Which of the following was a response to the rise of giant banks and industrial corporations?

Of the many factors that contributed to the unsettled nature of the turn-of-the-twentieth-century world, which of the following led to most directly to the Maji-Maji Revolt?

A. Increasing anti colonial sentiments
B. Global labor migration
C. Increasing economic inequality, despite growth in production
D. Urbanization and industrialization

A. Increasing anticolonial settlements

What characteristic of the present-day world economy emerged during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

A. Reliance on free trade ideology to justify economic expansionism
B. Reliance on a gold standard
C. An unequal relationship between the industrialized world and the non-industrialized world
D. The growth of long-distance overland trade routes

C. An unequal relationship between the industrialized world and the non-industrialized world

In the period from 1845 to 1900, what factors in China led large numbers of people to emigrate to the Americas and Oceania?

A. Expulsion of dissidents by the Qing government
B. Population pressure and a shortage of cultivatable land
C. Promises of freedom from oppressive land
D. The one child policy

B. Population pressure and a shortage of cultivatable land

Between 1840 and 1914, which of the following led to large-scale migration within individual industrialized states' national boundaries?

A. Laboring on plantations
B. Ethnic cleansing
C. Religious pilgrimages
D. Factory jobs in urban centers

D. Factory jobs in urban centers

Which of the following was the destination of most South Asian emigrants?

A. The commercial centers of Western Europe, where they could work as bankers
B. Other British colonies, where they could work as laborers
C. Port cities, where they established new trading houses
D. Gold rushes in California and Brazil, where they profited from mining

B. Other British colonies, where they could work as laborers

Which of the following was a result of the influence of the city planning movement on urban life at the turn of the twentieth century?

A. The development of growth boundaries surrounding urban areas
B. Limits on the number of new migrants to cities
C. Better sanitation and cultural amenities like museums and opera houses
D. Suburban-style developments created to house members of the working class

C. Better sanitation and cultural amenities like museums and opera houses

In which African colonies was resistance to colonial rule the strongest?

A. Colonies where Europeans ruled autocratically
B. Colonies in which Europeans had conquered African peoples, regardless of the manner in which Europeans ruled
C. Colonies where Europeans left African traditional leadership in okay
D. The arrival of railroads and telegraph lines, which bisected traditional ethnic boundaries

B. Colonies in which Europeans had conquered African peoples, regardless of the manner in which Europeans ruled

What military tactics, which became more common during the twentieth century, were implemented during the Anglo-Boer War?

A. Concentration camps
B. Machine guns and cavalry
C. Poison gas and machine
D. Spotter ballons and guerrilla campaigns

A. Concentration camps

The Herero revolt in German Southwest Africa was so intense that the Germans resorted to which of the following?

A. Withdrawal from the their African colonies
B. Extermination orders against the Herero
C. Poisonous gas
D. A negotiated truce

B. Extermination orders against the Herero

Advocates for imperialism reacted to news of the turmoil in the Belgian and German African colonies with sentiments reflected by which statement below?

A. Advocates for imperialism reacted to news of the turmoil in the Belgian and German African colonies with sentiments reflected
B. European countries should grant their colonies independence as soon as the people were ready to assume self-government
C. African colonial subjects were too difficult to continue to control
D. Colonial subjects had been enthralled by hostile religious leaders

A. Advocates for imperialism reacted to news of the turmoil in the Belgian and German African colonies with sentiments reflected

The "open door policy" for access to China included which of the following concomitant attacks on traditional Chinese culture?

A. Ending foot binding
B. Forcing all publications to be printed in English
C. Imposing Western-style music
D. Support for Christian missionaries

D. Support for Christian missionaries

Which of the following is an example of the foreign pressure that led to the decline of Qing dynastic authority?

A. The Sino-Japanese War
B. The Maji-Maji Revolt
C. The Self Strengthening movement
D. The Taiping Rebellion

A. The Sino-Japanese War

The Boxer Rebellion was similar to the earlier Taiping Rebellion in which of the following ways?

A. Both were composed primarily of Chinese scholar elites
B. Both included a pro-Christian component in its ideology
C. Both responded to hardship and poor conditions in China
D. Both remained loyal to the Qing and vented their anger against foreigners

A. Both were composed primarily of Chinese scholar elites

Which of the following resulted from late-nineteenth-century industrial capitalism?

A. Decreasing disparities in accumulated wealth
B. Decreasing the number of agrarian poor
C. Acceleration of economic boom-and-bust cycles
D. Many small producers competing with each other

C. Acceleration of economic boom-and-bust cycles

Which of the following was a response to the rise of giant banks and industrial corporations?

A. Many economists and politicians wanted the state to manage national economies
B. Many economists politicians wanted a return to truly free markets
C. International al financial integration decreased
D. Decreasing support for zaibatsu

A. Many economists and politicians wanted the state to manage national economies

Which of the following was a consequence of the 1907 financial crisis in the United States?

A. It proved that government regulation did not work
B. American investors fled U.S. banks and turned to Europe as a place to invest their funds
C. Investment in railroads declined drastically
D. It showed how quickly national financial matters could become international affairs

D. It showed how quickly national financial matters could become international affairs

Which group was most likely to resist the system created by Frederick Winslow Taylor?

A. Farmers
B. Fincanciers
C. Laborers
D. Women

C. Laborers

Which of the following factors challenged the nineteenth-century idea of "separate spheres" for women and men?

A. The cult of domesticity
B. The movement of more women into the paid labor force
C. The Red Lantern movement
D. The participation of large numbers of women in electoral politics

B. The movement of more women into the paid labor force

Which of the following was often cited by Western imperialists as evidence for the improvement of women's lives under colonial rule?

A. Colonial laws prohibited sati and female genital mutilation.
B. Colonial laws required equal pay for women employed in plantation agriculture
C. Women had equal access to education in missionary and colonial schools
D. Women were freed from homesteading chores when African gold and silver mines opened

A. Colonial laws prohibited sati and female genital mutilation.

Which of the following was a common response to class conflict in late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century western Europe?

A. Violent revolution and overthrow of repressive governments
B. The growth of labor parties to participate in electoral politics
C. Reinforcements of autocratic political systems
D. The rise of anarchism as a major political force

B. The growth of labor parties to participate in electoral politics

Why was the Mexican revolution considered to be the most successful turn-of-the-twentieth-century revolution?

A. It transformed the country and forced later politicians to respect peasants' rights and land reform
B. The country finally threw off colonial control and joined the other independent nations in Latin America
C. The economic strength of Mexican ranchers was left intact, while more political power was given to the middle classes
D. Peasants gained complete control of the economy and political system after purging the rich land owners

A. It transformed the country and forced later politicians to respect peasants' rights and land reform

Which of the following was the most enduring legacy of the Mexican Revolution?

A. Emphasis on preserving racial hierarchy in the Mexican population
B. The development of new national myths based on the bravery of the creole elite
C. Ideological appeals made to the Mexican middle class
D. The creation of communal landholdings for Mexican peasants

D. The creation of communal landholdings for Mexican peasants

How did German chancellor Otto von Bismarck seek to defuse socialist activism in his country?

A. By infiltrating radical groups with secret state agents
B. By enacting social welfare measurements
C. By deporting known pro-revolutionary activists to Russia
D. By starting his own revolution and overthrowing the Kaiser

B. By enacting social welfare measurements

Progressive reformers' goals included which of the following?

A. Recognizing cultural diversity and the protection of workers' ways of life
B. Protesting colonial rule and promoting independence for the world's peoples
C. Creating a more efficient society and correcting the undesirable outcomes of urbanization and industrialization
D. Encouraging industrial progress and developing financial centralization

C. Creating a more efficient society and correcting the undesirable outcomes of urbanization and industrialization

At the turn of the twentieth century, "modernism" reflected which of the following?

A. Intellectuals, artists and scientists sensed that traditional answers were no longer adequate to explain the changes in society
B. Confidence that nineteenth-century economic and social progress would extend into the twentieth century
C. Enlightenment ideals and trust in reason were extended into a new intellectual environment
D. Intellectuals were unwilling to look beyond Europe for cultural

A. Intellectuals, artists and scientists sensed that traditional answers were no longer adequate to explain the changes in society

One result of the emergence of popular culture was:

A. The decline of institutions such as art museums and opera houses
B. Increased cultural unity, as everyone read the same books and newspapers
C. The growth of the fashion industry
D. The use of cultural choices to assert social or class identity

D. The use of cultural choices to assert social or class identity

Which of the following is an example of a form of entertainment appealing to the masses that emerged at the end of the nineteenth century?

A. Opera
B. Novels
C. Sports
D. Dancing

C. Sports

The idea of "the primitive" was used by early-twentieth century European artists to symbolize which of the following?

A. Forces that reason could not control
B. The diversity of nature
C. Repression of sexual desire
D. The triumph of the Enlightenment

A. Forces that reason could not control

How did the assumptions made by scientists in the modernist era differ from those of Enlightenment-era scientists?

A. Modernist scientists believed they had found the key to controlling nature
B. Modernist scientists thought in terms of probabilities rather than certainties
C. Modernist scientists relied more on received tradition than had Enlightenment scientists
D. Modernist scientists found their inspiration within the theories of Newton and Galileo

B. Modernist scientists thought in terms of probabilities rather than certainties

Which of the following questions challenged Chinese intellectuals at the turn of the twentieth century?

A. Whether to support the Boxer Rebellion
B. How to blend popular culture with elite culture
C. How to reduce emigration from China
D. How to balance Western thought and traditional Chinese culture

D. How to balance Western thought and traditional Chinese culture

By the end of the nineteenth century, how did European and American nationalist and racial ideas compare to those of the rest of the world?

A. Westerners, because of immigration, became more comfortable with multiethnic societies, while people in other parts of the world were drawn more to define themselves in terms of racial and ethnic purity
B. Westerners were increasingly concerned with protecting their national and racial purity, while discussions of identity in other parts of the world were part of the opposition to Western domination
C. Westerners became increasingly fascinated with their own racial identity and cultural past, while people in Africa and Asia maintained their own sense of racial identity but were drawn to Western culture, which they felt was more modern
D. Westerners rejected ethnic nationalism as unworkable in the modern world, but people in Africa and Asia clung to nationalism as a way to reject colonization

B. Westerners were increasingly concerned with protecting their national and racial purity, while discussions of identity in other parts of the world were part of the opposition to Western domination

Which of the following was an exception to the general rule of unrestricted migration during the late nineteenth century?

A. The Chinese Exclusion Act in the United States
B. The Japanese Exclusion Act in Canada
C. The German Exclusion Act in France
D. The Korean Exclusion Act in China

A. The Chinese Exclusion Act in the United States

Which of the following caused some Americans to fear the loss of their pioneering individualism?

A. Increased immigration from Central and South America
B. The growth of cities
C. The 1890 announcement, closing the American frontier
D. Increasing industrialization

C. The 1890 announcement, closing the American frontier

Which of the following was a direct response to anxiety over a loss of dominance by people of European descent in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries?

A. The expulsion of Mexican Americans from the southwestern United States
B. Increased support for more restrictive immigration policies
C. The closing of the frontiers to new immigrants
D. Increased support for more immigrants from southern and eastern Europe

B. Increased support for more restrictive immigration policies

In Europe at the turn of the twentieth century, which of the following was a manifestation of anxiety about race?

A. Increased anti-American sentiment
B. Greater government regulation of foreign banks
C. The spread of the franchise to the working class
D. The growth of anti-Semitic thought and behavior

D. The growth of anti-Semitic thought and behavior

In Latin America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, which of the following upset traditional racial hierarchies?

A. Theories of evolution that implied all humans had shared origins
B. The growth of industries that valued cheap Amerindian labor over higher-priced European labor
C. The arrival to the region of large numbers of poor immigrants from Europe
D. The growth of a large, wealthy class of mestizo entrepreneurs

C. The arrival to the region of large numbers of poor immigrants from Europe

On what was Sun Yet-sen;s version of Chinese nationhood based?

A. Han Chinese nationalism
B. The modernization of the Qing military establishment
C. The strength of China's multinational, multicultural population
D. Communist political party

A. Han Chinese nationalism

Which of the following contributed to the Qing dynasty's downfall?

A. Manchu military victories
B. The Qing court's refusal to admit that reforms were needed
C. Peasants and laborers resented the high cost of reform
D. Direct intervention by European military forces

C. Peasants and laborers resented the high cost of reform

According to Sun Yat-sen what was demonstrated by the existence of different racial or ethnic groups in China?

A. China would be made stronger by having different groups, such as the Tibetans or Muslims, as part of their society
B. It showed incomplete assimilation into Han culture
C. Chinese nationalism was based on expelling the Manchus while accepting all other peoples within China's borders
D. It showed that the Manchus had failed to completely conquer China

B. It showed incomplete assimilation into Han culture

Why did Indian nationalism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries pose a different challenge to British rule than had the 1857 Indian Rebellion?

A. The nationalist leaders imagined an Indian national community that encompassed the whole of British India rather than defending local identities
B. The nationalists' anarchic beliefs meant that their actions could not often be predicted
C. The nationalists had much stronger ties to India's peasant majority than had the 1857 rebels
D. The nationalists relied on religious symbolism, which the 1857 rebels had ignored

A. The nationalist leaders imagined an Indian national community that encompassed the whole of British India rather than defending local identities

Indian intellectuals used Western culture to promote Indian nationalism in which of the following ways?

A. They set up schools to ensure that Indians of all classes could read and understand important documents such as the Jamaica Letter
B. They created a unifying national language and religion so all Indians could concentrate on expelling the British
C. They facilitated the spread of nationalist ideas throughout British India by creating modern cultural forms such as newspapers, pamphlets, and journals
D. They popularized and translated into Hindi and Urdu stories about Western heroes of independence such as Rob Roy and William Tell

C. They facilitated the spread of nationalist ideas throughout British India by creating modern cultural forms such as newspapers, pamphlets, and journals

In order to establish a modern national identity, both Indian and Latin American intellectuals turned to which of the following?

A. They turned to universalizing religion to create a common bond
B. They rewrote the histories of ancient empires and kingdoms to create a cultural basis for national identity
C. They created a new literary tradition in indigenous languages
D. They disavowed all Western education and returned to traditional forms of knowledge

B. They rewrote the histories of ancient empires and kingdoms to create a cultural basis for national identity

What did Pan-Islamism ask of Muslims?

A. To withdraw from political concerns and focus on their religious activities
B. To support the multiethnic empires in which they lived
C. To create nation-states with majority Muslim populations
D. To put aside differences between Shiite and Sunni and work against European aggression

D. To put aside differences between Shiite and Sunni and work against European aggression

In what way did pan-Germanism differ from German nationalism?

A. German nationalism rejected the inclusion of German-speaking people outside of Prussian national borders, but all German-speakers were included in pan-Germanism
B. German nationalism, unlike pan-Germanism, created a vibrant political and social movement
C. Pan-Germanism motivated people to define their identity by race or blood instead of national boundaries
D. Pan-Germanism only existed in Eastern Europe, in areas not under the control of the German state

C. Pan-Germanism motivated people to define their identity by race or blood instead of national boundaries

During the 1920's and 1930's, most ideas about "being modern" acknowledged that modernity implied:

A. Stylistic innovation
B. Realism in art
C. Mass production and consumption
D. Strong, authoritarian leadership

C. Mass production and consumption

Which of the following was major consequence of World War I?

A. European claims of a superior level of culture were supported by military victories
B. The interdependence of global trade networks intensified in the 1920s and 1930s
C. Social hierarchies in European societies were shaken up or overthrown
D. States were free to act without the support of their citizens or subjects

C. Social hierarchies in European societies were shaken up or overthrown

The tension in Europe that led to World War I was partly caused by a growing nationalist rivalry between which two states?

A. Great Britain and Germany
B. Great Britain and France
C. France and Russia
D. Russia and Great Britain

A. Great Britain and Germany

Which of the following was a consequence of the mass mobilizations requires by WWI?

A. Fewer colonial soldiers were required since a high number of European men were called up
B. European food production to supply the military rapidly increased
C. Traditional gender boundaries were undermined
D. Unionized labor movements demanded higher wages

C. Traditional gender boundaries were undermined

Which of the following is the reason that Tsar Nicholas II abdicated in February 1917?

A. His generals believed that protests against the tsar in the capital threatened the war effort along the Eastern Front
B. His generals believed that the troops along the Eastern Front were needed to fight the Ottomans, but the Tsar did not agree
C. The Tsar abdicated because his son was desperately ill and needed his father's care
D. The Tsar abdicated in protest over the failures of the Russian military against the German army

A. His generals believed that protests against the tsar in the capital threatened the war effort along the Eastern Front

Which of the following accurately characterizes the October 1917 Bolshevik Revolution?

A. The Bolshevik Revolution was an overthrow of the Russian monarchy
B. The Bolshevik Revolution was an attempt by military and political elites to restore order
C. The Bolshevik Revolution was proclaimed by socialists in order to overtake the earlier "bourgeois" revolution
D. The Bolshevik Revolution was initiated by the Ottomans in order to pull Russia out of World War I

C. The Bolshevik Revolution was proclaimed by socialists in order to overtake the earlier "bourgeois" revolution

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points most directly influenced which provision of the Treaty of Versailles?

A. The organization of a League of Nations
B. The requirement that Germany pay reparations to the victorious Allied nations
C. The assignment of blame for the World War I to Germany
D. The transfer of Germany's concessions in China to Japan

A. The organization of a League of Nations

Which of the following demonstrated authoritarian governments' inability to exercise total control over mass culture?

A. Germany was unable to suppress Triumph of the Will
B. Powerful radio transmitters permitted stations to reach larger national audiences
C. Jazz recordings were available in Germany and the Soviet Union
D. Josephine Baker was very popular after the war

C. Jazz recordings were available in Germany and the Soviet Union

Which of the following industries best represents the development of mass culture in the United States after World War I?

A. The steel industry
B. The railroad industry
C. The shipping industry
D. The advertising industry

D. The advertising industry

How did WWI contribute to the rise of mass production?

A. The state took greater control of economic decision making
B. Large amounts of standardized war material had to be produced as quickly and cheaply as possible
C. The development of economic nationalism was encouraged by the combatant states
D. Campaigns encouraged people to buy more goods in order to show their patriotism

B. Large amounts of standardized war material had to be produced as quickly and cheaply as possible

Why did Henry Ford pay his automobile factory workers more than double the usual industrial wage?

A. High pay was the only way to entice workers to become cogs in a depersonalized labor process
B. Ford employed primarily veterans of WWI and saw high wages as his patriotic duty
C. Ford was influenced by modern socialist ideals
D. Ford understood that consumers drove production and wanted his workers to be able to consume

D. Ford understood that consumers drove production and wanted his workers to be able to consume

Which of the following was a cause of the Great Depression?

A. Abandoning the gold standard
B. The rise of protectionism and decline from free trade
C. The Soviet Union's isolation from the League of Nations
D. Low interest rates in the United States

B. The rise of protectionism and decline from free trade

Which of the following was a consequence of countries' imposing protective tariffs?

A. Manufacturers cut back on production and laid off millions of workers
B. Local industries and products were able to drive out foreign imports
C. The flow of trade was made easier within a hemisphere
D. The production of raw materials soared

A. Manufacturers cut back on production and laid off millions of workers

Which of the following was implied by the economic theories promoted buy John Maynard Keynes?

A. The role of business and economic production was to serve the interests of the state
B. Human nature was best served by an economy made up of many small producers in competition with one another
C. The ideal human society was one in which everyone contributed what they could and took what they needed
D. At times states need to compensate for failures in the market by stimulating the economy with job creation and increasing supply of currency

D. At times states need to compensate for failures in the market by stimulating the economy with job creation and increasing supply of currency

Which of the following is a similarity among European states' response to WWI?

A. All states, even democracies, suspended many democratic rights and intervened in both production and consumption
B. Democratic states, such as Britain and France, held fast to liberal policies despite the war
C. The war and economic crises that followed led all states to reduce the scope of their control
D. In Russia, France, and Britain, liberal capitalism prevailed following the war

A. All states, even democracies, suspended many democratic rights and intervened in both production and consumption

By the end of the 1930s, how did most people perceive the liberal democratic model of government?

A. Revolutionary and exciting
B. Established and successful
C. Weak and vulnerable
D. Incompetent and disastrous

C. Weak and vulnerable

How did WWI change the role of states?

A. It made them afraid of overstepping and causing another war
B. It led to an increase in the size and scope of their role in society
C. It encouraged them to cooperate more closely with one another after the war
D. It led to more autonomy for individual citizens and subjects

B. It led to an increase in the size and scope of their role in society

How did the French Popular Front government respond to threats of a rightist coup in the 1930s?

A. It instituted a forty-hour workweek, the right to collective bargaining, and a minimum wage
B. It called up the military in Paris suppress riots
C.It ejected the French Communist Party form its national coalition
D. It made the racist party illegal in France and reaffirmed its adherence to liberal capitalism

A. It instituted a forty-hour workweek, the right to collective bargaining, and a minimum wage

Which of the following describes the first response of the United States government to the Great Depression?

A. It created a jobs program to help the unemployed return to productivity
B. It expanded the role of the state to meet the economic crisis
C. It promoted more active participation in the League of Nations
D. It insisted on individual thrift and self-reliance, not government handouts

D. It insisted on individual thrift and self-reliance, not government handouts

Which of the following describes the overall impact of the New Deal?

A. It offered a quick end to the Great Depression in the United States
B. It preserved the American system of capitalism
C. It caused the emergence of authoritarian rule in the United States
D. It generated an extensive redistribution of wealth in American society

B. It preserved the American system of capitalism

What did the authoritarian political systems of Germany, Japan, and Italy have in common?

A. All were defeated in WWI
B. All of them lost their colonies after the Versailles Treaty was signed
C. All were excluded from the League of Nations
D. All disliked the left-wing government that emerged in the Soviet Union

D. All disliked the left-wing government that emerged in the Soviet Union

How did Stalin plan to replace capitalist agriculture with socialist agriculture in the Soviet Union?

A. By replacing the market for agricultural products with a subsistence economy where everyone was responsible for growing their own food
B. By requiring all farmers to sell their produce to state-run marketing cooperatives that would guarantee farmers a significant profit
C. By forcing peasant farmers to join state-run agricultural collectives
D. By making it illegal for anyone to profit from the sale of farm machinery or animals

C. By forcing peasant farmers to join state-run agricultural collectives

On what did Soviet governance under Stalin rely to ensure citizen compliance with its policies?

A. Terror
B. Tacit support from church hierarchies
C. Cooperation
D. Bribery and corruption

A. Terror

Italian Fascists considered themselves to be the defenders of which of the following?

A. Large corporations and the capitalist system in which they participated
B. The Italian monarchy
C. Peasants, nonsocialist workers, veterans, and students
D. Unionized factory workers and miners

C. Peasants, nonsocialist workers, veterans, and students

Under what circumstances did Benito Mussolini initially gain control of the Italian government?

A. The Fascist Party achieved a large majority of the vote in national elections
B. The Fascist Part overthrew the Italian government in a violent coup d'eat.
C. Mussolini was appointed prime minister by the Italian King
D. He used intimidation tactics to force the prime minister to do his bidding

C. Mussolini was appointed prime minister by the Italian King

Which of the following is accurate for both Hitler and Mussolini?

A. Both began their political careers as socialists
B. Neither won an electoral majority before being appointed to power
C. Both were appointed chancellor by their respective kings
D. Neither had actual military experience in World War I

B. Neither won an electoral majority before being appointed to power

Which of the following was a reason why Hitler and the Nazis were popular with the German electorate?

A. They refused to resort to force or public disturbances.
B. They supported the Weimar Republic
C. They claimed success in restoring order and improving the economy
D. They nationalized agriculture and industry

C. They claimed success in restoring order and improving the economy

Which of the following is an element common to all the authoritarian systems of the mid-twentieth century?

A. State-supported anti-Semitism
B. A willingness to use violence and terror against their own citizens
C. A willingness to allow private enterprises to manage themselves without state interferences
D. A refusal to allow public roles for women

B. A willingness to use violence and terror against their own citizens

Which of the following initiated Japan's turn toward authoritarian rule?

A. The Korean rebellion against Japanese rule
B. WWI ending
C. Emperor Hirohito's coming to power
D. An uprising of naval officers and army cadets

C. Emperor Hirohito's coming to power

How did Latin American governments respond to the decline of their export economies and access to foreign capital during the 1920s and 1930s?

A. They created their own alternative international banking system
B. They worked to make domestic industry their main engine of economic growth
C. They withdrew from the world economy and became entirely self-sufficient
D. They convinced their citizens to accept a lower standard of living through an austerity program

B. They worked to make domestic industry their main engine of economic growth

Which of the following best describes a corporatist political system?

A. A system in which the state limits itself to performing functions that private interests are unwilling or unable to carry out
B. A system in which the state assumes complete control of economic activity and sets goals for the society as a whole
C. A system in which large corporations control such a high percentage of national wealth that they are able to influence government policies and functions
D. A system in which the state establishes political parties and encourages interest groups such as chambers of commerce and trade unions to associate with those parties

D. A system in which the state establishes political parties and encourages interest groups such as chambers of commerce and trade unions to associate with those parties

In what ways did Getulio Vargas seek support from Brazilian blacks?

A. He supported public schools and paved roads
B. He legalized candomble dances and samba schools
C. He enfranchised literate women voters
D. He built steel mills and factories

B. He legalized candomble dances and samba schools

In general, anti colonial nationalist movements wanted to:

A. use their indigenous cultural and religious traditions as sources for mobilization
B. Use violent means to gain their independence from colonial rule
C. Use local religious as a template that could lead to a better form of government
D. Rely on indigenous prophetic movements to oppose colonial control

A. use their indigenous cultural and religious traditions as sources for mobilization

What role did African people play in governing Europe's African colonies in the post-World War I period?

A. Africans had a significant voice in colonial administration and governance
B. People of African descent were often elected to the legislative bodies of their colonizer
C. African traditions provided the templates that Europeans used to rule their colonies
D. Africans had little voice in colonial governance and made their opinions known through protest

D. Africans had little voice in colonial governance and made their opinions known through protest

Which African leader invoked precolonial traditions as a basis for resisting British colonialism in Kenya?

A. Blaise Diagne
B. Mohondas K. Ghandi
C. Jomo Kenyatta
D. Bambatha Zondi

C. Jomo Kenyatta

Which individual was most responsible for mobilizing a mass anticolonial movement in British-controlled India?

A. Jawalharlal Nehru
B. Mohandas K. Gandhi
C. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
D. Mustafa Kemal

B. Mohandas K. Gandhi

What was Satyagraha?

A. A philosophy of nonviolent resistance
B. A philosophy of self-resistance
C. An Indian epic poem
D. A dance with martial overtones that upset authorities

A. A philosophy of nonviolent resistance

Following WWI, Indian nationalists embraced which of the following methods of combating colonial control?

A. Indians joined forces with other colonized people in Africa and Asia to wage war against all Western domination
B. Indians cooperated with British rule to prove that they were ready for self-government
C. Indians supported the actions of educated elite lawyers and merchants in the Indian National Congress
D. Indians boycotted British goods, refused to pay taxes, and refused to send their children to British schools

D. Indians boycotted British goods, refused to pay taxes, and refused to send their children to British schools

Why did Ghandi choose salt as the testing ground for his principles of civil disobedience?

A. Salt, a government monopoly, symbolized Indians' subjugation to British rule.
B. Salt was easy to make in India and so it would not be difficult to replace British sources
C. The British were not as heavily invested in the salt trade as they were in tea and opium production
D. The British would likely react more leniently to civil disobedience if its purpose was to collect salt for personal use

A. Salt, a government monopoly, symbolized Indians' subjugation to British rule.

Jawaharlal Nehru disagreed with Ghandi in which of the following ways?

A. Nehru advocated for the creation of a separate Muslim state
B. Nehru believed that India needed to embrace science and technology to develop as a modern nation
C. Nehru wanted a revolution, not peaceful protests
D. Nehru backed the industrial proletariat and class consciousness as the motivation for resistance

B. Nehru believed that India needed to embrace science and technology to develop as a modern nation

What prevented the republic established in China in 1911 from gaining legitimacy?

A. Opposition from the Guomindang
B. Opposition from Chiang Kai-shek
C. Factional and regional conflicts
D. Lack of support from the military or rural elites

C. Factional and regional conflicts

Which of the following best describes the purpose of the White Wolf movement in China?

A. A communist party initiative to radicalize peasants
B. A peasant uprising meant to rid the countryside of Christian missionaries
C. A peasant-supported band of armed men who robbed the rich to give to the poor to restore justice
D. Chiang Kai-shek's plan to instill moral purpose and discipline in the Chinese public

C. A peasant-supported band of armed men who robbed the rich to give to the poor to restore justice

Which of the following was Mustafa Kemal's first action to create a European-style secular Turkey?

A. Replacing the sultanate with a republic
B. Reinforcing the role of Islam in law and politics
C. Putting a Swiss legal code into place
D. Instituting Western-style dress codes for Turkish public life

A. Replacing the sultanate with a republic

How did the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt differ from those of the Wafd?

A. The Muslim Brotherhood wanted to use the nation-state as a means of returning to a pure form of Islam, while the Wafd was primarily a secular nationalist group
B. The Muslim Brotherhood advocated using Western weapons as they undertook a traditional Islamic holy war, while the Wafd wanted to use civil disobedience to achieve their goals
C. The Wafd was a peasant group while the Muslim Brotherhood was composed of merchants and military leaders
D. The Wafd argued that Egypt should embrace liberal capitalism, while the Muslim Brotherhood supported socialism

A. The Muslim Brotherhood wanted to use the nation-state as a means of returning to a pure form of Islam, while the Wafd was primarily a secular nationalist group

Which of the following models of political modernity was accepted most often in western Europe and the Americas by the 1930s?

A. The anticolonial model
B. The authoritarian model
C. The hybrid corporatist model
D. The liberal democratic model

D. The liberal democratic model

Following WWII, which of the following emerged as the prevailing global political organization?

A. The multiethnic empire
B. The Warsaw Pact
C. The nation-state
D. The European Economic Community

C. The nation-state

Which of the following issues led to the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union?

A. Their expanding overseas empires impinged on one another, creating borderland conflicts
B. They had diametrically opposed political and economic ideologies
C. They had been on opposing sides during WWI and WWII
D. They both wanted to colonize western Europe's former colonies

B. They had diametrically opposed political and economic ideologies

Which of the following was one of the principal causes of WWII?

A. The Germans and the Russians had a long-standing agreement to divide the world between them
B. The Great Depression led to decreased military spending in Germany and Japan, which invited aggression from their neighbors
C. Communism failed to expand its presence in Europe
D. Resentment lingered over the punitive treaties imposed after WWI

D. Resentment lingered over the punitive treaties imposed after WWI

Which of the following accurately compares the Germans and Japanese during the 1930s and 1940s?

A. Both encouraged veneration of the emperor
B. The Germans, but not the Japanese, forced large numbers of POWs and conquered people to work for their war efforts
C. Both developed theories of racial superiority
D. The Japanese, but not the Germans, behaved brutally toward the peoples of the territories they conquered

C. Both developed theories of racial superiority

Which of the following is a reason why historians have described WWII as a total global conflict?

A. WWII led to significant transformations of all the major prewar forms of government
B. Fighting in WWII took place on three continents and included soldiers from all continents except Antartica
C. All countries in the world were involved in the war, suffering severe financial losses and dislocation to their economies
D. Class, race, and gender boundaries were dissolved by the needs of total war in all the combating nations

B. Fighting in WWII took place on three continents and included soldiers from all continents except Antartica

Which of the following techniques did Hitler use to create his racially based new world order?

A. He set up puppet governments that complied with deportation orders Jews
B. He authorized a land invasion of India to block supplies of petroleum from reaching the British
C. He assisted the Soviets in creating their own concentration camps to house those deemed racially inferior
D. He accepted the work of German Jewish scientists and artists if they would agree to support his programs

A. He set up puppet governments that complied with deportation orders Jews

Which of the following European claims did the systematic implementation of the Nazi genocide challenge?

A. Europeans had claimed that social Darwinism supported their racial superiority
B. Europeans had claimed that science, technology, and an efficient bureaucracy would make life better for all
C. Europeans had claimed that liberal capitalism was the most efficient governmental and economic system
D. Europeans had claimed that their democratic political system was superior to all others

B. Europeans had claimed that science, technology, and an efficient bureaucracy would make life better for all

How did Japan justify its conquest of neighboring territory during World War II?

A. Japan claimed that its conquests were protecting East Asia from American colonial aggression
B. Japan claimed that it was driving out European imperialists and establishing "Asia for the Asians"
C. Japan claimed that if it failed to take over, Europeans would extend their colonial presence into the region
D. Japan claimed that conquest was necessary in order to forestall the spread of world communism

B. Japan claimed that it was driving out European imperialists and establishing "Asia for the Asians"

For which of the following reasons did President Harry Truman authorize use of the atomic bomb in 1945?

A. Germany refused to surrender, even though the Soviets, British, and Americans were converging on Berlin
B. Truman feared that if he didn't use the bomb that the Russians would continue their drive to spread Communism into western Europe
C. The bomb had never been tested, and scientists needed to know if the theory behind it was valid
D. An Allied invasion of Japan would cost hundreds of thousands of American lives, since the Japanese had vowed to defend the main islands to the last man, woman, or child

D. An Allied invasion of Japan would cost hundreds of thousands of American lives, since the Japanese had vowed to defend the main islands to the last man, woman, or child

Why did communism appeal to many Europeans after WWII?

A. The USSR offered a large amount of aid for economic and military redevelopment throughout Europe
B. Capitalism failed to provide adequate supplies of weapons to protest them from German invasions
C. Many Eastern Europeans, reacting to the horrors of fascism, looked to the Soviets for solutions to rebuild society
D. The Soviet Union demonstrated how effective communism was at protecting human rights

C. Many Eastern Europeans, reacting to the horrors of fascism, looked to the Soviets for solutions to rebuild society

What was the Marshall Plan's goal?

A. Its goal was to build an "iron curtain" across the center of Europe, blocking the expansion of communism
B. Its goal was to limit the appeal of communism in Europe by providing grants for reconstruction to democratic governments
C. Its goal was to ensure that Eastern European states would have communist governments, providing a buffer between the USSR and Germany
D. Its goal was to humiliate the Soviets by showing how little resources the Soviets could muster to rebuild Europe

B. Its goal was to limit the appeal of communism in Europe by providing grants for reconstruction to democratic governments

Which of the following encouraged the European powers to surrender their African colonies quizlet?

Which of the following encouraged the European powers to surrender their African colonies? European powers were too deep in debt to invest more on pacifying the discontented Africans.

Which of the following explains development economists beliefs that modern famines in Africa are not natural disasters but rather are man made?

Which of the following explains development economists' beliefs that modern famines in Africa are not natural disasters, but are man-made? Famines usually result from government policies that ignore rural areas and inhibit the production of distribution.

How did South Africa achieve majority rule quizlet?

How did South Africa achieve majority rule? South Africa achieved majority rule through negotiations between the ruling minority government and African liberation activists, followed by free elections.