Which of the following statements is true of post traumatic stress disorder Quizlet

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Which of the following statements is true of post traumatic stress disorder Quizlet

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Terms in this set (17)

Which of the following statements is true of acute stress disorder?
It is diagnosed when symptoms arise within one month of exposure to a stressor and last no longer than six months.
The sufferer of acute stress disorder persistently avoids reminders of the trauma and is constantly aroused, but does not reexperience the trauma.
To receive the diagnosis, individuals must exhibit at least one dissociative symptom.
In acute stress disorder, dissociative symptoms are common, including detachment, derealization, and depersonalization.

In acute stress disorder, dissociative symptoms are common, including detachment, derealization, and depersonalization.

Which of the following theories have been integrated into a model to explain the factors associated with panic disorders?
Biological and cognitive
Cognitive and social
Social and biological
Biological, psychological, and social

Biological and cognitive

The translation of the Greek term "agoraphobia" means:
fear of dark places.
fear of the marketplace.
fear of all places.
fear of closed places.

fear of the marketplace.

Children with a genetic predisposition toward anxiety or who are behaviorally inhibited may not develop a specific phobia, unless:
they experience some traumatic event.
their behavior is positively reinforced by the environment.
the parenting they receive worsens their anxiety.
the performance of the behavior reduces their anxiety.

the parenting they receive worsens their anxiety.

Which of the following statements is true of the biological treatments for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)?
Benzodiazepines are useful in most cases.
Patients generally do not relapse once they discontinue medication.
Antidepressant drugs affecting serotonin levels help reduce symptoms of OCD.
Controlled studies suggest that placebos are more effective than antidepressant medication.

Antidepressant drugs affecting serotonin levels help reduce symptoms of OCD.

Which of the following would be most useful in treating blood-injection-injury phobias?
Systematic sensitization
Applied tension technique

Applied tension technique

Freud's theory of phobias is detailed in a 150-page case history of a little boy named Hans. In his study, little Hans's behavior was representative of which phobia?
Animal-type phobias
Natural environment type phobias
Social phobia
Situational type phobias

Animal-type phobias

People with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) often get some relief from their symptoms when they take drugs that better regulate the neurotransmitter _____.


A study of adults in rural Mexico found that among underprivileged Latino communities, particularly women, _____ expresses the anger and frustration of "being at the bottom" and provides temporary release from the everyday burdens of life.
"mal de ojo"


Patrick is a Vietnam War veteran who has a recurring nightmare of being on the frontline. Any sound that remotely resembles gunfire makes him anxious. Although he has been suffering for years with this problem, he now decides to seek treatment. His psychologist has suggests that he identify the thoughts and situations that evoke anxiety and rank them. His psychologist begins to help him work through each situation by using relaxation techniques. This technique is called:
behavior modulation.
systematic desensitization.
rational-emotive behavioral therapy.

systematic desensitization.

According to biological theories of obsessive-compulsive disorder, impulses are carried to a part of the basal ganglia called the _____, which allows the strongest of the impulses to flow through to the thalamus.
caudate nucleus
locus ceruleus

caudate nucleus

Two months ago, Mark's mother passed away unexpectedly. Since her death, he has been unable to function at school, has lost interest in extracurricular activities, and gets agitated easily. Mark may be exhibiting the symptoms of _____.
adjustment disorder
acute stress disorder
post-traumatic stress disorder
bereavement disorder

adjustment disorder

Which of the following biological treatments has been successful in dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms such as nightmares, irritability, and sleep problems?
SSRIs and benzodiazepines
Benzodiazepines and tricyclics
Tricyclics and barbiturates

SSRIs and benzodiazepines

When they are not exposed to trauma reminders, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sufferers tend to have resting levels of cortisol that are:
somewhat higher than those of people without PTSD.
much higher than those of people without PTSD.
lower than those of people without PTSD.
similar to those of people without PTSD.

lower than those of people without PTSD.

Which of the following is a heritable risk factor for PTSD?
Overdeveloped medial prefrontal cortex
Fraternal twins among first-degree relatives
Abnormally low cortisol levels
Higher volume of the hippocampus

Abnormally low cortisol levels

_____ may cause memories of the traumatic event to be planted more firmly in memory.
Higher levels of cortisol
Damage to the amygdala
The sluggish reactions of the HPA axis
The overexposure of the brain to neurochemicals

The overexposure of the brain to neurochemicals

Virginia is very aware of her bodily cues that signal a panic attack. This heightened awareness is known as _____.
conditioned avoidance response
introjective awareness
interoceptive awareness
anxiety sensitivity

interoceptive awareness

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How might the ways we think about children and ourselves be different today if Piaget and Freud had not proposed their theories?

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Which of the following best describes the relationship between gender and orgasm? a. You can use fMRIs to identify when orgasm occurs in men, but this method is unreliable in women. b. Men describe orgasm in physical terms and women describe orgasm in emotional terms. c. Orgasm activates subcortical regions in men and cortical regions in women. d. Men and women describe orgasm similarly. e. Orgasm serves evolutionary purposes in women but not in men.

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Match the term below with its correct definition. longitudinal method A. method researchers use to answer questions about cause and effect B. researchers select a group of participants end then observe them over a period of time C. part of a target population studied by researchers D. substance or treatment that has no effect apart from a person's belief in it E. educated guess or answer to a research question F. factors that can vary or change in an experiment G. measure of how closely two things are related H. standards for proper and responsible behavior I. a measure of distance of every score to the mean J. participants do not know whether they are in the experimental group or the control group K. members of a study who do not receive treatment

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Which of the following is most likely to be a function of the left hemisphere? a. Speech b. Evaluating perceptual tasks c. Making inferences d. Identifying emotion in other people's faces e. Identifying one's sense of self.

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Which of the following is a common characteristic of post traumatic stress disorder?

Re-experiencing is the most typical symptom of PTSD. This is when a person involuntarily and vividly relives the traumatic event in the form of: flashbacks. nightmares.

Which of the following best describes post traumatic stress disorder PTSD )?

PTSD is characterized by intrusive thoughts, nightmares and flashbacks of past traumatic events, avoidance of reminders of trauma, hypervigilance, and sleep disturbance, all of which lead to considerable social, occupational, and interpersonal dysfunction.

How an individual with PTSD can manage their condition?

Relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, massage, or yoga can activate the body's relaxation response and ease symptoms of PTSD. Avoid alcohol and drugs. When you're struggling with difficult emotions and traumatic memories, you may be tempted to self-medicate with alcohol or drugs.

How do you overcome PTSD triggers?

Try grounding techniques..
Get to know your triggers add. You might find that certain experiences, situations or people seem to trigger flashbacks or other symptoms. ... .
Confide in someone add. ... .
Give yourself time add. ... .
Try peer support add. ... .
Find specialist support add. ... .
Look after your physical health add..