Due to its harsh winters, new england’s death rate was higher than that of maryland or virginia.


+Englishmen had a very well-developed sense of liberty as a result of the Magna Carta and the establishment of Parliament.


-As a result of the "Glorious Revolution," England abolished the monarchy and became a republic.


+The Virginia Company was a joint-stock company.


-Due to its harsh winters, New England's death rate was higher than that of Maryland or Virginia.


+Sir Edwin Sandys took over the Virginia Company in 1618 and instituted important changes that stabilized the colony.


+An Indian attack in 1622 killed about one fourth of Virginia's settlers, including John Rolfe.


+By the mid-1670s, many of Virginia's free white adult males owned no land, and squatting became a significant problem.


+After being banished from Massachusetts because of his strict interpretation of the Puritan faith, Roger Williams founded Rhode Island.


-Peter Stuyvesant was the defiant governor of Rhode Island.


+Delaware was originally part of Pennsylvania.


*Which is true of English society by the early 1600s?

There was a growing population of beggars and vagabonds.

*James I:

was the first of the Stuart monarchs

*One of the important factors aiding the survival of the early Jamestown settlers was:

the assistance they received from the Indians

*In the "starving time" of 1609–1610, Jamestown settlers:

ate horses, dogs, rats, boots, and mice

*The Jamestown colony finally attained a measure of prosperity from:


*In 1624, a British court dissolved the struggling Virginia Company, and Virginia:

became a royal colony

*Maryland was established in 1634 as a refuge for:

English Catholics

*The Mayflower Compact:

provided the original government for the Plymouth colony

*New England's Congregationalist churches were:


*Anne Hutchinson was kicked out of Massachusetts for:

challenging the authority of local ministers

*The English Civil War affected the American colonies by:

permitting the colonies to essentially govern themselves

*The colonies established after the Restoration were all:

proprietary colonies

*The major reason Charles II decided to wrest New Netherland from the Dutch was the threat of that colony's:

commercial success

*The first Jews in the colonies:

arrived in New Netherland

*By the early eighteenth century, the English colonies in North America:

were the most populous and prosperous on the continent

Eight "lords proprietors"


George Carteret

New Netherland

James Oglethorpe


John Smith


John Winthrop

Massachusetts Bay

What was one major way that the colonists settling in New England differed from those in the original Jamestown colony quizlet?

What was one major way that the colonists settling in New England differed from those in the original Jamestown colony? They were middle class, and most could pay their own way. By the late 1610s, what religious group had been persecuted, fled to Holland, then finally established the colony of Plymouth?

Did the Virginia Company accomplish its goals?

The Virginia Company accomplished its goals for the company and for its settlers. Believing that tobacco was harmful to one's health, King James I warned against its use. Puritans believed that the Church of England was not in need of reform. The Pilgrims intended to set sail for Cape Cod in 1620.

What was a crucial advantage that the English colonies?

What was a crucial advantage that the English colonies had over other European colonists? There was a shortage of laborers. Why was indentured servitude originally considered for the American colonies? Led by James Oglethorpe, this colony was settled for military and philanthropic reasons.

What was the purpose of the coercive acts quizlet?

The purpose of the Coercive Acts was to: punish Boston for the Tea Party. At the Battle of Bunker Hill: the British suffered major casualties.