While _____ might sound benign, many privacy advocates claim that it violates privacy rights.

A challenge with traditional file storage is

A computer network within a building, or a campus of adjacent buildings, is called a

A con artist telephones an employee, pretends to be from his own organizations IT unit, and says he must have the employees password to fix a problem. This is an example of

A decision support systems ______ module is a database or data warehouse that provides the data for the intelligence phase of decision making

A disadvantage of ____ software is that they are less likely to be compatible with other organizations systems.

A formula must start with an

A scenario ______ lists the value for changing cells and results cells under each scenario

A system can only help a company sustain competitive advantage if the company continuously modifies and enhances it, creating a ______ for competitors

A _____ is the general logical structure in which records are stored within a database and the method used to establish relationships among the records.

A _____ is a body of clients that is large enough to attract many other clients.

A _____ is a type of malware that spreads in a network without human intervention

A _____ is a limit that is placed on a solver problems solution.

A _____ interfaced and interacts with other systems

A _____ is a business even such as a sale, a purchase, the hiring of a new employee, and the like.

A ____ process is any manipulation of data, usually with the goal of producing information.

An_____ is one which there is no algorithm to follow to reach an optimal solution.

A _____ is unique if the value(content) in that field appears only in one record

A _____ system is used at all levels of an organization, and often by non-managerial staff

Among the methods for system development, ____ is clearly the best option for many small companies

All of the above
i. Cell regerences
ii. numbers
iii. Text

Building several technologies into a single piece of hardware is called

Businesses use ____ to save on travel costs and lodging, car fleets, and the time of high salaried employees incurred on bringing together employees working in different organizations or at different sites in the same organization

Changing and manipulating the data in an informations system is called

Data warehouses could be regarded as a type of ___ where new useful information is precious to find

Expert systems use data from a

FUNCTION(argument1, argument2)

The general syntax of all functions

If solver is taking too long to dins a solution , you can halt the program at any time by pressing the ____ key

If the cost-accounting procedures of a particular company are so specific that no commercially available software can perform them, the company must develop _____ software

If_____ need to be used as one large data warehouse, special software tools can unify them and make them appear as one large data warehouse.

In banking, ______ is employed to find profitable customers and patterns of fraud

in the context B2B trading, online advertising is done mainly in two ways: through ___ and through banners.

In the phrase of transferring data from a transactional database warehouse, the builders create the files from transactional databases and save them on the server that will hold the data warehouse.

In the _____ phase of transferring data from a transactional database to a data warehouse, specialists "cleans" the data and modify it into a form that allows insertion into the data warehouse.

In the ____ phase, specialists ensure that all data is consistant

In ____ manufacturing, suppliers ship parts directly to assembly lines, saving the cost of warehousing raw materials, parts, and subassemblies

In___ the hosting company owns the server and the server management software.

In____ the voltage of the power decreases, or there are very short interruptions in the flow of power.

ISs, especially large ones, can often be broken into functional modules and phased into operation one at a time, a process called _____

One objective of data mining is ______ the discover of patterns in data that can lead to reasonable predictions

One way to increase market share is to lower prices, and the best way to lower prices is to ____

Online databases that are used with web browsers

Are no different from other databases

Organizations can leverage ____ to communicate with consumers immediately.

Risks of outsourcing are high for ____ IS services

Some companies might want to use entire physical servers all for themselves and therefore can opt for _____

Storage area network (SAN) identifies large quantities of data, called ___, and therefore can transfer and back up large amounts of data at a time

The concept of extracting business intelligence from large data warehouses often involves ____ of several information systems

The concept in which an application service provider offers the use of computer programs through a network is known as

Software as a service (SaaS)

The emergence of the web as a global medium for information exchange has made it an important vehical for both B2B and ____

The first step in systems analysis is ____, which determines whether there is a real need for a system and whether the system as conceived is feasible.

The part of the DSS that allows the user to interact with it is called the _____

The process of ____ enables organizations to plan and carefully design their global sites to cater to local needs and preferences

The recent trend in less rich countries is to adopt ___ to avoid high costs

Free open source software

The three major components of a DSS are a data management module, a model management module and a ____ module

The time between generating an idea for a product and competing a prototype that can be mass manufactured is known as engineering lead time or

The united states uses farhrenheit temperatures, while other countries use celsius temperatures. This portrays differences in ____

The ____ available in some countries is too narrow for high-volume transmission of graphically and animation-rich webpages

The____ is the most important part of any computer

The _____ mediates applications and the computer, and controls peripheral devices.

The _____ prompts the user to select a model, allowing the user to access the database and select data for the decision process or to set criteria for selecting such data

There are two basic types of access modes for data storage: _____ and direct access

There are two overall approaches to maintaining data: the traditional file approach-which does have the mechanism

thinking of an organization in terms of its sub organizations or subsystems is called

To perform a what-if-analysis with more than two input cells, you ____

Use _____ references when you want different formulas to refer to the same cell

when a client outsources, management knows how much the outsources services will cost, which eliminates _____

When a radio frequency identification tag is attached to a product, it contains a ___

When building a new database, users must first build a ___

Which of the following is a good practice to consider when designing websites for an international audience

Plan the site before developing

which of the following is considered strategic advantage of the first-mover?

Which of the following is true of open source software?

Open source software can offer more innovation features by incorporating ideas from a diverse set of experts

While blogging is publishing text and other visual material, ___ is publishing sound and video

While____ might sound benign, many privacy advocates claim that it violates privacy rights.

____ is a program that serves for the optimal solution of a problem involving several variables.

_____ are excellent tools for building both the data and the models that decision support systems need

____ are expenses incurred when a customer stops buying a product or service form one business and starts buying it from another

_____ are the most powerful computers at any given time, but are built especially for assignments that require arithmetic speed

____ defines the degree to which a goal is achieved

____ is a popular medium for connecting computer and networking devices because it is relatively flexible, reliable, and low cost

____ is the raw material in the production of information

____ means the code is owned by someone who has the right to sell or license the software to others

___ occurs when a website receives an overwhelming number of information request, such as merely logging on to a site

____ refers to an organizations initiative of adding to a product or service to increase its value to the consumer

Enhancement of existing products or services

_____ revers to the competitive advantage that a company can achieve by persuading customers that its product or service is better than its competitors

____ software is developed for the widest common denominator of potential user organizations

What is e tailing arm?

An internet-based system where consumers are able to buy and sell goods and services like traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. Written by CFI Team. Updated October 17, 2022.

What is a process for outsourcing a variety of tasks to a distributed group of people both online or offline?

Crowdsourcing = a process that involves outsourcing tasks to a distributed group of people. This process can occur both online and offline. Crowdsourcing is different from an ordinary outsourcing since it is a task or problem that is outsourced to an undefined public rather than a specific body.

What is the most common programming language for creating Web pages and other information viewable in a Web browser?

HTML is one of the most common programming languages used to create and design websites and pages. This type of programming language is known as a markup language, which means it is distinguished by markup tags.

Which is any form of advertising through an online search site?

Search engine marketing (SEM) Search engine marketing, or SEM, is designed to increase a website's visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). Search engines provide sponsored results and organic (non-sponsored) results based on a web searcher's query.