Which of the following reflects a new division created by economic globalization after World War II quizlet?

Which of the following describes an effect of economic globalization on the United States quizlet?

Which of the following describes an effect of economic globalization on the United States? Companies moved their manufacturing operations to Asia and Latin America, forcing many unskilled American workers to work the service sector.

What effect did the Bretton Woods system have on globalization after World War II quizlet?

What effect did the Bretton Woods system have on globalization after World War II? It established rules for commercial and financial dealings among major capitalist countries.

Which of the following statements best reflects an impact of globalization on the United States at the opening of the twenty first century?

Which of the following statements best reflects an impact of globalization on the United States at the opening of the twenty-first century? Income erosion of the country's middle class has become a major issue in American political debate.

Which of the following describes the effect of economic globalization on wealthy nations like the United States quizlet?

Which of the following describes the effect of economic globalization on wealthy nations like the United States? A shifting global division of labor resulted in the loss of many manufacturing jobs.