Which of the following statements best describes a difference between organizational culture and job satisfaction?

Esther Lugo is extroverted, empathic, scrupulous, and cooperative in nature, which are key characteristics needed for the job. These characteristics about Lugo indicate her ______?

Ellen Athers is known to be friendly with her colleagues and interacts with them regularly to build strong work relationships. She invests time in these relationships. She is assertive and colleagues take her decisions seriously. According to Myers-Briggs type indicator which personality type is she to be characterized by?

Mariana works as a reservation executive at a travel company. Though her job requires her to efficiently book flight tickets for customers, she has also opted to undergo training to learn the process of hotel reservations. She loves the industry she works in and is eager to learn as much as she can. Considering the info in this case, which dimension of the Big Five model best describes Mariana's personality.

Used to describe a person's tendency to be unemotional, and therefore able to attach him or herself from conventional morality and hence to deceive and manipulate others. 

A high Mach would be most productive in which of the following positions?

A sales person whose major part of the salary consists of sales commission

People with proactive personalities are most likely to.... ?

They are more likely than others to be seen as leaders

Which of the following is true of the baby boomer generation?

They give high importance to achievement and material success. 

According to Hofstede's framework, ____ indicates the degree to which people in a country prefers structured to unstructured situations. A. Power distance B. uncertainty avoidance C. Individualism D. collectivism

David Meyer's is of the opinion that people who drive SUVs are rash drivers. He feels that people driving SUVs do not respect road rules and always violate traffic regulations. What personal factor is most likely to be affecting his perception of SUV drivers? A. his financial background B. his expectations C. His motive

Monica feels that people who use plastic bags are insensitive toward the environment. She believes that people have a certain obligation toward their environment and should take it upon themselves to protect the environment. Which of the following factors has most likely influenced her perception of people?

Which of the following is an example of externally caused behavior? A. An employee was fired because he violated a company policy B. An employee was promoted when he achieved more than the assigned objectives C. An employee is late to work because of a punctured tire

an employee is late to work because of a punctured tire

Harriet, a fund raising manager at a women's rights organization, experienced a bad incident last year with the public relations manager of a banking company who had committed to sponsor a charity event. The bank backed out last minute. This year when a executive showed interest in sponsoring the organizations upcoming annual event, Harriet rejected their participation. What is she most likely to be characterized by?

Which of the following terms refers to a situation in which a person inaccurately perceives a second person, and the resulting expectations cause the second person to behave in ways consistent with the original perception? A. Attribution theory B. Self-fulfilling prophecy C. Self-serving bias

Anne, . For her project, she uses the rational decision-making model to implement activities. She has just completed identifying an appropriate criteria for decision making and has allocated weights to the criteria. Which of the following is Anne most likely to undertake next according to the model? A. Select hydro energy as the best option B.Determine goals of the project C. Develop options of wind, solar, and hydro energy

Develop options of wind, solar, and hydro energy

A process of making decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity is known as: A. bounded rationality B. active selection C. intuitive decision making

The tendency to seek out information that reaffirms past choices and to discount information that contradicts past judgments is known as a(n) ______ bias A. impact B.confirmation C. distinction

Joanna is a 23-year old, single parent who works for minimum wage and shifts from motel to motel for accommodation. Jessica is a single, 45-year old woman who earns a decent salary and has few interests and friends. Jon is 60, extremely wealthy, has a loving family, and enjoys work. You have decided to apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs to determine what motivates each of these individuals. Which motivates Joanna? A. esteem B. social C. physiological

If Alberta is a categorized as a Theory X manager, which of the following behaviors is she most likely to exhibit?

She will strictly control all the details of any project she is managing 

You manage a dept of 5 employees. You have identified that Joe has a need for achievement, Mary has a high need for power, and Tim has a high need for affiliation. Sarah scored high on the need for power and low on the need for affiliation. Doug scored low on both need for power and need for affiliation. Which of these employees is suitable for handling your responsibilities when you are on vacation?

MBO provides individual employees with... A. generalized feedback B. greater work supervision C. personal performance objectives

personal performance objectives

The proponents of reinforcement theory view behavior as.. A. a function of one's power need B. environmentally caused C. a product of heredity

At Milton farms, many employees of diverse ethical or cultural origins are hired only to ensure legal compliance with laws relating to diversity at the workplace. The company's day-to-day functioning leaves much to be desired in terms of promoting diversity. Recently, the owner's cousin was promoted to the post of a branch manager while 3 suitable candidates were overlooked. This is an example of.. A. Social loafing B.in group favoritism C. groupthink

The second stage of the five stage group developmental model is characterized by A. pride in the accomplishments of the group B. intragroup conflict within the group C. uncertainty about the purpose, structure , and leadership of the group

Intragroup conflict within the group 

Which of the following statements is true with regard to the punctuated-equilibrium model of group development? A. It applies to all permanent work groups B. it characterizes groups as exhibiting long periods of inertia interspersed with brief revolutionary changes C. it follows the five stages of forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

It characterizes groups as exhibiting long periods of inertia interspersed with brief revolutionary changes

The __ norms dictate behavior such as with whom group members eat lunch and friendships on and off the job A. reference B. social arrangement C. appearance

John has struggled with tight finances at home. He always worked really hard, earned the best grades, and prepared himself for a better life. By a better life, he meant a house in the uptown wellington road and a membership in the diamond district club where he envisions himself playing golf on the weekends. The residents of wellington road and the members of diamond district club serve as a ___ for him. A. control group B. reference group C. nominal group

According to status characteristics theory, which of the following factors does not determine status? A. talent B. personality C. ability to conform to group norms

Ability to conform to group norms

Which of the following statements is true regarding the effect of group cohesiveness and performance norms on group productivity? A. if cohesiveness is low and performance norms are high, productivity will be low B. when both cohesiveness and performance norms are high productivity will be high C. When cohesiveness is low and performance norms are also low, productivity will be high

When both cohesiveness and performance norms are high, productivity will be high. 

Which of the following is an advantage of group decision making when compared to individual decision making?

increased diversity of views

Which of the following steps can be taken by a manager so as to minimize group-think? A. seeking input from employees before the group leader presents his opinions B. increasing the group size C. encouraging group leaders to develop a stronger sense of group identity

Seeking input from employees before the group leader presents his opinions

According to the traditional view of conflict, all conflict is _____ A. healthy and improves productivity B. harmful and must be avoided C. rational and cannot be avoided

Harmful and must be avoided

For process conflict to be productive, it must be _____ A. Kept low B. Kept high C. Kept at moderate levels

The conflict-handling techniques are characterized by two dimensions, cooperativeness and assertiveness. Cooperativeness indicates the degree to which _____ A. One party attempts to satisfy the other party's concerns B. one party attempts to suppress the conflict C. one party attempts to satisfy his or her own concerns

One party attempts to satisfy the other party's concerns 

Which of the following terms best describes the process that occurs when two or more parties decide how to allocate scarce resources?
A. unionization B. differentiation C. negotiation

Karl is the labor union negotiator. Today, he is meeting with the top management to discuss the new five-year contract, including wages and benefits. This labor- management negotiation over wages is most likely to use ______ bargaining. A. Disruptive B. reflective C. associative

In a negotiation process, which of the following activities is most likely to be included in the "definition of ground rules" step? A. justifying your original demands B. formalizing the agreement that has been worked out C. determining the history leading up to the negotiation

Determining time constraints, if any, applicable to negotiation

Megatron Construction is having a dispute with a home buyer about some of the terms of their building contract. Both the company and the home buyer want to avoid the expenses and trouble of going to court, but they cannot agree on how to settle their disagreement. The two parties eventually agree to ask Sam, an attorney and friend, to help them solve their problem informally. Sam's role is that of an A. mediator B. arbitrator C. conciliator

Which of the following statements best defines a work group? A. A work group performs at a level greater than the sum of its inputs from individual members. B. A work group involves individual and mutual accountability regarding results and outcomes C. A work group interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires joint effort.

A work group interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires joint effort 

The goal of a work group is ___

to share relevant information 

The current popularity of teams can be attributed to the fact that A. they represent a better way to use employee talents B. They aid the performance of simple tasks that do not require diverse inputs C. They enable quicker accomplishment of goals than individuals

They represent a better way to use employee talents 

Which of the following statements is true regarding a work team ? A. work teams generate positive synergy through coordinated effort B. Work teams are rarely used in organizations today C. work teams are generally less flexible than traditional departments

Work teams generate positive synergy through coordinated effort 

Which of the following statements is true regarding a cross-functional team? A. Cross functional teams are used for developing new ideas and coordinating complex projects B. A cross functional team is made up of employees from the same department C, A cross functional team is made up of employees from different hierarchical levels

Cross functional teams are used for developing new ideas and coordinating complex projects

Which of the following represents the three general categories into which the key components of effective teams are grouped? A. internal, external , and peripheral factors B. context, composition, and process factors C. basic, functional, and strategic factors

Context, composition, and process factors

Araceli is a team member in a large corp. She never speaks in team meetings because she has seen members talk behind each others' backs after the meetings. Members are constantly monitoring the other members' work and looking for mistakes to point out in a meeting.. According to the information provided, which contextual factor is lacking in Araceli's team? A. Climate of trust B. team structure C. leadership

Which of the following pairs of personality dimensions contribute to high team effectiveness? A, reflexivity and submissiveness B. conscientiousness and openness to experience C. introversion and reflexivity

Conscientiousness and openness to experience 

The adviser role in a team is responsible for ______ A. providing structure B. encouraging the search for more information C. offering insightful analysis of options

Encouraging the search for more information

Which of the following statements is true with regard to team processes? A. Effective teams invest time and effort to discuss and agree on a purpose that belongs to them both collectively and individually B. Effective teams begin by selecting the right kind of people to be members of the team C. Effective teams do not engage in task and relationship conflicts

Effective teams invest time and effort to discuss and agree on a purpose that belongs to them both collectively and individually 

GoAir, a low-cost airline, has created a team made up of employees from production, planning, quality control, tooling, design engineering, and information systems to automate the company's C-17 program. This team is most likely to be an example of a _____ team. 

Alberto's team is developing a database for water pollution data of three cities. Before he begins on his intensive project, he wants to improve the team efficacy of his team. Which of the following actions can Alberto take to increase efficacy before the project starts? A. Provide client's software and database training for all the team members B. create team goals that are challenging C. plan a team outing for the team members

Provide client's software and database training for all the team members

The ability to produce a desired or intended result 

Virtual teams are characterized by ______ in comparison to teams which interact face-to-face. A. low need for supervision B. low social rapport and direct interaction C. low popularity among companies

Low social rapport and direct interaction

Which of the following must be avoided if one wants to create and maintain an effective team? A. Relationship conflicts B. Task conflicts C. reflexivity

The work of your group would be better done in teams if the members of the team are _____ A. interdependent B. reflexive C. individualistic

Mutual dependence between things. 

Interdependence Ex: if you study biology, you'll discover that there is a great deal of interdependence between plants and animals.

Stability is one of the seven primary characteristics that captures the essence of an organization's culture. It indicates the degree to which ______ A. Work activities are organized around teams rather than individuals B. Organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth C. Employees are encouraged to be innovative and take risks

Organizational activities emphasize maintaining the status quo in contrast to growth 

Which of the following statements best describes the difference between organizational culture and job satisfaction. A. Organizational culture is descriptive, whereas job satisfaction is evaluative B. Job satisfaction is immeasurable, whereas organizational culture is measurable. C. Organizational culture is static, whereas job satisfaction is dynamic

Organizational culture is descriptive, whereas job satisfaction is evaluative

The primary or dominant values that are accepted throughout the organization are known as _______ A. core values B. foundational traits C. shared values

Which of the following is most likely to result from a strong organizational culture? A. high absenteeism B. low employee satisfaction C. low employee turnover

Which of the following statements is true regarding the establishment of the organizational culture and its effects on the organization? A. Culture acts as a control mechanism and guides the behavior of employees B. Cultures reduce the stability of the social system in an organization C. Today's trend toward decentralized organizations makes it easier to establish a strong culture

Culture acts as a control mechanism and guides the behavior of employees 

Culture is most likely to be a liability when ______ A. the organizations environment is dynamic B. The organization's management is highly efficient C. The organizations is highly centralized

The organizations environment is dynamic 

The selection process helps sustain the organization's culture by ______ A. hiring candidates who fit well within the organization B. rewarding conformity C. developing performance evaluation criteria

hiring candidates who fit well within the organization

Top management has a major impact on the organization's culture by _____ A. establishing norms that filter down through the organization B. properly rewarding employee's initiatives C. socializing new applicants in the pre-hiring phase

Establishing norms that filter down through the organization 

If there is a basic conflict between the individual's expectations and the reality of working in an organization, the employee is most likely to be disillusioned and quit during _____ stage of socialization. a. encounter b. metamorphosis c. post-arrival

Which of the following types of socialization involves putting the new employee directly into the job, with little or no special attention? A. fixed socialization B. informal socialization C. serial socialization

Bruce is new at Wayne Corp, but after a week he already knows that the fonder of the corporation started the business in his garage with only $4,000 and one client. The information was most likely transmitted to Bruce by way of ___ A. Stories B. corporate chants C. rituals

Company chants are examples of _____ A. Rituals B. material symbols C. company policies

Alcoa headquarters has few individual offices, even for senior executives. The space is essentially made up of cubicles, common areas, and meeting rooms. The informality conveys to employees that Alcoa values _____ A. equality B. autocracy C. competitiveness

A positive organizational culture emphasizes A. the significance of highly centralized management B. individual vitality and growth C. the use of negative standardization and institutionalization

individual vitality and growth 

How can U.S. managers be culturally sensitive? A. By listening more B. by discussing politics frequently C. by speaking quickly

Which of the following statements is true regarding effects of national culture on organizational culture and ethical behavior within organization? A. Generally, U.S. managers see bribery, nepotism, and favoring personal contacts as highly unethical. B. Organizations can safely ignore local culture while establishing its operation in another country C. Organizational cultures rarely reflect national culture

Generally, U.S. managers see bribery, nepotism, and favoring personal contacts as highly unethical. 

Trait theories of leadership focus on ___ A. The personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders B. the way the leader makes decisions C. the special relationship that leaders establish with a small group of their followers

The personal qualities and characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders

According to the Fiedler contingency model, high managerial control is characterized by ___ A. high task structure, good leader-member relations, and low task structure B. less structured jobs, strong position power, and moderate leader-member relations C. limited position power, good leader-member relations, and low task strucutre

high task structure, good leader-member relations, and low task structure

According to the situational leadership theory, if employees are unwilling and unable, the appropriate leadership style in this situation would be ______ A. Directive B. democratic C. participative

Which of the following leadership behaviors is likely to differentiate between transactional and transformational leaders? A. contingent reward B. micromanagement C. individualized consideration

individualized consideration

The president of a small Asian country was hailed as a visionary and a genius when the nation's economy burgeoned during his first term in office. However, when the currency and the stock markets crashed during his government's second term, he was censured as arrogant, elitist, and shortsighted. Which of the following theoretical approaches is reflected here? A. path-goal theory B. attribution theory C. trait theories

Which of the following is true of substitutes? A. substitutes are factors and conditions that replace formal leadership B. organizations cannot provide any substitutes for leadership C. substitutes increase the levels of identification based trust

Substitutes are factors and conditions that replace formal leadership

___ make it impossible for leader behavior to make any difference to follower outcomes A. Neutralizers B. mentors C. catalysts

Analyzing relationships, determining causes and effects, and basing conclusions on scientific evidence, all constitute aspects of ____ study. A. systematic B. intuitive C. organizational

A common characteristic of service jobs is that they ___ A. have fewer working hours than other jobs B. provide more perks and benefits to employees C. need substantial interaction with an organization's customers

need substantial interaction with an organization's customers

Which of the following is the major challenge for managers in a fully networked organization? A. managing people who work together but are geographically separated B. managing contract and temporary workers C. retaining team members who can easily move to another employer when demand for their service changes

managing people who work together but are geographically separated 

Researchers now recognize three major types of behavior that constitute performance at work. Which of the following are these three major types of behavior? A. task performance, productivity, tenure B. productivity, efficiency, absenteeism C. task performance, citizenship, counter-productivity

Task performance, citizenship, counter-productivity 

Treating co-workers with respect, making constructive suggestions, and saying positive things about the workplace are a part of the _____ behavior that constitutes performance at work. A. citizenship B. satisficing C. social loafing

Performance evaluations are used to _____ A. improve group cohesiveness B. help management make HR decisions C. identify how jobs are completed

Help management make HR decisions

The approach to evaluation that uses feedback from those who have daily contact with an employee (everyone from mail room personnel to customers to bosses to peers) is termed ___ A. critical incidents B. 360-degree evaluation C. assessment center

If a manager uses critical incidents as a method of performance evaluation, then ______ A. the employees generally receive poor ratings B. the employees are more likely to become motivated to achieve their goals C. the focus on the evaluation will center on key behaviors

The focus of the evaluation will center on key behaviors

____ raking requires the evaluator to place employees into a particular classification, such as top one-fifth or second one-fifth A. group order B. fractional C. percentile

Jeeves consulting requires a performance evaluation method that is less time consuming to develop and administer and allows for quantitative analysis and comparison. An appropriate evaluation technique for Jeeves Consulting would be ______ A. graphic rating scales B. trait evaluations C. written essays

The concept of _____ can be applied to appraisals to increase the perception that employees are treated fairly. A. selective retention B. counter-productivity C. Due process

Which of the following does the heredity approach state? A. An individual's personality is determined by the social background one is brought up in. B. An individuals personality is determined by the molecular structure of the genes C. a person's personality traits are influenced by global trends and characteristics

An individual's personality is determined by the molecular structure of the genes

What is the major problem with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator as a measure of personality? A. It has an excess of classifications which tends to confuse a person B. it indicates results related exclusively to job performance C. It forces a person to be characterized as either one type or another

It forces a person to be characterized as either one type or another

___ is as important for managers as for front-line employees and, among all Big Five Model traits, is most consistently related to job performance A. Conscientiousness B. Agreeableness C. Extroversion

Individuals scoring ___ having a strong ability to adjust his or her behaviors to external, situational factors and can behave differently in different situations A. low on openness B. high on narcissism C. high on self monitoring

Which of the following is true of values? A. They have content and intensity attributes B. They are void of judgmental element C. they never change irrespective of external factors.

They have content and intensity attributes

Which of the following is an instrumental value? A. social recognition B. personal discipline C. meaning in life

John Holland's personality-job fit theory presents six personality types. Which of the following is one of these six types? A. Investigative B. Imaginative C. Practical

With reference to the Hofstede's framework, which country scores highest in individualism? A. Australia B. Finland C. United States

Which of the following statements is true regarding perception? A. We form a perception of a target by looking at it in isolation B. Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality C. Our perception of reality is independent of our past experiences

Our perception of reality can be different from the objective reality 

Which of the following is an example of internally caused behavior? A. An employee could not come to work because he met with an accident B. An employee could not attend an interview because of a delayed flight C. An employee was fired from work because he violated company policy

An employee was fired from work because he violated company policy. 

Which of the following terms best describes the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others? A. bandwagon effect B. fundamental attribution error C. contrast effect

Fundamental attribution error

You are more likely to notice a car like your own due to ______ A. stereotyping B. self-serving bias C. selective perception

A process of making decisions by constructing simplified models that extract the essential features from problems without capturing all their complexity is known as _____ A. active selection B. bounded rationality C. optimal decision making

____ bias refers to the tendency for people to base their judgments on information that is easily accessible A. Availability B. Anchoring C. Confirmation

___ refers to staying with a decision even when there is clear evidence it's wrong. A. risk aversion B. escalation of commitment C. randomness error

According to the concept of ____, decisions are made solely on the basis of their outcomes, ideally to provide the greatest good for the greatest number. A. Utiitarianism B. selective perception C. self-fulfilling prophecy

Individual's who report unethical practices by their employer to outsiders are known as ____ A. change agents B. free riders C. whistle-blowers

Which level of Maslow's hierarchy of needs deals with satisfying one's hunger, thirst, and other bodily needs? A. esteem B. physiological C. psychological

If Alberta is a categorized Theory X manager, which of the following behaviors is she most likely to exhibit? A. She will empower her subordinates B. she will trust her employees to use their discretion in most matters C. she will strictly control all the details of any project she is managing

She will strictly control all the details of any project she is managing

Self-determination theory proposes that in addition to being driven by a need for autonomy, people seek ways to achieve ______ A. high rewards B. recognition and status C. competence and positive connections

Competence and positive connections

Which of the following statements is true regarding goal-setting theory? A. Goal commitment is more likely when individuals have an external locus of control B. People do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals C. Externally generated feedback is more powerful than self-generated feedback

People do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals

Which of the following sources of increasing self-efficacy involves gaining relevant experience with a particular task or job? A. verbal persuasion B. enactive mastery C. arousal

In equity theory, individuals asses the ______ A. outcome-input ratio B. cost-benefit ratio C. quality of outcome

Jackie thinks that she is paid a lot less than other employees in her division and feels extremely resentful. She starts taking long breaks and generally wastes time. Her actions resulted from a perceived lack of ____ justice. A. Distributive B. associative C. procedural

1)  With reference to the expectancy theory, which of the following examples indicates a weak rewards-personal goals relationship?

A. An organization rewards its employees based on factors such as seniority and skill level.

B. An employee works hard in order to be relocated to the Paris office but instead is transferred to Beijing.

An employee works hard in order to be relocated to the Paris office but instead is transferred to Beijing.

Which of the following is true regarding formal groups?

A. They are marked by stipulated behaviors in pursuit of organizational goals

B. They have negligible impact on employee performance and behavior.

C.They are natural formations that arise in response to the need for social contact

They are marked by stipulated behaviors in pursuit of organizational goals

When the group energy is focused on the task at hand and the group is fully functional, it is said to be in the stage of ________.

A. Storming

B. norming

C. performing

Michael is devout and very active in his church. He is also a very dedicated employee. His manager offers him a promotion but the new role will require him to work Sundays. Michael would like the promotion, but realizes that it would force him to miss some church activities. In this situation, Michael is most likely to experience ________.

A. Role Conflict B. groupthink C. social loafing

1)      Which of the following is true with regard to deviant workplace behavior?

A. It is involuntary in nature.

B. Leaving work early is an example of a property-related deviant workplace behavior

C. Widespread deviant workplace behavior depends on the accepted norms of the group.

Widespread deviant workplace behavior depends on the accepted norms of the group.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the effect of size of the group has on the performance of the group?

A. The size of the group does not affect the group's overall behavior.

B. Evidence indicates that individuals perform better in larger groups than in smaller ones.

C. As compared to smaller groups, larger groups are better in problem solving.

As compared to smaller groups, larger groups are better in problem solving.

Which of the following is an effective means of countering social loafing?

A. increasing the group's workload

B. ensuring that individual contributions to the group's outcome are identified

C. increasing the size of the group

ensuring that individual contributions to the group's outcome are identified

When ________ is of importance in decision making, group decisions are preferred to individual decisions.

A. acceptance of solution

B. efficiency

C. speed

Which of the following steps can be taken by a manager so as to minimize group-think? A. encouraging group leaders to develop a stronger sense of group identity B. asking the group members to first focus on the positives of an alternative rather than the negatives C. seeking input from employees before the group leader presents his opinions

seeking input from employees before the group leader presents his opinions

Which of these groups is the higher performing 

A. Brainstorming

B. Nominal Group

According to the interactionist view, ________ conflicts support the goals of the group and improve its performance.

A. functional

B. evaluative

C  formal

For process conflict to be productive, it must be ________.

A. Kept low

B. Kept high

C. kept at moderate levels

The ________ view of conflict focuses on productive resolution of conflicts.

A. managed

B. transactional

C. rational

Stage II of the conflict process deals with the conflict being ________.

A. analyzed

B. perceived and felt

C. internalized

Luke's cubicle neighbor Leia, though an understanding and great co-worker, talks loudly on the phone. Luke gets annoyed every time Leia's phone rings, but he has decided it's simply not worth the trouble to talk to her about it. Luke's conflict-handling intention is called A. competing B.avoiding C. collaborating

Which of the following is a conflict-stimulation technique?

Conflict is dysfunctional when it ________.

A. reduces group cohesiveness

B. leads to change

C. provides a medium to release tension

reduces group cohesiveness

As both sides agree that they are competing over a fixed amount of resources, each side feels that what one side wins, the other loses. Based on this information, we can say that the two sides are engaged in ________.

A. conciliation

B. distributive bargaining

C. arbitration

Which of the following is the first step in the negotiation process?

A. definition of ground rules

B. closure and implementation

C. preparation and planning

During which phase of the negotiation process do the parties have the actual discussion to hash out an agreement?

A. preparation and planning

B. integration of preferences

C. bargaining and problem-solving

bargaining and problem-solving

Which of the following accurately differentiates between work groups and work teams?

Work teams generate a potential for an organization to generate greater outputs with no increase in inputs, while work groups cannot perform this function.

Which of the following statements is true regarding self-managed work teams?

A. In the case of self-managed work teams, supervisory positions take on decreased importance.

B.Self-managed work teams typically manage conflicts well.

C.Self-managed work teams typically consist of forty to fifty employees.

In the case of self-managed work teams, supervisory positions take on decreased importance.

Which of the following is not one of the key components of effective teams?

A. adequate resources

B. company reputation

C. team efficacy

People scoring high on ________ are valuable in teams because they're good at backing up fellow team members and at sensing when their support is truly needed.

A. conscientiousness B. positivity C. agreeablness

Which of the following statements is true regarding size of teams?

A. as team size increases, social loafing decreases

B. when teams have excess member's, cohesiveness declines

C. the most effective teams have twelve to fifteen members

When teams have excess members, cohesiveness declines.

Which of the following is most likely to increase team efficacy?

A. helping the team achieve small successes

B. providing vast and generic goals

C. creating a team such that it has diverse members

helping the team achieve small successes

Which of the following must be avoided if one wants to create and maintain an effective team?

A. relationship conflicts

B. specific goals

C. reflexivity

Work should be performed by an individual if ________.

A. the work is simple and does not require diverse input

B. the work is complex and requires different perspectives

C. several tasks that are interdependent are to be performed for completing the work

the work is simple and does not require diverse input

Which of the following is true with regard to leadership?

A. It eliminates the requirement of goal compatibility.

B. it focuses on downward influence on followers

C. it encourages dependence of followers on leaders

It focuses on downward influence on followers.

As a regional sales officer, one of Brandon's job responsibilities is to process the yearly appraisal forms of his subordinates and provide them with increments, bonuses, or benefits based on their performance that year. This job responsibility directly reflects his ________.

A. reward power B. referent power C. coercive power

Dependence would be low when ________.

A. the goods have substitutes

B. the goods in questions are scarce

C. the products are important

the goods have substitutes

Which of the following power tactics uses warnings and threats and is typically the least effective of all the power tactics?

A. coalitions

B. pressure

C. exchange

________ is the only tactic effective across organizational levels.

A. Legitimacy

B. Pressure

C. Rational persuasion

To avoid politicking during performance evaluations, an organization should ________. A. allow a significant lapse B. use objective criteria C. create role ambiguity

Reactive and protective behaviors designed to avoid action, blame, or change are termed ________.

A. defensive behaviors

B. repressive behaviors

C. submissive behaviors

Which of the following terms refers to the actions that actively damage the organization, including stealing, behaving aggressively toward co-workers, or being late or absent?

A. satisficing

B. groupthink

C. counter-productivity

Which of the following is the least predictive set of criteria used to evaluate employees?

A. traits

B. task outcomes

C. personality

If a manager uses critical incidents as a method of performance evaluation, then ________.

A. the employees generally receive poor ratings

B. the focus of the evaluation will center on key behaviors

C. the employees are more likely to become motivated to achieve their goals

the focus of the evaluation will center on key behaviors

What is the relationship between job satisfaction and Organizational culture?

Organizational culture refers to a series of attitudes and behaviors adopted by employees of a certain organization, which affect its function and total well-being. Job satisfaction refers to the employees' perceptions of their working environment, relations among colleagues, earnings and promotion opportunities.

Which of the following statement best describes Organizational culture?

Which of the following statements best describes organizational culture? It is a set of assumptions and values accepted by most members.

Which of the following is the best description of Organizational culture quizlet?

Which of the following best describes organizational culture? Organizational culture is a set of values that organization members share.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the functions of culture in an organization?

The answer is "B", conveying a sense of identity for organization members is a function of culture in an organization.