WHO describes health as being well and using every power the individual possesses to the fullest extent?

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Terms in this set (71)

Health was traditionally defined in terms of the presence or absence of disease Florence nightingale defined health as

A state of being well and using every power the individual possess to the fullest extent

The world health organization takes a more holistic view of health its constitution defines health as

A state of complete physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence disease or infirmity this definition as a total person functioning physically psychologically and socially

Talcott parsons defined health in terms of

Role and performance an eminent American sociologist and the creator of the concept sick role conceptualized health as the ability to maintain normal roles

In 1953 the presidents commission on health needs of the nation made the following statement about health

Health is not a condition its an adjustment its not a state but a process. The process adapts the individual not only to our physical but also our social environments

In 1980 the American nurses association defined health in its social policy statement as

...a dynamic state of being in which the developmental and behavioral potential of an individual is realized to the fullest potential possible in this definition health is more than the absence of disease it includes striving toward optimal functioning

In 2004 the ana also stated that health was

An experience that is often expressed in terms of wellness and illness and may occur in the presence or absence of disease or injury

People may define and describe health as

Being free from symptoms of disease and pain as much as possible
Being able to be active and to do what they want or must
Being in good spirits most of the time

Wellness is

A state of well-being basic aspects of wellness include self responsibility an ultimate goal a dynamic growing process daily decision making in the areas of nutrition stress management physical fitness preventive health care and emotional health and most importantly the whole being of the individual

Anspaugh Hamrick and Rosato propose seven components of wellness to realize optimal health and wellness people must deal with the factors within each component

Physical the ability to carry out daily tasks achieve fitness maintain adequate nutrition and proper body fat avoid abusing drugs and alcohol or using tobacco products
Social the ability to interact successfully with people and within the environment of which each person is a part to develop and maintain intimacy and develop respect and Tolerance for those with with different opinions and beliefs
Emotional the ability to manage stress and to express emotions appropriately evolves the ability to recognize accept and express feelings and to accept ones limitations
Intellectual the ability to learn and use information effectively for personal family and career development intellectual wellness involves striving for continued growth and learning to deal with new challenges effectively
Spiritual the belief in some force that serves to unite human beings and provide meaning and purpose to life includes a persons own morals values and ethics
Occupational the ability to achieve a balance between work and leisure time
Environment the ability to promote health measures that improve the standard of living and quality of life in the community this includes influences such as food water and air

Well-being is

A subjective perception of vitality and feeling well

Why do nurses need to clarify their understanding of health wellness and well-being

Nurses definition of health largely determine the scope and nature of nursing practice example when health is defined narrowly as a physiological phenomenon nurses confine them selves to assisting clients to regain normal physiological functioning when health is defined more broadly the scope of nursing practice enlarges correspondingly
Peoples health beliefs influence their health practices a nurses health values and practices may differ from those of a client nurses need to ensure that a plan of care developed for an individual relates to the clients concept of health rather than the nurses belief system other wise the client may fail to respond to the health care regimen

The clinical model interpretation of health occurs in the clinical model people are viewed

As physiological systems with related functions and health is identified by the absence of signs and symptoms of disease or injury

The role performance model defines health in terms of

The individuals ability to fufill societal roles to preform his or her work people usually fulfill several roles like mother daughter friend and certain individuals may consider non work roles paramount in their lives according to this model people who can fulfil their roles are healthy even if they have clinical illness example a man who works all day at his job and is healthy even though he is partially deaf it is assumed in this model that sickness is the inability to preform ones work role

The adaptive model health is a

Creative process disease is a failure in adaptation or maladaptation the aim of treatment is to cope according to this model extreme good health is flexible adaptation to the environment and interaction with the environment to maximum advantage sister callista roys adaptation model of nursing views the person as an adaptation model of nursing views the person as an adaptive system the focus of this model is stability although there is also an element of growth and change

Eudemonistic model incorporates

A comprehensive view of health it is seen as a condition of realization of a persons potential actualization is the apex of the fully developed personality described by Abraham Maslow
The highest aspiration of people is fulfillment and complete developmental which is actualization illness in this model is a condition that prevents self actualization

Pender murdaugh and parsons include stabilizing and actualizing tendencies in their definition of health

The realization of human potential through goal-directed behavior competent self care and satisfying relationships with others while adapting to maintain structural integrity and harmony with the social and physical environments

Margaret newman who States that health is the expansion of consciousness the basic assumptions of this model or theory are

Health is an evolving unitary patterns of disease consciousness is the informational capacity of the whole and is revealed in the evolving pattern identifies the human environmental process and its characterised by meaning

Agent host environment model of the health and illness also called the ecological model originated in the community health work of leavell and Clark and has been expanded into general theory of the multiple causes of disease this model is used primarily in

Predicting illness rather than in promoting wellness although identification of risk factors that result from the interactions of agent host and environment are helpful in promoting and maintaining health this model has 3 dynamic interactive elements agent host and environment


Any environmental factor or stressor like biological chemical mechanical physical or psychosocial that by its presence or absence like lack of essential nutrients can lead to illness or disease


Persons who may or may not be at risk of acquiring a disease family history age and lifestyle habits influence the hosts reaction


All factors external to the host that may or may not predispose the person to the development of disease physical environment includes climate living conditions sound levels and economic level social environment includes and economic level social includes with others and life events such as the death of a spouse

Because each of the agent host environment factors constantly interacts with the others

Health is an ever-changing state when the variables are in balance health is maintained: when variables are not in balance disease ocurrs

Health illness continua can b used to measure

A persons perceived level of wellness

Dunns high level wellness grid in which a health axis and intersect and an environment axis intersect extends from peak wellness to death and the environmental axis extends extends from very favorable to very unfavorable the intersection of of the two axes forms four quadrants of health and wellness

High-level wellness in a favorable environment
Emergent high level wellness in an unfavorable environment
Protected poor health in a favorable environment poor health in an unfavorable environment

An example high-level wellness in a favorable environment

A person who implements healthy lifestyle behaviors and has the biopsychosocial spiritual and economic resources to support this lifestyle

An example of emergent high-level wellness in an unfavorable environment

Is a woman who has the knowledge to implement healthy lifestyle practices but does not implement adequate self care practices because of family res

an example of protected poor health in a favorable environment

An ill person one with multiple fractures or severe hypertension who's needed are met by the health care system and who has access to appropriate medications diet and health care instruction

An example of poor health in an unfavorable environment

A young child who is starving in a drought stricken country

The illness wellness continuum developed by Travis ranges from

High-level wellness to premature death
This model illustrates at a neutral point indicates increasing level of health and well-being for a individual this is achieved in 3 steps awareness education and growth
In contrast movement to the left of the neutral point indicates progressively decreasing levels of health

The 4+ model of wellness consists of the 4 domains of inner self

Physical spiritual emotional and intellectual + the elements of the , outer system example environment culture nutrition safety etc this model is useful when working with individuals families or communities

Internal variables include

Biologic psychological and cognitive dimensions they are often described as nonmodifiable variables because they usually can not be changed but they can be linked to health problems which means the nurse must be more more diligent about working with the client to influence external variables that may assist in health promotion and prevention like exercise and diet regular health screenings become even more important

Biologic dimensions the patients genetic make up sex she a and developmental level all significantly influence a persons

Health genetic makeup influence biologic characteristics innate temperament activity level and intellectual potential example africans have a higher incidence of sickle cell anemia and hypertension but they may be more susceptible to malaria
Sex influences the distribution of disease some are more common than others
Age is a significant factor example arteriosclerotic heart disease in middle aged males communicable diseases like wooping cough and measles are common in kids but rare in adults
Developmental level has a major impact on health status example infants lack physiological and psychological maturity so they have a lower defense their first year
Toddlers who are learning tip walk are more prone to falls and injury
Adolescents who strive to conform with their peers are more prone to take risks and get more injury than adults
Declining phyr and sensory perception limit old people to respond to hazards and stressor

Disorders that are more common in women

Osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis

Disorders more common in men

Stomach ulcers abdominal hernias and respiratory disease

Health status is

The state of a healthy individual at any given time can include anxiety depression or an acute illness or can describe pulse temp

Health beliefs are

Concepts about health that an individual believes to be true example the hot cold system of food of Hispanic Americans where citrus fruits and some fowl are cold and meats and bread are hot not because of temp or spice content but innate food quality so fever is said to be caused by excess of hot food

Health behaviors

Eating wisely exercising watching for signs of illness avoiding health hazards like smoking or getting enough rest
Intended to prevent illness

Psychological (emotial) factors influencing health inclued

...mind body interactions and self concept

Mind and body interactions can health status of positively or negatively emotional response to stress affect body function example

A student who is extremely anxious before a test may experience urinary frequency and diarrhea

External variables example

Environment standards of living family and cultural beliefs and social support networks

Health belief models of health beliefs and behaviors have been developed to help determine

Whether a pt is likely to participate in disease prevention and health promotion activities

Locus of control LOC is a concept from social learning that nurses can use to

Determine whether clients are more likely to to take action regarding health

People who believe that they have a major influence on their own health status that healthy is largely self determined is called


People who believe that their health care is largely controlled by outside forces are called


Rosenstocks and Beckers health belief models was intended to

Rosenstcok proposed a model to Predict which individuals would or would not use preventive measures such as screenings for early detection of cancer
Becker modified it to include perception modifying factors and variables likely to affect initiatating action its based on motivational theory

Individual perception includes

Perceived susceptibility a family hx of certain disorders like diabetes or heart disease may cause the patient to feel at risk
Perceived seriousness in the perception of the individual does the illnesses cause cause death or have serious consequences for example concern about the spread of AIDs reflects the general publics perception of the seriousness of this illness
Perceived threat a perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness combine to determine the total perceived threat of an illness to a specific individual example a person perceives many people in the community have AIDs may not perceive a personal threat but if the person is a drug addict or homosexual the threat is likely to increase

Factors that modify a persons perception include

Demographic variables like age sex race ethnicity example an infant does not perceive the importance of a healthy diet
An adolescent may participate in hazardous activities or adapt unhealthy eating and sleeping patterns
Sociopsychological variables social pressure or influence from peers or other reference groups may encourage preventive health behavior example don't drink and drive
Structural variables knowledge about the target disease and prior contact are structural variables that are presumed to influence preventive behavior example higher adherence rates with prescribed treatment among mothers who's children frequent eat infections and occurrences of asthma
Cues to action cues can be either internal or external internal cues are feelings or fatigue

The likely hood of a person taking recommend action depends on the

Perceived benefits of action minus the perceived barriers to the action

Examples of The perceived benefits of the action

In order to prevent lung cancer one does not smoke and to maintain weight one eats nutritious food and avoids snacks

Examples of perceived barriers to action

Cost inconvenience unpleasantness and lifestyle changes

Health care adherence is

The extent to which the individuals behavior coincides with medical or health advise the degree may range from disregarding every aspect of the recommendations to following the total therapeutic plan

To enhance adherence nurses need to

Ensure that the client is able to perform the activities understand the necessary instructions is a willing participant in establishing goals of therapy and values the planned outcomes of behavior change

What steps should be take is the nurse identifies nonadherance

Find out why, demonstrates caring, encourage healthy behaviors through positive reinforcement, use aids to reinforce teaching, and establish a therapeutic relationship of of freedom mutual understanding and mutual responsibility with the client and support persons

Illnesses is a highly personal state in which the persons

Physical emotional intellectual social development or spiritual functioning is thought to be diminished
Not synonymous with disease
May or may not be related to disease
Illnesses is highly subjective

Disease can be described as

An alternation in body functions resulting a reduction of capacities or a shortening of the normal life span

The causation of a disease or condition is called

Etiology the identification of all causes of causal factors that act together to bring out a particular disease example tubercle bacillus is designated as the biological agent for tb however other etiology factors age nutritional status occupation all influence the course of infection

There are many ways to classify illnesses and disease the most common is

Acute and chronic

Acute illness is typically characterized by

Symptoms of short duration often appear abruptly and subside quickly and may or may not require intervention

Example of serious acute illness

Appendicitis which may require surgical intervention

Example of acute illness that subsides on its own


After acute illness

Most people return to their normal level of wellness

A chronic illness is

One that lasts for an extended period usually 6 months or longer and often for the persons life usually have a slow onset and often have periods of remission and exacerbation

Examples of chronic illness

Arthritis heart and lung disease and diabetes

Care for pts with chronic illness should be focused on

Promoting the highest level possible of independence sense of control and wellness

Illnesses behavior is a coping mechanism that involves

Ways individuals describe monitor and interpret their symptoms take remedial action and use the health care system

Parsons described 4 aspects of the sick role

Rights clients are not held responsible for their condition even if its their fault like lung cancer w a smoker the person is not capable of reversing the condition on their own
Clients are excused from certain social roles and tasks like an ill parent would not be expected to cook dinner
Clients as obligated to try to get well as quickly as possible
Clients or their families are obligated to seek competent help

Ill individuals are vulnerable to loss of autonomy which means

The state of being independent and self directed without outside control

An example of the emotional component of wellness

A client expresses frustration with her partners substance abuse

Which patient appear to have taken on the sick role

A mother is ill and says I won't be able to make ur line today

Because a client recently diagnosed with diabetes mellitus is confident that blood sugar can be improved by diet and exercise alone and recently checked out a video on the management of diabetes at the education center the clients actions are most representative of which mode

Health belief model

Because a client with HIV is scheduled to begin several meds to manage infection the nurse will need to provide client education which client characteristics are most likely tip predict adherence with the treatment program select all that apply

A trusting relationship with the health care provider
An expectation that the meds will be helpful being able to take the meds twice daily instead of 4 times a day

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The WHO constitution states: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity." An important implication of this definition is that mental health is more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.

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“A state of complete physical, mental and social. well-being and not merely the absence of. disease or infirmity” – WHO Constitution.

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