that conquered American Indian peoples in the Southeast and forced land cessions.