Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan

Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan

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Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan

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Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan


This answer contains spoilers… (view spoiler)[A contacts the Reverend and asks if it's possible to be taught to stay in a body longer than a day. A wants desperately to stay with Rhiannon, I think, but the Reverend is cold and doesn't even mention the consequences for the person A takes over. That scares A. He doesn't want to condemn another person to a life of bouncing between bodies, or worse, simply steal their body and obliterate them from existence. He knows he can't stay, and so he says goodbye to Rhiannon and leaves the body with fond memories of the day in hope that they can live happily ever after. He wants Rhiannon to be happy in a way he knows he can't make her. And so when he wakes up in a different body again, just like every other day, he decides he has to run away. It is mentioned earlier in the book that he never travels far when waking in new bodies. So if he goes far away he'll wake up in a body far away. No chance of waking up another student at Rhiannon's school, or bumping into her at the mall. It's a fresh start, for both of them. He knows the body he is in will be able to get back home the following day and now that he knows he can manipulate memories, I'm sure he'll leave her with some kind of explanation as to why she wakes up far from home. Or at least that's how I interpreted it. (hide spoiler)]

Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan

Forest There is a prequel to this book called "Six Earlier Days". "Every Day" starts at Day 5994, this features 6 extra chapters to A's life before that. The…moreThere is a prequel to this book called "Six Earlier Days". "Every Day" starts at Day 5994, this features 6 extra chapters to A's life before that. There is also a sequel to it called "Rhiannon" which is from Rhiannon's POV.(less)

Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan

Songbird3784 Yes, there is a book in Rhiannon's perspective called Another Day. It will be released on Amazon August 25.…moreYes, there is a book in Rhiannon's perspective called Another Day. It will be released on Amazon August 25.(less)

Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan

Ellie Blackwood

This answer contains spoilers… (view spoiler)[I agree with you there -- I loved Every Day with a passion, but Another Day is just meh. I did actually read it all the way through, but there's nothing important that didn't get covered in the first book. The only thing you need to know is that at the end, Rhiannon wakes up and decides to go find A instead of staying with Alexander like A wants her to.

Basically, you don't need to bother reading it. If you look at the spoiler I hid, you'll know everything you need to know about the setup for the next book. (hide spoiler)]

Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan

Jovana This book can be found in your local library, bookstore, you can read online for free or download it

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Letztendlich sind wir dem universum egal david levithan