Which of the following statements best characterizes the traditional news media relationship to objectivity quizlet?

All of the following are important roles for the media in American democracy EXCEPT

A.helping inform the public about current political issues and events.

B.providing a forum through which candidates, politicians, and even the public can debate policies and issues.

C.enabling privately owned companies to advertise their products to the public.

D.serving as a watchdog on the actions of politicians and other political actors.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the government and the media in the US today?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between the government and the media in the United States today? The government does not own but regulates the content and the ownership of broadcast media.

Which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and government policy quizlet?

Which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and government policy? The relationship between government policy and public opinion is dynamic, wherein government policy responds to public opinion but public opinion also shifts based on new government policies.

Which of the following statements best describes were younger and older Americans get their news quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes where younger and older Americans get their news? Social media tend to be a secondary news source after television for most Americans but a primary news source for the young.

What functions do the media serve in a democracy quizlet?

3 basic roles: provide a forum of debate, inform citizens of good and bad news, and play a watchdog role. Media holds a watchdog or surveillance position in democracy.