Anno 2070 startet nicht game launcher

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Well I gave it my best shot. You're right: because of the auto-updater issues, it's very difficult to start the game. Unfortunately I don't have the time to repetitively re-run, hope the auto-updater connects (which even when it does, it freezes sometimes during download, or will proceed to the game without updating at all!). So, ultimately, until the auto-updater is working properly, I can't get past the Add-on/Reboot error I get when starting the game. Even when I disable the "Anno 2070 - Complete Edition" DLC in my DLC manager, this error comes up (just seems like it's just not downloading the right files via the auto-updater):

Anno 2070 startet nicht game launcher

It's a shame, because this, IMO, is one of the best futuristic RTS games out there. A real masterpiece. I absolutely LOVE and appreciate beyond measure that the Valve team is, for the first time in history, allowing users like myself to be very, VERY close to being rid of Windows truly once and for all. We're so close!

A few things even though I overall agree but some of your statements are just plain wrong sadly (and that isn't good either):

"you can only get it here at this inferior store that you HAVE to use"

That is not entirly true. 1. You can still (and should anyway) buy it on Uplay and 2. even if you buy on Epic, you won't have to use the launcher after the game is released (for example if you purchased the division 2 on the epic store you can just launch it through Uplay as if you would have purchased on Uplay and won't ever have to open the epic launcher, you don't even need it installed)

Not only is the steam page still up for pre-orders but you won't even be able to try the game for two hours to know if it's worth they money.

Well you can still preorder on Steam until release and will get the game and all patches and DLCs on Steam. Also ofc you can try the game for two hours and refund it on Steam if you didn't like it in the end. And if you purchased on Epic you have the same two hour windows as you do on Steam.

I've waited two years for this and love the Anno games and only recently picked them up (2070) but this is ridiculous and I'm going to cancel my pre-order.

Honestly just buy on Uplay instead?

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Startet nicht nach Game Launcher


Mein Problem ist folgendes. Habe das Spiel mitlerweile 2x installiert zum test.. habe auch den patchinstalliert und mich registriert.
wenn ich das Spiel jetzt starte funktioniert das auch alles ganz gut bis zum game launcher. wenn ich dann das spiel offline starten will flackert der bildschirm ein paar mal und das wars. Der game launcher ist dann geschlossen. wenn ich versuche online ins spiel zu kommen kommt das selbe. es flackert ein paar mal und dann bekomm ich einen spielbericht angezeigt. könnt ihr mir da helfen?

Kann es sein das du evtl nen "simulierten" Ubisoft Server auf deinem PC hast? Das war Anfangs mein Problem.

Sowas muss man selbst wissen

Anno 2070 startet nicht game launcher
ich hatte es damals halt wegen Heroes ka schlag mich tot... und habs halt beim deinstalieren vergessen zu entfernen.