Humans who participate in a research study are properly called research subjects Quizlet

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Terms in this set (41)

Ethics is the study of:

Proper action

Chantelle is studying how teenage mothers interact with their toddlers. She pays them $250 to allow her to tape their interactions for two hours. Why is this approach problematic?

Researchers must take care to ensure that they do not exert undue influence when recruiting research participants. The amount of money Chantelle is offering may put undue pressure on mothers who may be struggling financially.

Research ethics involves:

Coming to a consensus regarding appropriate conduct in research

Why did the Milgram obedience study bring the questionable treatment of human participants to the forefront?

They endured constant harassment because their names were made public.
They experienced shame and embarassment for having behaved inhumaneky toward others.
They feared that they could be physically harmed at any moment during the study.
They suffered serious health complications after being shocked repeatedly.

They experienced shame and embarassment for having behaved inhumaneky toward others; His study participants were instructed to use electric shocks to punish other individuals when they made errors during a learning task (but no shocks were actually given). No physical harm sustained.

The National Research Act mandates that:

Federal funding for stem cells research is prohibited.
Protection of animal subjects is upheld.
Protection of human participants is upheld.
Federal funding for animal research is prohibited

Protection of human participants is upheld

What 3 basic principles regarding the protection of human subjects are identified in the Belmont Report?

1) Principle of respect (autonomy) for persons requires that individuals should consent to participate in studies

2)Principle of beneficence requires that the researcher maximize possible benefits to participants, minimize risks to participants, and not harm the participants

3) Principle of justice requires fairness in procedures for selecting participants.

According to the APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct (APA 2002, 2010), what characterizes informed consent?

Is necessary only if experimental treatments will be used in the study.
Must be obtained using legally binding language.
Should be obtained using reasonably understood language.
Language should be clearly state whether deception is going to be used in the study.

Informed consent should be obtained using reasonably understood language; Exceptions are activities not needing consent.

What is one solution to the dilemma of clinical equipoise?

Compare treatments with animal subjects but not with human subjects.
Give 1 group of subjects a placebo to establish whether the experimental treatment is effective.
Compare treatments when there is uncertainty about which treatment is best.
Give all subjects the same treatment

Compare treatments when there is uncertainty about which treatment is best; The basic concept of clinical equipoise is that clinicians have an ethical responsibility to provide the best possible treatment for their patients. However, many research studies evaluate and compare different treatment options by randomly assigning patients to different treatments. Conducting studies that compare only equally preferred treatments, such as when a researcher has honest uncertainty about which treatment is best.

True or False: Active Deception Application

Trey, who tells study participants the experiment focuses on eye functioning, when in fact it is on sexual attraction


True or False: Active Deception Application

Bonnie, who doesn't tell the study participants that they're being videotaped while they perform a memory task

False; Passive Deception

True or False: Active Deception Application

Sergei, who places a microphone in the laboratory without informing the study participants and asks them to repeat words on a screen

False; Passive Deception

True or False: Active Deception Application

Mila, who secretly watches the behaviour of study participants while they play video games with violent content

False; Passive Deception

In a study involving deception, which APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct principle is most compromised?

Privacy and confidentiality
Informed consent
No harm

Informed consent; In any study involving deception, the principle of informed consent is compromised because participants are not given complete and accurate information. In these situations, a researcher has a special responsibility to safeguard the participants.

What are the 7 basic IRB criteria?

Minimization of Risk to Participants,
Reasonable Risk in Relation to Benefits,
Equitable Selection,
Informed Consent,
Documentation of Informed Consent,
Data Monitoring,
Privacy and Confidentiality.

What is 1 basic IRB criteria for studies involving human subjects?

Reasonable Risk in Relation to Benefits
Unambiguous Selection Criteria
Zero Tolerance for Risk
Requirement for Compensation

Reasonable Risk in Relation to Benefits

Which research proposal would most likely be classified as a Category I (Exempt Review) proposal by the IRB?

- If the research presents no possible risk to adult participants.
- Examples are include anonymous, mailed surveys on innocuous topics and anonymous observation of public behavior.
- This research is exempted from the requirements of INFORMED consent.

Which research proposal would most likely be classified as a Category II (Expedited Review) proposal by the IRB?

- Classroom research projects
- If the research presents no more than minimal risk to participants.
- It typically includes research on individual/group behaviour of normal adults where there is no psychological intervention/deception.
- This research is exempted from the requirements of INFORMED consent, requires ORAL consent

Which research proposal would most likely be classified as a Category III (Full Review) proposal by the IRB?

- Used for proposals that include questionable elements
- Researcher v IRB members interview
- IRB members would help develop the researcher's research plan to protect the human participants

In the context of a research study, how does error differ from fraud?

An error is an honest mistake.

How did Milgram's Obedience Study disobeyed the principle of respect?

His participants didn't know that they were in an experiment on obediences

How did the Tuskegee study disobeyed the principle of respect?

Their participants weren't informed that there was an effective treatment for their disease

How did Milgram's Obedience Study disobeyed the principle of beneficence?

His participants experienced personal distress

How did Tuskegee study disobeyed the principle of beneficence?

Their participants experienced physical harm. It was too vile that in 1997, Former US Pres. Bill Clinton apologized to survivors and family members for the US govt.'s role in the research study 65 years later

How did Tuskegee study disobeyed the principle of justice?

Everyone could benefit from understanding syphilis. However, only poor, African-American males were used as participants. Thus, it unduly bore the burden of risk

What kind of research was the focus for the most of the early attempts to establish ethical research guidelines?

Psychological research with animal objects
Psychological research with humans
Medical research with animal objects
Medical research with humans

Medical research with humans

Which principle of the Belmont Report corresponds to the guidelines of "No Harm"?

None of the Belmont principles corresponds to "No Harm"


If a researcher explains what will happen in a research study using language that potential participants probably can't understand, then what ethical guideline is being violated?

Preventing harm
Informed consent

Informed consent

True or False: IRB's responsibility

They decide whether the process for selecting participants is fair and equitable


True or False: IRB's responsibility

They decide whether it's necessary to have a signed informed consent form for each participant


True or False: IRB's responsibility

They decide whether the privacy and confidentially of participants is protected


The guidelines for nonhuman subjects in research are similar to the guidelines for human participants but also include extra provisions concerning what additional topic(s)?

Medical care
Daily maintenance
All of the above

All of the above

IRB or IACUC: Guess which committee is responsible for it

Review of research proposals


IRB or IACUC: Guess which committee is responsible for it

Minimizing risk of harm to those participating in research


IRB or IACUC: Guess which committee is responsible for it

Insuring informed consent


IRB or IACUC: Guess which committee is responsible for it

Insuring that researchers are qualified


True or False: In the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
Conduct, this ethical guideline is upheld...

Only psychologists who are the principle investigators of a study may handle animals


True or False: In the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
Conduct, this ethical guideline is upheld...

Psychologists must perform animal surgical procedures under appropriate anesthesia

True; They should also follow techniques to avoid infection and minimize pain during and after surgery

True or False: In the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
Conduct, this ethical guideline is upheld...

Psychologists must not terminate the life of an animal for the sole purpose of benefitting a study


True or False: In the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of
Conduct, this ethical guideline is upheld...

Psychologists must not conflict any type of distress/discomfort upon an animal


The US Dept. of Agriculture's requirements for the use of non humans in research can be found in the _________________________________

Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals

Institutions that conduct research with animals have an animal-use review board called an _________________________________

Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

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What is human participation in research?

A human participant in research is a living individual about whom a researcher obtains (1) data through intervention or interaction or (2) identifiable private information.

What is one major reason that researchers use nonhumans as subjects?

However, the most important reason why animals are used is that it would be wrong to deliberately expose human beings to health risks in order to observe the course of a disease. Animals are needed in research to develop drugs and medical procedures to treat diseases.

What name is given to the group of individuals from which researchers actually select participants for research studies group of answer choices?

A sample is a subset of individuals from a larger population. Sampling means selecting the group that you will actually collect data from in your research. For example, if you are researching the opinions of students in your university, you could survey a sample of 100 students.

Which of the following is one of the basic principles of research involving human participants?

Three basic principles, among those generally accepted in our cultural tradition, are particularly relevant to the ethics of research involving human participants: the principles of respect of persons, beneficence and justice.