Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh


There is a time gap of 2 hours, in Arunachal Pradesh sun rises 2 hrs earlier than Gujrat.

  • Answered by: Yogisree V. from Visakhapatnam
  • Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh


The time lag from Gujarat to Arunach Pradesh is of 2 hrs.

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    Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh

    Avinash K. from Delhi
  • Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh


there is a time gap of 4min between two consecutive longitude. And the longitudional difference between Gujrat and Arunachal Pradesh is about 30. so we can calculate the time difference----

  • 30*4min = 120min = 2hour.

  • Answered by:

    Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh

    Kausturi M. from Kolkata
  • Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh


Time lag between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh is 2 hrs. 

  • Answered by:

    Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh

    Sonika K. from Kolkata
  • Explain the main reasons behind two hour time gap between gujarat and arunachal pradesh


The longitudinal difference between India's eastern and western boundaries is of 30°. For every 1° there is a time gap of 4 minutes. So for 30° there will be a time gap of 30*4= 120 minutes or 2 hours. So there is a time gap of 2 hours between Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh.

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The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the West but the watches show the same time because the Longitudinal distance between them is 30 degrees. There are 24 time zones on Earth, each lasting one hour. As a result, each zone covers 15 degrees of longitude, with a difference of 4 minutes in each longitude.

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Sun Rises in Arunachal Pradesh as Compared to Gujarat

Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat are about 30 degrees apart, so there is a time gap of two hours between them. Since Arunachal Pradesh is located in the east, the sun rises earlier than in Gujarat. However, due to the Indian Standard Meridian, the clock is displayed at the same time.

The Earth's globe is divided into two by 360 meridians. The meridians from 1 to 180 are called the eastern meridian, while the range 181-360 is called the western meridian. The standard meridian in India is 82.30 degrees east. Since Meridian 82.30 passes through Mirzapur, Indian Standard Time (IST) is based on local time on this meridian for the entire country.

The local time of Gujarat and Arunachal Pradesh is different. There is a time difference of two hours between these two states. As a result, to avoid chaos and confusion, it is important to adopt some central meridian as the country's standard time. Hence Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat show the same time on their clocks.

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FAQs on Sun Rises in Arunachal Pradesh as Compared to Gujarat

  • The sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the West but the watches show the same time. How does this happen?

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