Which of the following was true of the English outwork textile industry that emerged around 1500 quizlet?

What effect did American Tobacco have in England during the early colonial period quizlet?

What effect did American tobacco have in England during the early colonial period? The English developed a huge appetite for tobacco, which stimulated the English economy and bolstered England's treasury.

Which of the following statements describes the American Party or Know Nothings that emerged in the North in the 1850's?

Which of the following statements describes the American Party, or Know-Nothings, that emerged in the North in the 1850s? The American Party originated in anti-immigrant and anti-Catholic societies of the 1840s.

Why did the largest landholdings in seventeenth century New England towns usually belong to wealthier families?

Why did the largest landholdings in seventeenth-century New England towns usually belong to wealthier families? Men of higher social status tended to receive the largest land grants from their towns.

In which of the following ways did the plantation colonies of Barbados differ from those in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth century?

In which of the following ways did the plantation colonies of Barbados differ from those in the Chesapeake in the seventeenth century? the Chesapeake adopted slavery gradually while the Barbados did rapidly.