Why did slaveholders in the Carolinas allow slaves greater autonomy than they had in the Chesapeake or West Indies?

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Terms in this set (40)

n what early North American colony did settlers interact and fight with Indian Chief Powhatan?

North Carolina


What caused the survivors of the "starving time" at Jamestown to abandon their plans to return to England?

Supply ships arrived as they were departing.
John Rolfe discovered tobacco cultivation.
John Smith befriended Pocahontas.
The Virginia Company threatened to punish them.

Supply ships arrived as they were departing.

Anne Hutchinson and John Cotton preached a covenant of grace, which means

people have to work hard to reject sin and to be welcomed into God's grace.
babies were born free of sin, full of grace, and the closest to God.
people have to rely solely on God's grace and have no individual choice in their salvation.
ministers naturally embodied God's grace more than lay people.

people have to rely solely on God's grace and have no individual choice in their salvation.

Martin Luther and John Calvin were leaders of distinct denominations of what religious movement in the sixteenth century?

Roman Catholicism
Eastern Orthodox Christianity


In 1573, why did Spain decide that missionaries rather than soldiers should direct all new imperial settlements?

The Council of Trent pushed Catholic governments to emphasize religious commitments.
Indians were more responsive to missionaries.
The Protestant Reformation was weakening Spain's grip on its settlements.
Soldiers were losing to Indians.

The Council of Trent pushed Catholic governments to emphasize religious commitments.

Which group of English immigrants first settled in Plymouth in 1620?



Which group of English immigrants to North America were the most prosperous when they left for the colonies?



What critical resource fueled most conflicts between Native Americans and Europeans?



What European power supplied guns to the Iroquois to fend off economic competition from the Hurons?



Dutch explorers in the Americas were primarily motivated by

economic profit.
revenge against Spain.
religious obligation.
new territory to settle.

economic profit.

After receiving rights to huge tracts of land in the Middle Atlantic region of North America from King Charles II, William Penn rejected the Church of England and turned Pennsylvania into a refuge for



Who ascended to the throne of England in 1689 as a result of the Glorious Revolution?

James and Mary
William and Elizabeth
William and Mary
Franklin and Marshall

William and Mary

King James II of England and King Louis XIV of France both believed their reigns were granted by what authority?

Divine right
Military might
The people

Divine right

The first sustained war between the French and English in North America was known as

King William's War.
the American Revolution.
King Philip's War.
the French Revolution.

King William's War.

What external forces challenged traditional Native American gender roles and generational relations?

European trade practices
Increased incidence of violence
Lopsided gender ratios
Agricultural innovations

European trade practices

When did trade networks become truly global?

Late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries
Late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
Late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
Late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries

Late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries

What establishments became popular gathering places in eighteenth-century port cities where merchants, captains, and traders met to discuss new ventures and keep up with recent events?

Tippling Houses


Extensive parliamentary restrictions that limited the North American colonies' ability to trade with the rest of the world were meant to generate wealth for England but had the unintended consequence of

weakening the trade ties between England and the West Indies.
encouraging rampant piracy and other illegal activities.
making it more difficult to find buyers for goods.
creating wealth for North American merchants.

creating wealth for North American merchants.

Which group of immigrants were known as "redemptioners"—workers whose passage was paid by a shipping agent who then found an employer to pay off the fee in return for several years of work?

Irish in New Jersey
Dutch in New York
English in Massachusetts
Germans in Pennsylvania

Germans in Pennsylvania

Why did slaveholders in the Carolinas allow slaves greater autonomy than they had in the Chesapeake or West Indies?

As Anglicans, they realized that everyone was equal before God.
As Quakers, they believed in freedom and equality.
They needed the slaves for their rice-growing skills.
They believed that slaves would work more efficiently with more freedom.

They needed the slaves for their rice-growing skills.

What physical environment was most hazardous to the health of newborn babies in the eighteenth century?

Urban areas
Small towns
Family farms
Large plantations

Urban areas

Pennsylvania's founder, William Penn, belonged to which religious community?



When Moravian, Scots-Irish, and German immigrants moved to settle on Indian land throughout rural Pennsylvania, what was the result?

European immigrants used their superior weaponry and killed the Indians.
Boundaries between communities were strict and clearly marked.
The lines between Indian and European immigrant settlements blurred.
Indians dictated the terms and only gave Europeans land with infertile soil.

The lines between Indian and European immigrant settlements blurred.

Why didn't formal churches benefit from the revivals of the Great Awakening?

Established ministers blocked the movement from growing.
The ministers in charge did not want to start their own churches.
People wanted something different from institutionalized religion anyway.
The central tenets of the movement undermined established church authority.

The central tenets of the movement undermined established church authority.

In the eighteenth century, under what circumstances were women given a right to make their voice heard and participate in popular public protests?

When their grievances concerned domestic issues
When their husbands were given the right to vote
When the country was at war
When their children turned 18

When their grievances concerned domestic issues

Who maintained ultimate political authority over seventeenth-century colonial settlements?

The king of Great Britain
The democratically elected governor
The wealthiest man in town
The crown-appointed governor

The king of Great Britain

What was the important result of Lewis Morris's political work in the 1730s?

Morris was elected governor.
Ordinary freemen participated in elections.
Women were given the vote.
British libel laws were changed.

Ordinary freemen participated in elections

Many women who were accused of witchcraft had also

not regularly attended religious services.
lived next door to another accused witch.
been unable to recite the Lord's Prayer to perfection.
challenged male relatives and neighbors for property.

challenged male relatives and neighbors for property.

What practice did Puritan minister Samuel Sewell condemn as evidence of moral depravity?

Wearing black clothing instead of brightly colored fabrics
Donning powdered wigs in place of God-given hair
Reading the Bible without ministerial guidance
Reading novels, plays, and other forms of fiction

Donning powdered wigs in place of God-given hair

Women accused of practicing witchcraft were often



Why was the French and Indian War of 1754 significant for Great Britain?

Great Britain gained land in the struggle.
Great Britain was unaffected by it.
Great Britain was defeated by the French.
Great Britain lost land in the struggle.

Great Britain gained land in the struggle.

In the 1750s, struggles to further European imperial claims were inspired by signs of

British weakness in North America.
French weakness in North America.
Native American strength in North America.
Native American weakness in North America.

British weakness in North America.

What key step was necessary to finalize the Peace of Paris in 1763, drawing the French and Indian War to an end?

Dissolution of the British Empire
Land cession
Recognition of Indian sovereignty
The destruction of weapons

Land cession

What was General Jeffrey Amherst's general philosophy toward Indians?

All Indians threatened Europeans and should be exterminated.
Indians were peaceful people unjustly caught up in European wars.
Some Indians were evil and deserved to be killed.
Europeans must learn to coexist with Indians for everyone's survival.

All Indians threatened Europeans and should be exterminated.

What event during the early eighteenth century both served as a vital mode of communication and advanced efforts among colonists to forge alliances over issues of British abuse?

The Peace of Paris
The Great Awakening
Naval Impressment
The Albany Congress

The Great Awakening

Why did the king and Parliament allow local governments in the British North American colonies to exercise some control over decisions?

That was the agreement they had made with local governments.
They thought that they couldn't stop local governments even if they wanted to.
They believed that allowing local governments some sense of autonomy made it easier to rule.
The king believed in local sovereignty.

They believed that allowing local governments some sense of autonomy made it easier to rule.

What mid-eighteenth-century act restricted the supply of money in the North American colonies?

Dollar Bill Act
Treasury Act
Currency Act
Stamp Act

Currency Act

What was the effect of the Continental Congress on former colonies like Massachusetts?

It drew power away from colonial entities like Massachusetts.
It recognized the important leadership of Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty.
It emphasized the power of northern states over southern states.
It appointed Samuel Adams of Massachusetts the leader of its organizing efforts.

It drew power away from colonial entities like Massachusetts.

What was the name of the 1754 gathering of colonial leaders to discuss matters of frontier defense, trade, and territorial expansion?

The Albany Congress
The Philadelphia Union
The Continental Congress
The Constitutional Convention

The Albany Congress

How did the British crown react to news of the union forming among colonial leaders in the 1750s?

They supplied the union with weapons to further validate it.
They were glad the colonies were finally working together.
They hoped it would relieve them of burdensome decision making.
They were threatened by this newfound unity.

They were threatened by this newfound unity.

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