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We will forward any of these Books by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price.
Registration 10 cents extra. Our responsibility ceases after goods are mailed. ANGLING.

Glover's Album, Treatise on Canine Diseases 50 Adirondack Fishes, Fred Mather.

Our Friend the Dog, Stables....

3 00 American Angler's Book, Memorial Edition,

Practical Kennel Guide, Stables; pa..

775 Norris

5 50 Principles of Dog Training, Ashmont.

50 American Salmon Fishing, Wells.

1 00 Stonehenge on the Dog..

3 00 Angling, Blakely.

The Dog, by Idstone..

1 25 50

Angling Talks, Dawson.

The Mastiff, the History of, M. B. Wynn.. 2 50
Art of Angling, Holberton.
50 Training Trick Dogs, illus.

25 Black Bass Fishing, Henshall.

3 00 Vero Shaw's Book on the Dog, cloth, $8.00; Fish and Game Laws, State of New York. 50

half morocco.

13 00 Fish Culture, Norris. 1 75 YouAlt on the Dog

60 Fish Hatching and Fish Catching, Roose


1 50 Adventures in the Wilderness, Murray... 1 25
Fishing With the Fly, Orvis-Cheney Collect-

Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks,
tion, new edition.. 2 50 Northrup.

1 25 Fly Fishing and Fly Making for Trout, Keene 1 30 Three in Norway, or Rifle, Rod and Gun in Fly Fishing in Maine Lakes, Stevens.. 2 00


1 75 Fly Fishing, Pennell...

50 Camps in the Rockies, Grohman...

1 25 Fly Rods and Fly Tackle, Wells

2 50 | Camping and Cruising in Florida, Henshall 1 50 Frank Forester's Fish and Fishing.

2 50

Canoe and Camp Cookery, by "Seneca". 1 00
Frank Forester's Fishing With Hook and

Complete American Trapper, Gibson.

1 00 Line.... 25 Hints on Camping, Henderson..

1 25 Fysshe and Fysshynge..

1 00 Hunter and Trapper, Thrasher

75 Fresh and Salt Water Aquarium.

50 The Shaybacks in Camp..

100 Modern Practical Anglèr, a Guide to Fly Trappers' Guide, Newhouse, new edition.. 1 00 Fishing, Pennell 1 50 Woodcraft, "Nessmuk"

1 00 Prime's I Go a-Fishing ...

2 50

GUIDE BOOKS AND MAPS. Rod and Line in Colorado Waters.

1 00 Adirondack Guide, Wallace....

2 00
Scientific Angler, Foster.
1 50 Adirondacks, Map of, Stoddard.

1 00
Superior Fishing, or the Striped Bass, Trout, Atlas of New Jersey Coast.

1 50 2 00 etc., by Roosevelt

Black Hills of Dakota, Ludlow, quarto, cloth

READERS of the FOREST AND STREAM cannot fail to recollect Mr. Thomas F. Watson's
Trolling for Pike, Salmon and Trout.
50 Government report..

2 50 poem entitled, The Sportsman's Reverie," printed in this journal about two years ago. The Game Fish of the Northern States and Farrar's Guide to Moosehead Lake, paper... 50 British Provinces, by Roosevelt..

2 00 Farrar's Guide to Richardson and Rangeley Later on a few stanzas were added to cover other scenes of typical American sport with the Trout Culture, Slack.. 1 00 Lake, paper


Farrar's Pocket Map of Moosehead Lake.. 50 gun. The author depicted vividly the varied visions which come before the view of the veteArt of Sailmaking, illustrated.

3 00 Farrar's Pocket Map of Rangeley Lake R'r'n 50

3 00 Boat Building and Sailing, Neison..

Guide Book and Map of Dead River Region 50 ran sportsman as he sits in easy chair before the fire. Of the author and his poem the Detroit
Boat Sailing and Management, Prescott. 50 Guide to Adirondack Region, Stoddard

25 Boat Sailor's Manual, Qualtrough... 2 00 Guide to Androscoggin Region..

50 Free Press said in an appreciative notice: "The author is evidently a man of the most Boating Trip on New England Rivers.

1 25 Historical and Biographical Atlas of New
Book of Knots, illustrated..
1 25 Jersey Coast..

500 acute sportsmanly enthusiasm, as well as of nice literary taste. His poem is built upon a
Canoe and Camp Cookery, Seneca.
1 00 Map of St. Lawrence River..

1 00
Canoe and Boat Building for Amateurs, W. Map of the Indian River, Florida, Le Baron, very simple plan. Before a cheerful fire-like Ike Marvel's hero-sits a veteran of rod and P. Stephens..

1 50 strong linen paper, $3; plain..

2 00 Canoe Aandling, C. B. Vaux.

1 00 Map of the Thousand Islands.

50 gun; he grows half drowsy over pipe and fire and the poet bas caught-with a nice and 50

Canoeing in Kanuckia, Norton & Halberton Muskoka and Northern Lakes of Canada. 1 00

Caroe and Camera, Steele.... 1 50 Old St. Augustine, illus...

i 50 sensitive appreciation-the reminiscences of a hundred hunts which flit through his brain.
Canoe, Voyage of the Paper, Bishop's. 1 50 Our New Alaska, by Charles Hallock. 1 50
Canvas Canoes; How to Build Them, Parker Southern California, by T. S. Van Dyke.. 1 50 One experience after another is described with graceful pen touches; tbc quail, the wood- B. Field....

50 St. Lawrence River Charts, U. S. Sarvey... 1 00 Corinthian Yachtsman, Biddle.

1 50 HORSE.

cock, the snipe, the deer, fall before the crack of the gun; a long day's sport—a glorious Cruises in Small Yachts Speed.

2 50 Roots and Saddles, Mrs. Custer.

1 50
Cruise of the Little Nan, Wilkins 50 Bruce's Stud Book, 3 vols.

30 00 day such as no man ever compassed between sun and sun-is described, even the trout, Donaldson's Steam Machinery.

1 50 Dadd's Americau Reformed Horse Book, 8vo 2 50 Engineers' Log Books, 2 quire, 4 bound, $1.25; Diseases of Horses, Dalziel, paper..

75 from the clear rapid, paying tribute to the prowess of a dreamland sportsman, until at last, 3 quire, 42 bound, $2; 5 quire, 42 bound, Horses, Famous American Race.

75 cloth sides..

2 50 Horses, Famous American Trotting.

75 with the fall of the quiet night shadows, the sportsman draws his boat to the shore, his
Fore and Aft Seamanship.
50 Horses, Famous, of America..

1 50 Forms of Ships and Boats, Bland.

75 Horsemanship for Women, Mead, illus. by tired retriever crouches at his feet, and, with his ducks, the final trophies of his sport, at his Four Months in a Sneakbox, Bishop. 1 50 Parker..

1 25 Frazar's Practical Boat Sailing.

1 00 How to Handle and Educate Vicious Horses, side, he looks back over the darkening water; and then, once again at his fireside, the end From the Forecastle to the Cabin, Samvels. 1 50 Gleason.

Hints on Boat Sailing and Racing, Fitzgerald i 00 Jenning's Horse Training:

1% of the vision comes naturally and gracefully.” Knots, Ties and Splices. 75 Mayhew's Horse Doctor, 400 illus.

3 00
Inland Voyage, Stevenson.. 50 Mayhew's Horse Management

3 00 And now these “word pictures” of the poet have been complemented with the actual
of 1 00 McClure's Stable Guide..

1 00 Marine Engines

and Steam Vessels, Murray 2 25 Practical Horse Keeper::

2 00 canvas pictures of the painter. Artist-poct and poet-artist have united to give us the poem Model Yachts, Grosvenor..

? 00 Riding and Driving;

20 Paddle and Portage, Steele.

1 50 Stonehenge on the llorse, English edit'n, 8vo 3 50 in a magnificent setting. Mr. Robert Hopkin, the celebrated artist of Detroit, has painted Practical Boat Building, Neison..

1 00 Stonehenge on the Horse, Amer. ed., 12mo.. 2 00 Practical Boat Sailing, Davies..

2 00 The k of the Horse

8 00 a series of twelve pictures, each telling in color what the poem tells in words. From these Riggers' Guide and Seamens' Assistant. 1 25 Wallace's American Stud Book.

10 00
Sails and Sailmaking, illus., Kipping, N. A. 1 25 Woodruff's Trotting Horses of America. 2 50 | paintings bave been made superb heliotype engravings, each having beneath it the particu- Sailor's Language, W. Clark Russell, illus. 1 25

Sailor's Manual and Handy Book, Qualtrough 3 50 A Naturalist's Rambles About Home, Abbott 1 50 lar verse of the poem illustrated. The series is remarkable for strict adherence to nature
Sailor's Sea Book, Rosser.

1 25
A. 0. U. Check List of N. A. Birds...

3 00
Seven Pictures of Crack Yachts.
75 American Bird Fancier...

50 fidelity in portraying action, and artistic merit.
Steam Yachts and Launches, Kunhardt. 3 00 Antelope and Deer of America, Caton. 2 50
The Canoe Aurora, Dr. C. A. Neidé.

1 00

Baird's Birds of North America: Land Birds,
Vacation Cruising, Rothrick

1 50 3 vols., $30; colored, $60; Water Birds, Yacht Architecture, Dixon Kemp. 16 80 vols., $24; colored....

60 00 Yacht and Boat Sailing, Kemp. 10 00 Bird Notes..


THE TWELVE PICTURES: Yacht Designing, Biddle.

1 00 Birds Nesting, Ingersoll.

1 25 Yacht Sailor, Vanderdecken..

3 00 Birds of Eastern Penusylvania

4 00 No. 1 shows the hunter seated in an easy tion, as he watches the bird fly away. Th Yachts, Boats and Canoes, Stansfeld-Hicks 3 50 Birds and Their Haunts, Langille.

3 00 Yachts, Small, C. P. Kunhardt..

attitude in an arm chair, gazing reflectively u! per part of the sportsman's body is in the 7 00 Common Objects of the Seashore

50 Yachtsman's Guide, Patterson.

3 00 Coues' Check List of North American Birds 3 00 into the tire on the hearto. Above the fire- shadow, the lower part in the string light of Yachtsman's Handy Book, Rules of the Game Water Birds of the Atlantic Coast,

place are the head and antlers of a deer. The the sun rays. Road, Signals, Seamanship, etc.

1 50 Roosevelt...

200 sportsman's right arm is around the neck of

No. 7 shows an angler reeling in a trout. A Guide to the Study of Insects. Packard. 500 his dog, which is resting on his baunches be- brook is tumbling down through the woods Puritan and Genesta on the home stretch, 26 x 36, Half Hours with a Naturalist, Woog. i 50 side the chair. His left hand holds his pipe, and over the rocks into the pool. The sky is $1.50. Mayflower saluted by the fleet, 28 x 40, $2. Holden's Book of Birds, pa...

25 The fi, elight flickers on the floor and around cloudy and the sunlight is struggling through. Volunteer, 26x31, $2. Thistle, Royal Harwich Insect World, Figuier.

1 50 Regatta, 28 x 19, $3.

Insects Injurious to Vegetation, Harris. 4 00

the legs of the chair,

No. 8-deer shooting-is a forest scene. In
Intelligence of Animals, 54 illus., Menaut. 1 GO

Volunteer with portraits of owner, designer and Life of John J. Audubon, with steel portrait ?.00 small lake.' Toe night sbades are fleeing. A the edge of a lake. Tearmg down the slope

represents dawn breaking over a

the foreground a ouck, just shot, is falling on
crew, 19X21, 50c. Thistle, with portraits of Mammals of New York, paper $4; cloth 5 00
owner, designer and crew, 19x21, 500.

Manual of North American Birds; Ridgway 7 50 mist is rising from the eastern end of the bebind him are two hounds. To the left, be- HUNTING-SHOOTING.

Manual of Taxidermy, Maynard..

i 25 lake, of wbih trees fringe the edge. A plover hind i he roots of an upturned tree, are seen A Lost Opportunity; Stopping an Incomer; Manual of Vertebrates, Jordan.,

2 50 is circling in the air, and in the foreground is the head and shoulders of the hunter, whose A Side Shot. Three pictures in colors, by Maynard's Butterflies, colored plates.

5 50 a mallard lazily flying out over the glassy rifle is still bearing on the deer.
Zimmerman; the set.. 5 00 Minot's Land and Game Birds..

3 00

water. Adventures on the Great Hunting Grounds Native Song Birds.

1 00

No. 9 represents shooting over decoys. A of the World, 22 illus. 1 00 Naturalist's Assistant, Kingsley.

1 50 No. 3 represents snipe shooting. In the fore- gale is blowing and the water of the channel American Sportsman, The, Lewis. 2 50 Naturalists' Guide, Maynard.

2 00

ground is the sportsman, bis bocy twisted outside is lashed into whitecaps. In the bay Antelope and Deer of America, Caton. 2 50 Nomenclature of Colors for Naturalists.. 4 00 Bear Hunters, Bowman..

around to the left in the attitude of making a the decoys are tossing in the chopping waves. 110 Practical Taxidermy and Home Decoration. 1 50 Down the West Branch, by Capt. Farrar.. 1 25 Shore Birds.

15 doble on spipe. Standing beside him is the In the foreground is a point of rushes, in Field, Cover and Trap Shooting, Bogardus.. ? 00 Taxidermy Without a Teacher, Manton... 50 setter, waiting for the word to retrieve. To which the skiff ot the hunter is partially conFifty Years with Gun and Rod, Cross. i 50 Taxidermists' Manual, illus., Brown, $1; pa. 50 his right is the border of a wood, the branches cealed. The flock of ducks, which has just Fish and Game Laws, State of New York... 50 Wilson's Noctes Ambrosiande, by Prof. Wil- bending to the strong wind. In the distance swung in outside the decoys, is broken by the Frank Forester's Sporting Scenes and Char

son, J. G. Lockhardt, James Hogg and Dr. acters, 2 vol., cloth.

are the sails of craft on the lake.

discharge of the tirst barrel. Ope section is 4 00 Maginn, 6 vols., crown 8vo.,, cloth, $9.00; F. Forester's Manual for Young Sportsmen. 200 half calf.

18 00

wbeeing out over the river. The other has

No. 4-woodcock shooting-shows an open- Gunsmiths' Manual, illus., 376 pp....

2 00

SPORTS AND GAMES. How 1 Became a Crack Shot, Farrow.. 1 00 How I Became a Sportsman Avon.

American Boy's Own Book Sports and Games 200 ing in the copse around whose border a brook broken off to the side and is wheeling out

is winding. In the foreground, standing again to meet the årst section. Some scat-
2 40 Athletic Sports for Boys, Stonehenge.. 1 00 Hunter and Tra; per, Thrasher

tered birds are dashing above the head of the 75

deep in the ferns and rank vegetation, is a
Boy's Book of Sports and Pastimes.

2 50
Hunter's Hand Book
50 Boy's Treasury of Sports and Pastimes, etc. 2 00

setter on a point. Behind the dog is the hunter, and he is twleted around in bis sk fr Hunting in the Great West, G. 0. Shields. 75 Cassell's Book of Sports and Pastimes. 300 sportsman in tbe attitude of shooting at a aiming at a bird flyiug above and behind Hunting Trips of a Ranchman, Roosevelt..

him. 3 50

Hurlingham Gun Club Rules...

Encyclopedia of Rural Sports, Stonehenge. 450 bird flying directly over him.
25 Instructions in Indian Clubs.. 25

No. 10 shows flight duck shooting. The scene Instructions in Rifle Firing, by Capt. Blunt. 200 Skating

25 No.5 shows a quail bunter in the foreground, is a marsh, on whose broken suriace the sun Nimrod in the North, Schwatka. 2 50 The Law of Field Sports....

100 walking along ieauy for the shot, which will is setting behind the clouds. In the foreRifle Practice, Wingate.;

1 50

MISCELLANEOUS. Rod and Gun in California, Van Dyke..

follow the rise of the birds, on which the dog ground, on a grassy point, are the hunter and 1 50 | Antelope and Deer of America, Caton.. Shooting, Blakey....

2 50 is drawing to a point. A haze is over all, and his spaniel. The hunter is in a kneeling anti50 Adventures on the Great Hunting Grounds Shooting on the Wing. 75 of the World, 22 illus...

the sky is that of a day in Indian summer. 1 00

tude and in the act of firing his tirst barrel. Sport with Gun and Rod, cloth..

10 00 Aneroid Barometer: Construction and Use. 50 Sport with Gun and Rod, new, plain edition. 5 00

No. 6 depicts grouse or partridge shooting The spaniel is plunging into the water to re-
Atlas of New Jersey Coast.
Embossed leather...

1 50 in the beech woods. The hunter is walki

trieve the bira which has fallen to the first 15 00 Black Hills of Dakota, Ludlow, quarto, cloth Sporting Adventures in the Far West. 1 50 Government report..

2 50

down a stope. The dog has come to a point barrel. In the distance are flying ducks. Still-Hunter, Van Dyke.... 2 00 Eastward Hol.

1 25

ahead of him. The bird has flushed and the Nos. 11 and 12 represent the hunter retiring The Gun and Its Development, Greener. 2 50 Five Acres Too Much.. The Pistol.

1 50 hunter is shown aiming. The pointer has from the marsh and at home, and these two 50 Forest and Stream Fables.

10 stitfened into an attitude of strained attenThree in Norway, or Rifle, Rod and Gun in

are among the strongest of the set, Growth of the Steam Engine, Thurston. 2 50 1 75 Hand Book on Field Botany, Manton..

50 Trajectory Test. 50 Hand Book of Tree Planting, Egleston..

Wing and Glass Ball Shooting with a Rifle,
by H. C. Bliss.

Historical and Biographical Atlas of New 50 Jersey Coast.

5 00 With Pack and Rifle in the So. West, Daunt 1 25 Keeping One Cow..

The pictures are printed on the best 1501b. plate paper; size of paper 24x30ip.; size of

1 00 KENNEL. American Kennel, Burges.

Life and Writings of Frank Forester, 2 vols.

print 144 X171in. The pictures bave the tint and tint border, and the artist's remarque and 3 00

1 50 Breeders' Kennel 'Record and Acc't Book... 3 00 Dog, Diseases of, Dalziel..

Nessmuk's Poems.

i 50 signature, and form artist's proofs, an édition de luxe. 80 Dog, Diseases of, Hill.

Old St. Augustine, Fla., illus..

1 50

1 00 Dog Breaking, Floyd...

2 00 Orange Culture. 50 Our Arctic Province, Alaska, Elliott.

4 50
Dog Breaking, Hutchinson. 3 00

1 50 Dog, the Dinks, Mayhew and Hutchinson... 3 00

Practical Forestry, by Fuller

1 50 Dog Training vs. Breaking, Hammond.

Practical Pigeon Keeping, Wright. 1 00

1 00 Dog Training, First Lessons and Points of Profits in Poultry, Weld...


2 00 Judging, Hammond..

Profitable Poultry Keeping, Beale. Dogs, Management of, Mayhew, 16mo.. 25 Southern California Van Dyke..

1 50 75

Dogs, Points of Judging..

Sportsman's Paradise, or the Lakelands of 25

Canada, illus., by Beard..

3 50 Dogs, Their Management and Treatment in

3 00 Disease, by Ashmont.

Text Book on Steam and Stear. Engines.. 2 00

76 Englishe Dogges, Reprint of 1576..

The Forest Waters

the Farm, pa. 50cts.; cl. English K. C. s. Book, Vol I..

Wild Woods Life, Farrar..

1 25

39 Park Row, New York City. 5 00 English K. C. S. Book, Vols. UI. to LX., each 4 50

Wonders of the Yellowstone, Richardson... 1 50

1 English K. 0.8. Book, Vols. XI. to XIII., each 4 50 Woods and Lakes of Maine, Hubbard.

Woodcraft, hy Nenemuk.

8 00 Agents, THE SPORTSMAN PUBLISHING CO., Detroit, Mich.