Which term refers to sharing power with employees and giving them the authority to make and implement at least some decision?

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Terms in this set (110)

In its most basic sense, impression management is always wrong and manipulative.


Power and influence are essentially interchangeable terms.


Reward power is limited to material rewards such as pay or work assignments.


In most cases, expert power tends to follow exact lines of authority.


It is possible for a manager to acquire power, such as by exhibiting a high level of expertise in a task.


Position power is power that resides in a person's individual characteristics, regardless of the span of control


In general, legitimate power is exercised through a formal request that subordinates do what the leader wishes.


Coercive power exists when one person has the ability to punish or harm someone else.


Many techniques can be used in the practice of political behavior in organizations.


Reducing uncertainty is one way of reducing political behavior in an organization.


Being aware of the causes and techniques of political behavior can enable a leader to manage the effects of politics in an organization.


According to research, employees are often more responsive to the social influence of their peers than to the control and incentives of management.


Influence attempts are often unsuccessful on the first try.


People generally use political behavior to promote or protect their self-interests.


High self-monitors tend to present consistent images of themselves regardless of the situation.


When engaging in impression management, people tend to speak at a higher pitch.


Employees who exhibit compliance are following a leader's directions but are not exerting extraordinary effort to accomplish those directions.


____ power is granted by virtue of one's position in the organization.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


A manager's ability to control the information his or her subordinates have access to is called referent power.


Examples of reward power include all of the following EXCEPT
a. pay.
b. work assignments.
c. promotion.
d. praise.
e. tenure.


____ power exists when a person has the ability to punish or harm someone else.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


____ power exists when a person has valuable skills or knowledge. a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


A person in the organization has the ability to given bonuses to employees as part of a corporate compensation program. This is an example of __________ power.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. reward
d. expert
e. coercive


An up-and-coming executive who is charismatic is likely exhibiting __________ power.
a. coercive
b. emulation
c. personal
d. referent
e. legitimate


Referent power involves all of the following EXCEPT
a. trust.
b. similarity.
c. acceptance.
d. promotions.
e. affection.


__________ power exists when subordinates behave as the manager does and wants because they seek his or her approval.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


Referent, expert, informational, and persuasive powers all contribute to
a. psychological power.
b. personal power.
c. position power.
d. authority.
e. referent power.

Personal power

Position power includes all of the following EXCEPT
a. referent power.
b. legitimate power.
c. reward power.
d. coercive power.
e. All of these are bases of positional power.

Referent power

Which of the following describes the concept of empowerment?
a. It occurs when no training is required for employees.
b. It is the process of making decisions for employees, without their input.
c. It is the process of sharing power and giving others the authority to make decisions.
d. It is often exercised through rational persuasion.
e. None of these are correct.

It is the process of sharing power and giving others the authority to make decisions

Which of the following describes how subunits obtain power?
a. Centrality and critical impact
b. Strategic power
c. Control of resources
d. Resource scarcity
e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct!
a. Centrality and critical impact
b. Strategic power
c. Control of resources
d. Resource scarcity

Which response to influence entails endorsing the influence attempt and becoming an actively involved participant?
a. Passive resistance
b. Commitment
c. Compliance
d. Active resistance
e. Loyalty


Managers may enhance their referent power by
a. choosing subordinates who have backgrounds similar to their own.
b. defending subordinates' interests.
c. engaging in role modeling.
d. treating subordinates fairly.
e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct!
a. Choosing subordinates who have backgrounds similar to their own.
b. Defending subordinates' interests.
c. Engaging in role modeling.
d. Treating subordinates fairly

What is the reasoning behind role modeling?
a. Having managers act out the role of the subordinate gives them a better understanding of the subordinate's
b. A manager should select subordinates who are similar to him or her.
c. Having subordinates act out the role of manager in contrived settings gives them a better understanding of directives.
d. A leader behaves in the same way that he or she wants subordinates to behave.
e. A leader is more likely to build referent power if he or she is sensitive to others' needs and feelings.

A leader behaves in the same way that he or she wants subordinates to behave

Which of the following is NOT a way that managers can enhance expert power?
a. Staying current in their field
b. Acting confident
c. Telling the truth
d. Keeping experience and accomplishments private
e. Engaging in formal training and on-the-job learning

Keeping experience and accomplishments private

In general, how do leaders exercise legitimate power?
a. Issuing formal requests
b. Maintaining credibility
c. Making requests in a demanding tone
d. Keeping aware of information that is relevant and that may be needed by the organization
e. Keeping aware of subordinates' actions

Issuing formal requests

A guideline for using legitimate power is
a. engaging in role modeling.
b. maintaining credibility.
c. making requests politely but confidently.
d. verifying compliance.
e. revealing accomplishments and awards.

Making requests politely but confidently

If a subunit's work __________, its power position decreases.
a. can't be duplicated
b. can be outsourced
c. is specialized
d. is hard to replace
e. All of these are correct.

Can be outsourced

Offering incentives that are desirable to workers is an example of how to effectively use __________ power.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. reward
d. expert
e. coercive


Each of the following reduces political behavior EXCEPT
a. formal rules and procedures.
b. open communication.
c. acting as a good role model.
d. confronting employees who act inefficiently, unethically, or irresponsibly.
e. All of these can reduce political behavior.

All of these can reduce political behavior!
a. Formal rules and procedures.
b. Open communication.
c. Acting as a good role model.
d. Confronting employees who act inefficiently, unethically, or irresponsibly.

Jim strongly disagrees with a new program that is being developed and wants to prevent the program from moving forward. Jim manages to fill up the department meeting agenda with other issues, so there isn't enough time to discuss the new program. Which political behavior technique has Jim used?
a. Game playing
b. Controlling the agenda
c. Using outside experts
d. Controlling information
e. Controlling decision parameters

Controlling the agenda

Techniques of political behavior include all of the following EXCEPT
a. eliminating political rivals.
b. building coalitions.
c. leveraging technology.
d. image building.
e. controlling lines of communication.

Leveraging technology

_______ power involves the use of pleasurable consequences to influence and motivate followers.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


____ power is derived from control over access to valuable data.
a. Expert
b. Reward
c. Persuasive
d. Informational
e. Referent


____ power is derived from one's ability to convince others of something.
a. Expert
b. Reward
c. Persuasive
d. Informational
e. Referent


Which of the following is NOT a type of personal power?
a. Reward
b. Persuasive
c. Informational
d. Expert
e. Referent


Which of the following terms refers to a person or group's potential to influence another person or group to do something that would otherwise not have been done?
a. Strength
b. Politics
c. Charisma
d. Coercion
e. Power


Which of the following does NOT contribute to the leadership motive pattern?
a. High need for achievement
b. High need for power
c. High impulse control
d. Low need for affiliation
e. All of these contribute to the leadership motive pattern.

High need for achievement

David McClelland found that the primary driver of a leader's performance was the leader's
a. lack of impulse control.
b. need for approval.
c. need for affiliation.
d. need for achievement.
e. need for power.

Need for power

The desire to control, influence, or be responsible for others is called a need for
a. domination.
b. approval.
c. power.
d. achievement.
e. affiliation.


Which response to influence entails going along with what the influencer wants without becoming personally invested?
a. Passive resistance
b. Commitment
c. Compliance
d. Active resistance
e. Loyalty


Which response to influence entails rejecting the influence attempt but not getting in the way of what the influencer is trying to do?
a. Passive resistance
b. Commitment
c. Compliance
d. Active resistance
e. Loyalty

Passive resistance

Which response to influence entails rejecting the influence attempt and actively trying to stop the influencer from doing what she is trying to do?
a. Passive resistance
b. Commitment
c. Compliance
d. Active resistance
e. Loyalty

Active resistance

Which political tactic entails strategically restricting who has access to what data?
a. Game playing
b. Controlling the agenda
c. Using outside experts
d. Controlling information
e. Controlling decision parameters

Controlling information

Which political tactic entails using "neutral" third parties who are actually paid and directed by someone, or otherwise predisposed to act in her favor?a. Game playing
b. Controlling the agenda
c. Using outside experts
d. Controlling information
e. Controlling decision parameters

Using outside experts

Which political tactic entails trying to influence decisions before they are made?
a. Game playing
b. Controlling the agenda
c. Using outside experts
d. Controlling information
e. Controlling decision parameters

Controlling decision parameters

Which political tactic entails the use of tricks such as leaking information or having only friends fill out a survey?
a. Game playing
b. Controlling the agenda
c. Using outside experts
d. Controlling information
e. Controlling decision parameters

Game playing

Which political tactic entails the use of "spin doctors" to project a desirable image?
a. Eliminating political rivals
b. Building coalitions
c. Leveraging technology
d. Image building
e. Controlling lines of communication

Image building

Which political tactic entails befriending powerful people or starting small subgroups to promote specific aims?
a. Eliminating political rivals
b. Building coalitions
c. Leveraging technology
d. Image building
e. Controlling lines of communication

Building coalitions

Which political tactic may entail getting an opponent promoted? a. Eliminating political rivals
b. Building coalitions
c. Leveraging technology
d. Image building
e. Controlling lines of communication

Eliminating political rivals

Which political tactic entails establishing gatekeepers to restrict access to information?
a. Eliminating political rivals
b. Building coalitions
c. Leveraging technology
d. Image building
e. Controlling lines of communication

Controlling lines of communication

Which of the following behaviors can lead to abuse of power?
a. Demeaning an employee
b. Exploiting an employee
c. Taking advantage of an employee
d. Influencing others to do things they later regret
e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct!
a. Demeaning an employee
b. Exploiting an employee
c. Taking advantage of an employee
d. Influencing others to do things they later regret

Which term refers to acting in a way that influences someone to do something against their better judgment that they later regret?
a. Abuse of power
b. Coercion
c. Empowerment
d. Power
e. Leadership

Abuse of power

Which term refers to sharing power with employees and giving them the authority to make and implement at least some decisions?
a. Abuse of power
b. Coercion
c. Empowerment
d. Power
e. Leadership


________ can increase a leader's power.
a. Performing well
b. Being exploitive
c. Being coercive
d. Performing adequately
e. None of these are correct.

Performing well

When resources become scarce, it causes power differences across subunits to
a. become irrelevant.
b. reduce.
c. magnify.
d. fluctuate.
e. None of these are correct.


A subunit's _________ is the extent to which it influences the work of other subunits and has a critical impact on the firm's key product or service.
a. referent power
b. uncertainty
c. resource scarcity
d. centrality
e. substitutability


A subunit's power is reduced to the extent that others inside or outside of the organization can also perform its responsibilities. This reflects the subunit's
a. referent power.
b. uncertainty.
c. resource scarcity.
d. centrality.
e. substitutability.


If a subunit's work can be outsourced, that unit's power
a. decreases.
b. increases.
c. fluctuates.
d. doesn't change.
e. decreases at first, then increases over time.


The subunits most capable of coping with uncertainty tend to have
a. greater power.
b. less power.
c. moderate power.
d. more intragroup conflict.
e. more intergroup conflict.

Greater power

Which term reflects how people translate their power to affect the behavior of others?
a. Influence tactics
b. Power tactics
c. Need for power
d. Need for control
e. Image management

Influence tactics

Of the various influence tactics, which one has been found to be the least effective?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which influence tactic entails engaging the help of others to persuade someone to do something?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which influence tactic entails offering to provide something of value now or in the future for someone's cooperation?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which influence tactic entails flattering or praising someone to put them in a good mood or to make them more likely to want to help?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which influence tactic entails enhancing one's formal authority to make a certain request by referring to rules, precedents, or official documents?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which influence tactic entails using coercion or persistent follow-up or reminders to gain influence?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Of the various influence tactics, which one has been found to be the most effective?
a. Equal exchange
b. Extreme pressure
c. Coalition
d. Rational persuasion
e. Legitimating

Rational persuasion

Which influence tactic risks undesirable side effects such as resentment?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which influence tactic is seen as more credible when used early rather than after other influence attempts have failed?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Because of its higher cost, which influence tactic do leaders typically only use after other tactics have failed?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


The use of humor may contribute to which influence tactic?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which influence tactic entails appealing to someone's aspirations, values, and ideals to gain her commitment or increasing people's confidence that they can do something in order to increase motivation?
a. Rational persuasion
b. Consultation
c. Personal appeals
d. Empowerment
e. Inspirational appeals

Inspirational appeals

Which influence tactic entails asking someone to do something "because we're friends"?
a. Rational persuasion
b. Consultation
c. Personal appeals
d. Empowerment
e. Inspirational appeals

Personal appeals

Which influence tactic entails using logic and facts to persuade someone?
a. Rational persuasion
b. Consultation
c. Personal appeals
d. Empowerment
e. Inspirational appeals

Rational persuasion

Which influence tactic entails requesting someone's advice to solve a problem or mutually setting goals to increase a follower's commitment to the leader's decision?
a. Rational persuasion
b. Consultation
c. Personal appeals
d. Empowerment
e. Inspirational appeals


Which influence tactic should be used early if you expect doubts about the validity of your request?
a. Exchange
b. Pressure
c. Coalition
d. Ingratiation
e. Legitimating


Which of the following influence tactics is generally the most effective?
a. Coalition tactics
b. Consultation
c. Personal appeals
d. Legitimating tactics
e. Ingratiation


Which term refers to the process of portraying a desired image or attitude to control the impression others form of us?
a. Influence
b. Politics
c. Empowerment
d. Impression management
e. Leadership

Impression management

Which term refers to having a high concern with others' perceptions and adjusting one's behavior to fit the situation?
a. Political skill
b. Manipulation
c. Machiavellianism
d. Self-monitoring
e. Vanity


Which of the following is NOT a "tell" that someone is using impression management?
a. Allowing greater periods of silence during the conversation
b. Looking away rather than at the person being spoken to
c. Leg fidgeting
d. More frequent blinking
e. More hand gesturing

More hand gesturing

Which type of power does NOT rely on external motivation and obligatory obedience?
a. Expert
b. Coercive
c. Reward
d. Legitimate
e. None of these are correct.


Which of the following is an example of abuse of power?
a. Disrespecting individual dignity
b. Interfering with job performance
c. Withholding deserved rewards
d. Discouraging employees from helping others
e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct

Sexual ___________, which is a form of abuse of power, refers to unwanted sexual advances, requests, communication, or contact with the threat of punishment for noncompliance.
a. innuendo
b. harassment
c. assault
d. treatment
e. None of these are correct.


Which of the following increases the incidence of political behaviors?
a. Complexity
b. Ambiguous roles and goals
c. Centralization
d. Scarce resources
e. All of these are correct.

All of these are correct!
a. Complexity
b. Ambiguous roles and goals
c. Centralization
d. Scarce resources

Leaders should adjust their use of power
a. under no circumstances
b. based on the people the leaders are trying to influence
c. if employees are motivated by monetary rewards.
d. based on the industry they work in.
e. All of these are correct.

Based on the people the leaders are trying to influence

Because the effects of referent and expert power rely on the employee's internal motivation and voluntary compliance, they are
a. never appropriate.
b. an abuse of power.
c. sometimes appropriate.
d. always appropriate.
e. a form of empowerment.

Always appropriate

Which of the following is NOT a source of empowerment for employees?
a. Coaching
b. Control over their work
c. Skills training
d. Being told that they are empowered
e. Technology

Being told that they are empowered

Which of the following recommendations would NOT help someone to be more persuasive?
a. Connect with people emotionally
b. Create a continuous feedback loop
c. Begin with a hard sell
d. Be patient
e. Be willing to compromise

Begin with a hard sell

What term refers to making informal or formal appeals to organizational superiors for intervention?
a. Downward appeal
b. Upward appeal
c. Inspirational appeal
d. Managerial appeal
e. Coalition formation

Upward appeal

____________ refers to going along in order to get ahead.
a. Inaction
b. Impression management
c. Politics
d. Upward influence
e. Downward influence


The threat to transfer someone to a branch office in an undesirable location can be interpreted as a form of ___________ power.


Legitimate, reward, and coercive power all contribute to __________ power.


____________________ is a form of influence where the subordinate is willing to carry out the leader's wishes as long as doing so will not require extraordinary effort.


For many people, ________ is often assumed to be synonymous with dirty tricks or backstabbing.


A subunit's ____________________ is the extent to which others inside or outside of the organization can also perform its responsibilities.


The degree to which power is shared and an employee has the authority to make and implement at least some decisions is called ___________.


The ________ of power is using any type of power to demean, exploit, or take advantage of someone or influencing someone to do something he or she later regrets.


The process of portraying a desired image or attitude to control the impression others form of us is called _________.

Impression management

The _________ upward influence style, which uses the most influence and emphasizes assertiveness and bargaining, is associated with the highest levels of job tension and personal stress.


The _________ influence tactic involves appealing to someone's aspirations, values, and ideals to gain commitment to an idea.

Inspiration appeals

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