Based on the populist party’s vote distribution in the map, what can be inferred about the party?

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Based on the populist party’s vote distribution in the map, what can be inferred about the party?

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Based on the populist party’s vote distribution in the map, what can be inferred about the party?

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Based on the populist party’s vote distribution in the map, what can be inferred about the party?

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Based on the populist party’s vote distribution in the map, what can be inferred about the party?

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What were the main ideas of the Populist Party quizlet?

The Populist party. What were the goals of the People's party? Free coinage of silver, end to protective tariffs, end to national banks, tighter regulation of the railroads, and direct election of Senators by voters.

What was the people's Party Populists quizlet?

A U.S. political party formed in the 1890s to represent the interests of farmers and laborers. Also called the People's Party. It felt that the government was influenced by industrialists & bankers who favored gold to back U.S. dollars. Populists favored free coinage of silver and other reforms.

What does it reveal about Populist strength in the election of 1892?

What does it reveal about Populist strength in the election of 1892? There was more Populist support in the West than in the East. Rural regions of the country represented a larger portion of the Populist vote.

What position did the Populist Party support quizlet?

What position did the Populist Party support? The government should own all railroads and telephone and telegraph lines.