Why is it important to have good communication skills as a medical assistant?

is one of the most challenging an individual can pursue. With the extensive schooling, long hours, and hands-on work, it takes a special kind of person to choose and succeed at this vocation. 

For medical assistants, the challenge is amplified by not only needing to communicate effectively with patients, but also with their corresponding physician and nurses in the clinic or office. While many concepts in the medical field can be taught, there are certain interpersonal skills needed for a medical assistant that a successful candidate will come by naturally. 

Bryan University explains in today’s blog.

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Why do I need communication skills for medical assisting?

First and foremost, communication is a vital skill to possess for anyone pursuing a career as a medical assistant. Because communication is the foundation to any cohesive work environment, it’s important to understand all of the factors in forming the most effective strategy. There is standard verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, electronic communication, and appropriate patient care where medical vocations are concerned. 

Why is teamwork important for medical assisting?

As a medical assistant and thus, member of a team, it’s crucial to have the ability to work in a group setting. This not only involves communication, but teamwork, cooperation, and flexibility. An effective team member knows how to balance contributing and listening, as well as take a leadership or supporting role depending on the needs of the situation. 

Why do I need information management skills as a medical assistant?

Equally as important for a medical assistant is their ability to effectively manage the flow of information. Between patients and physicians, information can easily get lost in translation before it serves its purpose. A medical assistant is relied upon not only for the hands-on aspect of patient care, but to ease the flow of information and ensure the appropriate course of action is taken for each case. Without emphasis on information management, the treatment plan for patients will never be as informed or as effective as they could be. 

Why is adaptation important for medical assisting?

Last but certainly not least is the ability to understand and adapt systems as needed. This can range from an unofficial method of basic office tasks, or the ability to learn and improve a written process within the work environment. The allied health field is constantly adapting, and malleability is crucial for an effective medical assistant. Not only will system management improve the workplace, but it will result in growth and marketability of the employee in their career as a whole. 

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Where can I earn a diploma in medical assisting?

In conclusion, a medical assistant is an incredibly multi-faceted employee. A successful medical assistant will possess a diverse and valuable set of interpersonal skills that helped propel them forward. By hiring medical assistants with effective communication, information management, and system adaptation, the workplace will be positively impacted for both the provider and the patient. 

     Randolph, M. L. (2016). The need for soft skills in a medical assistant program (Order No. 10150269). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1833186840). Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1833186840?accountid=27877

Medical Assistants are there to help patients reach their needs. A medical assistant understands the need for effective communication and applies it in their field of work. They know the importance of knowing how to read the non-verbal messages patients make and respond to the needs they express. These include gestures and facial expressions (Bonewit-West, K. 2009). Knowing effective communications skill help the Medical assistant to observe with close attention to the patient and their needs. Medical assistants have specifics skills that helps them to preformed a quality work.
Good listening skills will lead to effective communication. As medical assistants, they actively listen to the patient, meaning that all of their attention has to focus on what the patient is saying (Bonewit-West, K, 2009). Medical assistants show compassion, empathy and sympathy for others, they bound a special connection with the patient so that the induvial can receive the same level of caring as any other patient (Maciejewski, 2007). Patient need to be heard and attended, what a best option than to have an effective Medical assistant to take care of the patient. Even though patients and medical assistant have a special bound there are boundaries that have to be observed. The medical assistant fulfills the rules and maintains a professional, friendly, simple and respectful…show more content…
In these case, the medical assistant is patient and kind at the response of the patient. They do not judge them or treated them improperly, they maintain their professionalism and thy to calm, support and help the patient in need (Maciejewski, 2007). The medical assistant is there to recall information, encourage and support the patient (Maciejewski, 2007). In me medical field, medical assistants do not minimize the significance of the disease or the procedure, instead they promote, and encourage patient to

Why is communication skills very important for a nursing assistant?

Having good communication skills is essential to collaborating on teams with your fellow nurses and colleagues from other disciplines. It's also important to patient-centered care.

How can the medical assistant be a good communication?

Essentially, medical assistants can improve their communication skills by taking the following suggestions: Pay closer attention to the words you're using when you're with a patient. Always mind your manners when you're speaking to a patient. Put more effort into to listening to each patient you encounter.

Why is professional communication so important in a medical office?

Effective communication among staff encourages effective teamwork and promotes continuity and clarity within the patient care team. At its best, good communication encourages collaboration, fosters teamwork, and helps prevent errors.

What type of communicator should a medical assistant be?

Communication Basics. As a medical assistant, you will not only be communicating with patients, but also their families, your co-workers, and other medical professionals, as part of the healthcare team. Your goal should always be to perform as a professional, effective, and empathetic communicator.