Error creating bean with name configurationPropertiesBeans defined in class path resource zuul

Marcin Grzejszczak



I know that it sounds really bad but maybe you can try snapshots for now? Or use and stick to a particular commit? We haven't considered doing a release of this project for now.

Thanks! We’ll consider that option.

Hi. I have an application that registers custom Eureka metadata manually (using ApplicationInfoManager#registerAppMetadata). When I hit /refresh endpoint this custom metadata is gone and I need to re-register it again manually. Does anyone know if this is expected behaviour?

Where would I find out when ribbon-httpclient will be updated to use jersey 2.x vs 1.x

Or when will spring-cloud-starter-netflix-zuul be updated to not using ribbon-httpclient? It seems ribbon is in maintenance mode and will not be updated.

Olga Maciaszek-Sharma


Hi @tlann Spring-Cloud-Netflix-Zuul is now also in maintenance mode, following the decisions by Netflix to discontinue supporting Zuul 1 and moving Ribbon into maintenance; we will be maintaining it at least till the beginning of the next year, but we suggest that teams start making plans to switch from Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul to Spring Cloud Gateway

Hello all, I have couple of microservices talking to each other via Zuul api gateway. What is the best place to have Hystrix fallback technique ? Is it in Zuul or individual microservice api endpoints ?

Does @FeignClient support org.springframework.web.multipart.MultipartFile now as method parameter?

@OlgaMaciaszek we've begun discussions for our own zuul proxies because of this

im still waiting on the promised blog post about the new load balancer implementation supposedly introduced as a replacement for ribbon

Will the RestTemplate provided by RestTemplateBuilder lookup URI's that it sees like this //service-name in Eureka if it's connected without using Ribbon i.e. without being @LoadBalanced ?

Marcin Grzejszczak


@azizabah no. It needs to be load balanced to convert the hostname to ip and port

Unless you have an entry in etc/hosts

Hi all, is it possible that two zuul gateway are up when one of them is down, another automaticaly



Hi guys! I'm using Spring Cloud Gateway on production (Finchley.SR1) and I've noticed about memory leak situations. Anyone with the same issue?

Spencer Gibb


@manueldeveloper yes, there have been many fixes in Greenwich with more to come. Most of the changes are in reactor-netty



Thanks @spencergibb for the quickly answer. I'll update the project up to Greenwich and to monitor it again

Does anyone have an idea what I can do to fix Spring Cloud Functions AWS deployed:

01:32:42 |_ checkpoint ⇢ Request to GET http://localhost/2018-06-01/runtime/invocation/next [DefaultWebClient] 01:32:42 Caused by: Connection refused

(not running the custom runtime, which this seems related too?)

Hy all! I've been using eureka discovery, and recently my gateway SOMETIMES throws an error:
org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@74f827ad has not been refreshed yet
which doesn't make sense as we don't use any ApplicationContext neither on gateway nor discovery service. Any tips? Couldn't find much about it

Spencer Gibb


If you are using spring you are using an ApplicationContext.

can you post the full stack trace?

We are using it yes, but not instantiating it manually with "new" or autowiring it.

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '$RefreshableEurekaClientConfiguration': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name '': Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'eurekaClientConfigBean' defined in class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka/EurekaClientAutoConfiguration.class]: Initialization of bean failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalStateException: org.springframework.boot.context.embedded.AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext@74f827ad has not been refreshed yet

Spencer Gibb


spring boot does it for you.

Is there any more context you can provide? It looks like something is triggering a bean creation before the context is created.

we use Eureka and Ribbon, with an Api-gateway service which redirects all requests to the correct service, and in our discovery-service we have:

@SpringBootApplication @EnableEurekaServer @EnableAutoConfiguration @EnableDiscoveryClient @EnableAdminServer public class ServiceDiscovery { public static void main(String[] args) {, args); } }

this error occurs when starting api-gateway-service, but it's not a consistent error, it hapens only sometimes

Spencer Gibb


That error doesn't have anything to do with the code shown for eureka server.

Darren Wedgwood


Hi, any date for Hoxton release that’s compatible with spring boot 2.2 M3?

Spencer Gibb


@darrenbkl hopefully soon. It may end up being based on boot 2.2 m4. We'll have a better idea thursday during out weekly team meeting.

Yannick Lazzari


Hi all. Did anybody ever successfully attempted to package inside a jar, fragments of configuration that an app would usually put in its bootstrap.yml so that instead one only has to include the jar to "inherit" this configuration? Specifically, our company has tons of apps that currently use Spring Cloud Vault, and we'd like to extract out this block of configuration inside a project that the apps can then simply include in their classpath.

Reading this, we tried a naive approach of rolling out a PropertySourceLocator that builds a MapPropertySource with default values per environment we want to share across all our apps, but regardless of the order/priority we give it, its locate method never gets called before the VaultBootstrapConfiguration and VaultReactiveBootstrapConfiguration have the VaultProperties injected in their constructor.

Same if we try to define a ApplicationContextInitializer ; it's initialize method gets called too late.

Yannick Lazzari


The best we came up so far is to package a bootstrap.yml inside a separate jar, but that means it needs to contain all the bootstrap configurations that an app might need (I think).

Is what we're trying to do even possible?

Or maybe we're going about this the wrong way and there's another approach we could use that would have the same expected effect?

Error creating bean with name configurationPropertiesBeans defined in class path resource zuul

Vladyslav Nikolaienk


Anybody know when spring-cloud-function will be released?

I have a question about spring cloud gateway exception handling. I want to find similar one like zuul's error filter.
I think it can happen via GlobalFilter. Am I right?

Andrew Albert


Hello, I'm trying to deploy a webflux app to cloud foundry that depends on reactive mongodb, but AbstractCloudConfig provides support to the blocking one, is there a way to overcome this issue?

Spencer Gibb


I'm not familiar with AbstractCloudConfig, what project is it from @andyalbert?

Spencer Gibb


it's from connectors. Don't use connectors and use boot properties?

Tatum Alenko


I'm trying to configure the default logging.level.pattern based on custom configuration properties defined by default/in an external application.yaml file. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to using EnvironmentPostProcessor vs ApplicationReadyEvent listener?

Tatum Alenko


Is there a way to determine whether the current context is the cloud context?

Caleb Cushing


with -vault, is there a way to have vault config on the classpath but not enabled?

I added it so we could use it for production, but didn't configure it, and it's causing the test suite to fail due to configuration