Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

10 Questions  |  By Santepro | Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 | Total Attempts: 2753

Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?
Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?


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Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

All questions are shown, but the results will only be given after you’ve finished the quiz. You are given 1 minute per question, a total of 10 minutes in this quiz.

  • 1. 

    Which of the following classes of medications protects the ischemic myocardium by blocking catecholamines and sympathetic nerve stimulation?

    • A. 

      Beta-adrenergic blockers

    • B. 

      Calcium channel blockers

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 2. 

    What is the most common complication of an MI?

    • A. 

      Cardiogenic shock

    • B. 

      Heart failure

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 3. 

    With which of the following disorders is jugular vein distention most prominent?

    • A. 

      Abdominal aortic aneurysm

    • B. 

      Heart failure

    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 4. 

    Toxicity from which of the following medications may cause a client to see a green-yellow halo around lights?

    • A. 


    • B. 

      Furosemide (Lasix)

    • C. 

      Metoprolol (Lopressor)

    • D. 

      Enalapril (Vasotec)

  • 5. 

    Which of the following symptoms is most commonly associated with left-sided heart failure?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 

      Hepatic engorgement

    • D. 


  • 6. 

    In which of the following disorders would the nurse expect to assess sacral edema in a bedridden client?

    • A. 


    • B. 

      Pulmonary emboli

    • C. 

      Renal failure

    • D. 

      Right-sided heart failure

  • 7. 

    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

    • A. 

      Adequate urine output

    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 


  • 8. 

    Which of the following classes of medications maximizes cardiac performance in clients with heart failure by increasing ventricular contractility?

    • A. 

      Beta-adrenergic blockers

    • B. 

      Calcium channel blockers

    • C. 


    • D. 

      Inotropic agents

  • 9. 

    Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system produces which of the following responses?

    • A. 


    • B. 


    • C. 


    • D. 

      Decreased myocardial contractility

  • 10. 

    Which of the following conditions is most closely associated with weight gain. nausea. and a decrease in urine output?

    • A. 

      Angina pectoris

    • B. 


    • C. 

      Left-sided heart failure

    • D. 

      Right-sided heart failure

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  • Sample Question

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    The atrioventricular node

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    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

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  • Sample Question

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    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?


    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?


Med. Term. 2 Final Study --In Chabner:  The Language of Medicine

Questions: 44  |  Attempts: 7331   |  Last updated: Mar 22, 2022

  • Sample Question

    Sensitive tissue in the right atrium wall that begins the heartbeat

    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

    Tricuspid valve

    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

    Atrioventricular node

    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

    Bundle of His

    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?


    Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?

    Sinoatrial node

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Which of the following symptoms might a client with right-sided heart failure exhibit?
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