What impact did capitulations have on the ottoman empire during european industrialization?

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journal article

Institutional Change and the Longevity of the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1800

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History

Vol. 35, No. 2 (Autumn, 2004)

, pp. 225-247 (23 pages)

Published By: The MIT Press


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The central bureaucracy of the Ottoman Empire adapted the empire's economic, monetary, and military institutions to changing circumstances with a degree of flexibility and pragmatism that permitted the empire to endure longer than contemporary empires in Asia and Western Europe. However, because it directed its policies primarily toward preserving the traditional order, including its own dominance, it tended to stifle capital accumulation in private hands and the creation of a broad power base, thus ultimately leading to the empire's disintegration.

Journal Information

The Journal of Interdisciplinary History features substantive articles, research notes, review essays, and book reviews relating historical research and work in applied fields such as economics and demographics. Spanning all geographical areas and periods of history, topics include: social history demographic history psychohistory political history family history economic history cultural history technological history

Publisher Information

Among the largest university presses in the world, The MIT Press publishes over 200 new books each year along with 30 journals in the arts and humanities, economics, international affairs, history, political science, science and technology along with other disciplines. We were among the first university presses to offer titles electronically and we continue to adopt technologies that allow us to better support the scholarly mission and disseminate our content widely. The Press's enthusiasm for innovation is reflected in our continuing exploration of this frontier. Since the late 1960s, we have experimented with generation after generation of electronic publishing tools. Through our commitment to new products—whether digital journals or entirely new forms of communication—we have continued to look for the most efficient and effective means to serve our readership. Our readers have come to expect excellence from our products, and they can count on us to maintain a commitment to producing rigorous and innovative information products in whatever forms the future of publishing may bring.

How did industrialization impact the Ottoman Empire?

Their wares increasingly displaced traditional Ottoman products, made Ottoman handicraftsmen jobless, reduced Ottoman internal sources of taxes, and so contributed to eventual European control of Ottoman finances.

How did European imperialism affect the Ottoman Empire?

As European empires expanded, particularly during the 18th and 19th centuries, they targeted the Ottoman domains as regions into which they could expand. The Russian, British, French, and Austro-Hungarian empires each took over areas which had been parts of the Ottoman Empire during this time.

What impact did Suleyman I have on the Ottoman Empire?

Under Süleyman, popularly known as “the Magnificent” or “the Lawmaker,” the Ottoman empire reached the apogee of its military and political power. Süleyman's armies conquered Hungary, over which the Ottomans maintained control for over 150 years, and they advanced as far west as Vienna, threatening the Habsburgs.

What did the capitulations do?

capitulation, in the history of international law, any treaty whereby one state permitted another to exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction over its own nationals within the former state's boundaries. The term is to be distinguished from the military term “capitulation,” an agreement for surrender.